WarLight has just been updated to version 3.00.0! This update launches the previously announced coins feature!
Coins are a way that you can make money by winning WarLight games. On the WarLight website, there is now a new Coins tab at the top. Here you can deposit/withdraw coins, as well as join and create coin games.
To get started with coin games, deposit some coins into your account and then join a game or challenge someone!
Special Event – 50 player FFA!
To commemorate the launch of 3.0, we’re also launching a one-time special event: a 50 player free-for-all coin game! This is the biggest game of WarLight ever played! And the winner gets 10,000 coins ($100 USD)!
Be sure to join quick, as this event is only open to the first 50 players who join it, and then it’s gone. Join it now!
End-Game Window
Whenever any game ends, WarLight now pops up a new window that gives you some summary information about the game:
The Rematch button provides an easy way to re-play games with the same people and same settings.
Other Changes
– Game/tournament links are now automatically shown in your browser’s address bar, instead of being shown in the settings.
– The points bar in the top-right was replaced by a coin counter. You can instead see your level progress by hovering over your level in the upper right, or clicking Settings -> Points.
– Increased the number of unearned achievements shown to the player from 5 to 10.
– During the process of joining an auto game, if the game starts without you, you’ll simply be taken to its replacement instead of thrown into spectator mode.
– Eliminated the “Home” tab. Moved Change History and About to Help, Maps to Community, and Unlockables to Settings
– Using “https” is now required, and accessing http://warlight.net will redirect to https://www.warlight.net. Because of this change, you may have to sign in again if you weren’t previously signed into https://www.warlight.net
I’m curious: did you add even more colours to the game to support 50 players, or is there now a stripe system of some kind?
How long until servers start working on Mobile?
The end game window appear even though the game isn’t over.
In a 2v2 game my teammate is still alive (I surrendered) and the end-game window popped up, is that intended?
You’re right, I didn’t explain it correctly. I call it the “end game window” but really it appears whenever the game has ended for you, such as if you get booted or surrender or are eliminated. Most people don’t stick around until the game really ends so it makes sense to show it to them when they’re out.
Oh okay, that makes sense. Thanks
hi, I would like to understand why I do not enter in warlight from my mobile phone
What are you trying to do?
Fizzer I was trying to let my brother check his messages on warlight and it wont let me sign out . everytime I go to sign out it just refreshes the page and it wont let me sign out so he, my brother , cant sign in
You don’t forget to pay Value Added Tax (VAT)? For my german membership and for the coins it is 19%. In some european countries it is higher.
First things first: I’m not a lawyer.
I think German tax law does not apply; even though you’re sitting in a chair in Germany, the server is in the USA and the purchase actually counts as happening in the USA as well. So I think the correct question would be whether VAT is paid according to whatever state Fizzer is in (or something; the USA’s legal system is too complex for my taste :p but Americans should know how that works).
IANAL too, but there is a difference between income tax and VAT. You pay tax on your income in the country where you live, and you pay VAT in the country where you sell and where the customer lives.
Maybe this link can help for the start, I think the last parts of the text say it:
Can you please put the game link back in settings? Some of us use the Chrome Application Shortcuts to play WarLight and therefore can’t see the address bar. It’s very inconvenient to have to open a new Chrome window just to get the link.
Hey I was just wondering how the coins work. Lets say I hypothetically buy $150 worth of coins. I would get 15000 plus a bonus 1500 coins for 16500 coins. But then I could turn around and withdraw two stacks of $75 for 7500 coins of Withdraw $150 for 15000 coins. This means that I would have gained a free 1500 coins or $15. Am I wrong or what am I missing.