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Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 04:19:54

Level 63

Better late than never! (right?)

Voting is now open, and will close at end of day June 30, 2024

- Strongest 1v1 player - the best/strongest player, using whatever criteria you apply to 'best' or 'strongest'
- Strongest 2v2 team - the best/strongest 2v2 team, using whatever criteria you apply to 'best' or 'strongest'
- CW MVP - a player who has contributed the most to his/her clan's Clan Wars results in 2023 (doesn't necessarily have to be a top 5 team)
- CL MVP - a player who has contributed the most to his/her clan's Clan League 16 results (doesn't necessarily have to be a Division A team or even a team that won their division, but their contributions were phenomenal to get good results), and remember this is CL16, not the currently ongoing and unfinished CL17
- Popular vote - cast a vote for whoever you think the most popular Warzoner is, whatever criteria you wish to use for this
- Community member of the Year - someone who did the most for the community in 2023
- Best clan - vote for best clan; not necessarily the strongest clan/players/highest WRs, not specific to Clan Wars, Clan League or any other event, but whatever clan provides the "best place to be" for its members
- GOAT - vote for the player whether active or inactive who you feel has earned the status of Warzone Greatest Of All Time as of Dec 2023
- Infamous - vote for the player who is well-known for something other than their amazing WZ gameplay (other categories for this) or sparkling GC personality (see category below for this)
- Best CW match - the most riveting Clan Wars game to watch the replay of; all templates are eligible
- Best 1v1 match - the most riveting 1v1 game to watch the replay of; all templates are eligible
- Best team 2v2 match - the most riveting 2v2 game to watch the replay of; all templates are eligible
- Best FFA match - the most interesting FFA game that occurred, either do to gameplay, game settings, etc; let's define FFA here as any game with 10+ players, no teams, no diplo involved
- Best diplo match - the most interesting FFA game that occurred, either do to gameplay, game settings, etc; let's define Diplo here as any game with 10+ players that isn't a straight up team vs team game, isn't an FFA and requires declarations for war/alliances/etc
- Best mentor - someone who you feel is a fantastic mentor or trainer, the best you've ever had or have seen mentoring others
- Best game mod - coolest new mod of 2023 (note: these are Mods that change the mechanics of a Warzone Classic game, not a chat moderator); the list of mods created in 2023 can be seen at this link (thanks Dutchman & DanWL): https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Category:Mods_made_public_during_2023
- Best GC personality - whoever you think brought life to Global Chat in 2023
- Best n00b Warzoner - best new non-alt player of 2023
- Best Idler - just kidding, this isn't really a category
- Best player tagline - that you can honestly say existed on that person's profile in 2023; provide the tagline & the user name/profile URL
- Best Mapmaker - who made the best map in 2023 (or the best maps, if making multiple maps is key to being the 'best' in your opinion)
- Best New Map - which map from 2023 really excited you

- Vote only using your main account
- Any alts casting votes will nullify your votes for all your accounts including your main
- To vote, REPLY TO THIS THREAD using the following format:
[category name] your response goes here
- Don't use square brackets [ or ] anywhere else in your responses other than to designated the category names
- Provide as many responses as you like. Answer them all, answer just one or pick and choose, it's up to you. But remember that these are the 2023 Warzone Awards, so pls restrict your answers to things that ended by Dec 31, 2023
- You can just answer the question, or you can add some reasoning for your answer.
- When giving responses for players, you can just use their names if they are well-known players (eg: Alex, Rufus, Tacky, Norme, Gunslinger, etc) but for anyone whose name you can't just drop into a message in GC and be sure everyone knows who you mean, you'd best provide the player URL (eg: https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=7733320768&u=alexclusive_1 for Alex); and same goes if there are multiple players by that name (eg: Xeno likely means https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=3262000156&u=Xenophon_1 or maybe his alt https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=4282292854&u=Xeno_2 you're talking about WZC but if you got confused b/c of my Idle joke above you might actually have meant https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=41133442645&u=Xeno_3)
- Be clear in your response - I'm not going to ask for clarifications on what you mean, I'm just gonna roll either with exactly what you provide, what I think you meant by it, or discard the response if I can't figure it out.

Here's a template you cut and paste for easy use:

[Strongest 1v1 player]
[Strongest 2v2 team]
[Popular vote]
[Community member of the Year]
[Best clan]
[Best CW match]
[Best 1v1 match]
[Best team 2v2 match]
[Best FFA match]
[Best diplo match]
[Best mentor]
[Best game mod]
[Best GC personality]
[Best n00b Warzoner]
[Best player tagline]
[Best Mapmaker]
[Best New Map]

Example responses:
[Best GC personality] RaffleBot, https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=78106080953&u=RaffleBot_2
[Infamous] krinid, https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=79105823914&u=krinid_1, b/c he sure as hell ain't known for his stellar WZ skills
[Best CW match] https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=38145429

Edited 6/24/2024 05:33:52
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 04:34:22

Level 59
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 04:58:20

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
I wonder who will win best mapmaker.
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 05:01:50

Level 65
[Strongest 1v1 player] stefano36000
[Community member of the Year] Texx
[Best clan] HAWKS
[GOAT] Rufus
[Best mentor] Roi Joleil
[Best game mod] Randomized Bonuses
[Best GC personality] WarTog
[Best Mapmaker] Lionheart
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 05:58:27

Level 61
Hope I did this right. This sounds like fun!

[Strongest 1 v 1 player] Buns 157
[Strongest 2 v 2 team] Bodski & Texx (strong CL team, and their exploits are often heard in GC)
[CW MVP] Matutake (Prime) (likely the strongest foe one can ever face in SE1W)

[Popular vote] Texx (tough opponent, biggest leader of Harmony, involved heavily in AWP, strong GC personality, he has it all)
[Community member of the year] Samurai Jack (the SDC podcast gives so much valuable insight to every person he interviews, including ones less well known)
[Best clan] HAWKS (one of the longest lasting clans who still stay true to its original purpose)
[GOAT] Rufus (his dominance in the MTL sustained over six years is spectacular)
[Infamous] NONO (the documentation of his alt army and sabotaging CW just to spite Fizzer says it all, really)
[Best CW match] https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=33724615 (this is one of the most improbable wins in com LD possible)

[Best GC personality] WarTog (one of the only users who keeps the kayfabe up at all times in his posts)
[Best mapmaker] Lionheart (In addition to the below map, the Trippel Tafl board in both versions is so fun to play with in QM & seasonal games)
[Best new map] Pellilu 1944 (Lionheart) (so much historical accuracy documented in the forum thread that detailed its development)
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 08:14:36

Level 63
[Strongest 1v1 player] tornado - a lot of players to chose from but on a subjective note he is the one I can't beat (tornado if you're reading, it will happen one day!)

[Strongest 2v2 team] adrenaline & FleXUS - they crush anyone that face them in the ladder and in CW

[CW MVP] FleXUS - both for games results and managing skills is top notch. (If the wording on the category was more precise to only account for games results in relations to his clan I would have said Texx)

[CL MVP] rakleader - numbers don't lie

[Popular vote] Tacky - everybody knows him and likes him (how could they not? he's awesome)

[Community member of the Year] Let's fight - CL organizer is the most ungrateful job there is, he did it greatly!

[Best clan] HAWKS - no brainer, no need for explanations, everybody knows it

[Infamous] Texx - Hate it or love it, he always makes people talk (I love it). On his way to be one of the greatest, mark my words

[Best mentor] Let's fight - he taught me all I know

[Best GC personality] stefano36000 - makes GC great again!

[Best Mapmaker] Lionheart - mapmaker GOAT

[Best New Map] https://www.warzone.com/Map/44165-Star-Wars-RP-Map-BWing-Edition by Coenquistatore - it's made with passion

[Best idler] Ivan0 - why not a real category? Stop being elitist, idlers have a scientific approach and put in the effort, they deserve recognition

Edited 6/18/2024 08:16:33
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 08:53:23

Level 61
Strongest 1v1 Player:

Rufus is a clear 1st. Tornado clear 2nd.

MTL: Consistently in 1st
CL: 13-5
Seasonal: 2nd, 8th & 5th
1v1 Ladder: Consistently 1st place since May overhaul

MTL: Consistently in 2nd
CL: 7-5
Seasonal: 6th
World Tour: Tour Finals champ & 1st in 2023 season

CW MVP (S25 - 40):

Other candidates would be Matutake or StealthFalcon (MrPotato).

308 wins in 2023. Top 10 wins in 13 out of 16 seasons, but most wins only once (S28).

263 wins in 2023. Most wins in 4 seasons (S29, 31, 34 & 36), but only got top 10 in one other season.

298 wins in 2023. Top 10 in 10 seasons. Most wins twice (S25 & 27)

master of desaster

Between rakleader and master of desaster. Both went 14-4 in Div A, tying most ever wins in Div A in the CLOT era, which was set by MoD in the previous season.

Popular vote:

Community member:
I feel dirty saying it….. but FiveSmith. He creates the best resources for CW. His newsletters are great. And he also makes interesting forum threads, too.

JK_3, JustinR17, Let’s Fight or Samurai Jack are good shouts, too.

Best Clan:



Best 1v1 match:
Rufus’ comeback vs Tornado in CL

Best GC personality:

Hatter, BobGod, otto, GODZILLAREDSTAR, alexclusive krinid & JK_3 are other cool GC dudes.

Best Newcomer:
Myself or Jache

Best Idler:
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 10:22:08

Level 63
Whats the difference between “popular vote” and “community member of the year”?
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 10:52:03

Level 63
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 11:05:05

Level 63
Does the mod have to be created during 2023 to qualify for the category? Category description “ coolest new mod of 2023 ” seems like it has to but someone’s already voted for a mod that wasn’t created during 2023.

Edited 6/18/2024 11:15:49
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 11:43:17

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 12:59:41

Level 60
So glad to see that Warzone Awards are back! Indeed, better late than never! Thanks krinid!

@Dan yeah, the OP clearly specifies that the nomination has to be for achievements in 2023.
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 13:34:37

Level 57
Ooh, they're back! Awesome.

I can't judge most of these, because I have no knowledge of the competitive scene whatsoever.
But I can vote on some categories!

[Popular vote] Must be Nathan (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=3717129668&u=Nathan_1), who reliably rates and constructively critiques new maps, and who receives more admiration for it than he seems comfortable with.

[Community member of the Year] Also voting Samurai Jack (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=56135429640&u=Samurai+Jack_1) for his great podcast.

[Best clan] Presumably it's not-done to vote for one's own clan? Then I will vote for Murk (https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=826) because they have the best clan name.

[Infamous] Krinid (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=79105823914&u=krinid_1) for the vile act of Warzone Awards necromancy.

[Best GC personality] JK_3 (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=31105111944&u=JK_3_1) for being global chat Mom.

[Best Mapmaker] Lionheart is amazing, but we all know that. So I'll vote for Shinigami Knight (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=66118957764&u=Shinigami+Knight_1) who made very promising maps for a (relative) newcomer.

[Best New Map] I think Milky Way Alpha (https://www.warzone.com/Map/44249-Milky-Way-Alpha) deserves some love!

Edited 6/18/2024 13:35:57
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 17:46:02

bliss machine
Level 62
[Strongest 1v1 player] dry-clean
[CL MVP] dry-clean
[Popular vote] dry-clean
[GOAT] dry-clean
[Best mentor] dry-clean
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 21:36:28

Level 63
@DanWL, yes it should be for mods released in 2023. Let's leave the ones created this year for the 2024 awards (;

on this theme, your FFA game nomination started in Jan 2024, so not eligible for a 2023 award

"popular vote” = simply a popularity vote, doesn't necessarily have to do any specific contributions; maybe the player is popular for being helpful, for creating great templates, for interesting forum threads; whatever in your mind makes someone 'popular'

“community member of the year” = someone who contributes to and improves the Warzone community
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-18 21:42:44

Alphazomgy (Warzone's Best Marketer)
Level 60
Please next time just use a free online poll tool... it's 2024 not 2004.
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-19 00:52:21

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
Best Idler - just kidding, this isn't really a category

Dude. Ivan. Come on now. It's obvious. Yeah there are two others but they seem pretty much retired.
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-19 00:52:27

Level 63
Using forum rather than a poll website allows knowing who voted and you aren’t required to answer all parts at once.
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-19 03:59:39

Level 63
to the few who have commented on 'best Idler' - feel free to vote on it, if people actually want this category, i'll include it

tbh the reason i put it down as a joke is b/c it's not really a contest; it'd be like having a category for "most successful CW clan" - we already know who wins it, it's not really a competition, it's a 1-man category

that said, it was initially in the list, but for the above reason i took it out (and then put it back as a joke category, admittedly to see if anyone bothered to respond to it, and if i'm being honest, it made me smile that a few people did; it made me chuckle to be called elitist on this, lol, b/c i'm a retired Idler myself; the only thing that's left in Idle that i didn't do is what Xeno & Ivan did - the infinite SAsc's)

i suppose one could make an argument that maybe Xeno is the 'best' b/c he did the infinite SAsc first, and i think he did it in 2023, while Ivan's was recently in 2024, but Xeno's pretty quiet whereas Ivan is outspoken and actively posts and keeps Idle discussions ongoing; and while not eligible for 2023, he recently posted a video of how Auto Artifact Swapper works and of his SAsc/infinite SAsc process - so Ivan's a shoo-in next year as well unless someone does something amazing in Idle in 2024, but tbh don't think it's possible b/c there's nothing left to do in Idle that he hasn't done; only other contender could possibly be whoever organized the collection of all the fogbusted Idle maps? that's a huge help to the Idle community
Warzone Awards 2023 - better late than never!: 2024-06-19 04:12:13

Level 63
@alpha, what DanWL said

i'm trying to keep this process light weight for the voters; a lot of people just couldn't be bothered going to another site to fill stuff out even if it's just 1 click to get there; some folks complained about the forms from previous years b/c they were concerned it would reveal their true identity (Google Forms), also that it was a lot of repetition of click somewhere/type data, click Next & repeat 50 times, being asked for responses on stuff they had no idea nor cared about, etc; so this is meant to be a quick post/reply so we get some good responses from many people on the specific items they care about and they can skip the stuff they don't

and on forms, i would have to ask people their WZ username to ensure that 1 person doesn't troll submit 100 entry forms (but they could still do this by just using different usernames); at least this way the account names are given & known; would be cool perhaps to leverage the polls that Fizz implemented on WZ itself ... but he hasn't released them for user consumption, just for his own purposes so far; might consider poking him on that for the 2024 awards tho

i also wanted to experiment with the results being available for all to see as opposed to just seeing the results after the fact; sometimes people need to see some answers/ideas in order to generate some thoughts of their own
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