Announcing Warzone (WarLight 2)!

I’m pleased to announce that WarLight will officially be getting a sequel!

Warzone builds upon WarLight, adding tons of new features and capabilities, while retaining all of the amazing maps and gameplay that we enjoy today.

New Features

  • The entire game has been re-written from scratch in Unity for all platforms (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux). The game is sleeker, easier to use, and is all around a much better experience.
  • Quickmatch makes it easy to jump into multi-player games! No longer do you have to search through a list of open games. Just click Play, and you’re playing a fun multi-player game!
  • Commerce games adds an economy to your empire. Build cities to tax to afford more armies, but be sure to defend them!
  • Mods allow customizing the game in ways never before imagined! Mods are easy to use — there’s nothing to download or install, and they even work on iOS and Android!
  • In team games, your teammates’ orders are displayed right on the screen so you can see where your teammates are attacking or what territories they’re picking with ease!
  • If you change another player’s color, it now saves that change so you don’t need to do it again in that game
  • Games don’t have a refresh button anymore. Warzone keeps a socket connected to the server, so any time a turn advances or chat message comes in, it appears immediately.
  • When starting a game, your starting territories are highlighted and zoomed so you can always know where you started
  • Best of all, it’s still free! If you’ve purchased or unlocked anything for your WarLight account, such as a membership or colors, it will still be fully usable in Warzone with no additional fees.
  • And more! There are many more improvements not mentioned here.

iOS or Android user?

Do you play WarLight on your iOS or Android device? Warzone will blow your mind!

In addition to getting all of the above features, there’s a slew of new stuff coming specifically for mobile users:

  • Make your own single-player levels, or play those created by the community!
  • Link territories in chat!
  • Easily see territory names and connections with the new magnifying glass button!
  • When building custom scenarios, you can assign bonuses all at once
  • Use autopilot to allow the AI to enter orders for you
  • A new, mobile-friendly, website
  • Spin the Coin Wheel to win free coins!


I’m working hard at finishing Warzone, and it will launch as soon as it’s ready. I hope to launch it before the end of the year. Stay tuned to the blog for more information. I hope you’re as excited as I am!

48 thoughts on “Announcing Warzone (WarLight 2)!”

  1. I’ve seen the Warzone name before. But I thought it was dropped^^

    The name aside, I hope the early issues with unity are fixed soon. Most importantly, that it is real darn slow compared to the old game.
    The other changes, I’ll see as they come. I understand the need for continuous development, but a big overhaul such is this one is always a bit scary.

      1. i’ve noticed that on machines with low-end graphic cards unity version is really slow and laggy(and i mean playing experience not loading time) even if it has nice cpu and fair amount and RAM

  2. Hey Fizzer,

    I partly agree with you. Once ingame, gameplay seems faster than in the flash client. It’s just that the load times for the client and individual games are very long compared to flash. I’ll send you a bit more detail in a bug report, I hope that helps you figure this out!

  3. I assume that removing possibility to withdraw coins allows you to give out some coins. The questions is how it affect the possibility to buy ingame stuff by coins ? (in other words – do you plan to remove it too or change 100 coin = 1$ rate)

  4. Any chance of the site being easier to use and look better on small devices (e.g. smartphones and tablets) other than just the core game?

  5. on all (modern and fast) desktop computers I tried Unity load time is ridiculously long, 10x or 20x longer than the old flash version, and a few times slower than Unity on Android. Seems like the issue is the download time for various components – but that is on various independent fast internet connections…

    also can confirm that on a mid-level laptop (4-5 year old core i5) with integrated GPU Unity is also sometimes laggy during gameplay

    1. On most platforms, you’ll still be able to use the old game for the foreseeable future. On Android you can install the APK, and on the website you’ll still be able to switch into Flash mode. The only exception is iOS, where unless your device is jailbroken, Apple doesn’t allow installing old apps.

  6. Such a great renewal deserves a new name. Time to turn off the flashlight and move into unity zone.

    New version will contain diplomacy free for all capable to make alliances during the game with all teamgame features? Like custom team creation in ffa games with capped or not teams. If the diplo teams brake up when all foe eliminated it remain a ffa at all. And capable of declare war with transparent diplomatic relations table. Those certain diplomacy things.

    Or these features remain for the Warzone 2?

    1. Through the mod framework, all that stuff is possible, yes! I believe there’s already mods to do all of those things, look at the “Advanced Diplo v2” mod.

  7. Will you be able to add cities in custom scenario? I think it would greatly improve balancing of scenarios, it would fix a whooole lot of issues. Also, please make it easier to change territory values.

  8. Map rating and searching system need renewal too. The most needed is the freedom of rating. As already has tousands of maps nobody will play all just to rate them, it can ease this with single surrender but its just an unnesessary obstacle. The best would be not just free rating on the map’s page but free rating directly on map list!

    As Warlight developed the maps developed along with it. There are good old maps with hundreds of 5 stars which would get just 3 today. There are much better maps which would be 5 in the old times but today get only 3 with the current quality standards. For an up-to-date map list need an easy map rating system and maybe a rate renewal campaign along with the game renewal.

    Also would be nice to search maps (with keeping the sort lists too) like “200-300 territory + fictional map + single bonuses + at least 3.5 rate”. It would be a good way to find standard bonus, single bonus or special bonus maps. Would be nice also some new categories like actual, historic, fantasy or sci-fi maps, world, continent, country, region or city maps. Just build in to editor these categories and the designers will specify their own map and you have nothing to do, although abandoned old maps need specification once.

    Thanks to mapmakers there are great diverstity of maps, Warzone should present this rich store of maps with appropriate map page.

  9. Will your level transfer over, or will we have to start from scratch. I am worried I won’t be able to create custom scenarios anymore if so.

    1. “If youรขโ‚ฌโ„ขve purchased or unlocked anything for your WarLight account, such as a membership or colors, it will still be fully usable in Warzone”

  10. i think changing the name is going to make warlight harder to find as the googleplay store already have games with similar name. also the logo looks like every shitty mobile game

  11. so excited! i know theres a lot of work to do but the game will be so improved, it will take the game to the next level
    especially looking forward to the mods and more people that can play them
    right now i have to say, the alpha is a bit laggy and freezes often in my experience, since the new update a few days ago, i know everything will be perfect by release though ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. I’m also wondering if the diplomacy templates currently in WarLight would be transferable to Warzone?

  13. Thank you so much!

    I hope that the Warlight community grows exponentially after this new update!

    My favorite feature is the saved color for other players.

  14. Since an economy was available in the Warzone, it would be fine to have possibility to take credits from another countries, to sell and buy armies to/from another players in multiplayer games.

  15. You know, I am actually excited for the potential this will bring to diplomacy games. Especially the economy feature. I am also happy that the mobile version will be getting a huge boost. Oh, question actually, will the mobile users be able to view links? As in, we don’t have to type out the URL in our browser.

  16. The main feature i wish for would be improved clan communication. Any news on that front? Even if there was just an option to highlight more when there are new clan forum posts that would be something…

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