From Warzone Wiki
One of Warzone's greatest features is how configurable games are. This page enumerates all of the settings that go into a game or tournament.
Contents |
[edit] Core Game Settings
- Game Name
- Map
- Ranked versus Practice
- Fog Level
- Multi Attack
- Move Order
- Private Messaging
- Random Teams
- Open Seat Prerequisites
- Game creator's personal message
- Linking your Game
[edit] Initial Territory Distribution
- Automatic versus Manual distribution
- Distribution Mode
- Territory Limit
- Initial Armies per Territory
- Non-distribution neutrals
- In-distribution neutrals
- Number of Wastelands
- Size of Wastelands
- Custom Distribution
[edit] Army Settings
- Base armies per turn
- Luck Modifier
- Rounding mode
- Extra armies for territories
- Army Cap
- Offensive Kill Rate
- Defensive Kill Rate
- Local deployments
- No-split mode
- Overridden Bonuses
- Attacking by Percentage
- One Army Must Stand Guard
- Commanders
- Bosses
[edit] Boot/Surrender Settings
- Real-Time versus Multi-Day
- Vote-to-boot time
- Direct boot time
- Automatic boot time
- Banking boot amount
- Vacations honored
- Booted players turn into AIs
- Surrendered players turn into AIs
- Surrenders must be accepted
- AI surrenders when one human remains
[edit] Card Settings
- Number of card pieces per turn
- Maximum number of cards you can hold
- Visibility of opponents playing cards
- Visibility of opponent's cards
[edit] Tournament Settings
- Tournament Type
- Team Size
- Can Forward Invites
- Open Tournament
- Number of Rounds
- Teams per Game (single-elimination only)
- Games at a time (round-robin only)
[edit] Sample Settings Screen