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Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-09 09:36:57

Level 62
Back in 2017 my clanmate judged clans and the players ( https://www.warzone.com/Forum/262098-edges-clan-rankings ). So with time passing by and the rankings now irrelevant to a high degree, I've decided to conduct a "Strategic Report" of my own which ranks players in my own little methodology.

Here it is > https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PX2oYFMFjYY6jFHr1BlunbFHZeX_KT0Xz48I7er_HGY/edit

Please read and give me your ratings for discussion.

I'll be reading all comments and probably make a 2nd Results once I've read public reasoning and responses.

Edited 11/9/2020 09:39:45
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-09 09:47:07

Level 61
I like how there's a maximum of explaining what does each classification mean, but an absolute minimum of write-up on each player. Also how the "methodology" talks about the author instead of the methodology.
Great job, I give 9/11.
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-09 10:41:30

Level 62
A paragraph of justification on each player is not practical for obvious reasons. I'd hope this is where "Public discussion" would take place.
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-09 11:10:36

Corn Man 
Level 62
0/10, you didn't rate yourself

would be 10/10 otherwise
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-09 11:24:20

Level 61
Calling Min a Karen. 10/10
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-09 12:49:24

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Rebecca is probably not of legal age. Be careful if you play with a Rebacca....
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-09 18:48:23

Level 59
How well do these rankings align with the pecking order of the high-level competitive strategy world? The Haleys all seem to check out (except NoMercy- is NoMercy a GOAT contender?) as do the Karens (although it seems the Karens have a very broad range of skill...) but how contentious are the ones in the middle?

Seconding Onoma's point: the problem with this model is that we have no way to sanity-check your categorizations of players. But I think there is a statistically-literate (shying away from the word "rigorous" here) method of checking how well your classifications work. You're already doing the heavy-lifting of associating your categories with points on the normal model; you can actually then convert them to anticipated Elo gaps (e.g., you can assume that the Haley-Addison Elo gap on average is 200, the Addison-Rebecca gap 300).

Once you have that, all you need is a thorough-enough game log. Then you can look at, e.g., the rates at which Karens win vs. Alex's, and see if it's significantly higher or lower than expected. I do something similar, albeit with not-as-good players as on your list (and with 5 categories that I expect to be 200 Elo apart). My sanity-check graph (+ means Favorite wins more than expected, - means Underdog wins more than expected; the %ages are not their win-rates but instead a "Surprise Index" I use to parameterize the degree of surprise at the results, based on a statistical test). Here's what it looks like:

(This means I'm likely underrating "Competent" players and should likely classify one or more of them as "Proficient"- I can identify which ones by performing something similar to the analysis above with them individually, or at game-level. Although the Surprise Index isn't super-high; my threshold for "I've definitely messed up the classifications" is +/- 95%.)

So even though I don't think you meant for your classification system to be super-rigorous, I think it can be done that way. If you'd like to try that, could help you with the formulas- assuming someone from Statisticians clan doesn't show up and destroy my methodology before then.

Edited 11/9/2020 18:55:44
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-09 21:32:16

Level 61

Edited 11/9/2020 21:37:04
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-09 21:38:48

Level 59
Unnecessary female unfriendly, just leave it by numbers and rankings. I think Karen should kick your ass.
Yeah, maybe swap out the chicks for Star Wars movies. There's a clearer hierarchy with those.

Best of the best: The Last Jedi

Elite: A New Hope

Very good: Empire Strikes Back

Average: Holiday Special

Below Average: Clone Wars

Rubbish: Rogue One
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-09 22:13:22

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
any of these Karens would kick plat's ass.
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-11 10:57:57

Level 62
1. The Haley’s / The Very Best

Deadman, Rufus, Master of Desaster, NoMercy, Buns157

2. The Addison/ The Elite

Pardon, Malakkan, Hexe1309, FiveStarGeneral, Rakleader, MIFRAN, AI

3. The Rebecca/ The Very Good Player

Edge, Kryzstof, Njord, Max, Hergul, Almosttricky, Summer, GuestNWHSzY, DrApe, Leopard, Xeno, Octane, Hades, 89thlap, Krunx, PJ, SuperSmoove, Jake, JackieTreePorn, Kurdistan, Dry-clean-Only, Jefferspin, Rento

4. Plain Jane Samantha/Average

Adresso, Milly, Muli, Neal, Alexclusive, Dom365, Jimmy, Wini, Suschel, Juan, D-ceo, Master Meldarion, Tof, Devi, Terence Kill, Bonsai, Schwarz, Stales78, Phobos, Reza, Clivan, Mylo, Forksandwich, RogueNK, Iriseyoufall, ADHDnl, JV, Linberson, Cowboy, Phobos, Hobo, ZeroDlindBragon, Dragonseance, Tornado

5.The Alex/ The Inconsistent Player or Below Average player

Red, Beren, Jo Jo, KKND, Purple Rain, DH, Tukuro, Mustang, Doron Hoh, Tainted Monk, Lucien Muller, Lewis, Great Expanse, Hunta, Mirror, Andersault, AJ Chiller, Ollie, Hazelnut, Emu Pub, Checkmate, Ps-ews, MGO, Surdiac, mslasm, Po1onious, Rynofury, Bzox, Nauzhror, Koopa, Farah, Tito, Phaeril, Zev, Niko, Dutch Desire, Glam, Stan Smolders, Rheumakey, Arcturus, Menda

6. Karen/Rubbish Player why bother playing.

RED, Bbraw, Banner, Tango, Ianwin, snoesnoe, Sevius, TheJoey, ChrisCMU, Lord Sydvenas, AyanM, Berenbossen, Norman, blobbob, FalerCZ, Nanomidget, Min34, Nero, Master Adrian, Soldier of Orange, Goralgn, Kenny, Waddles, Benjamin328, Robert E Lee, Kratt, USSR clan, Phakh, Boston, Legolas, Onoma94, Aura Guardian

Edited 11/11/2020 11:02:24
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-11 11:09:52

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
You put Red twice
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-11 11:45:32

Level 60
Lol, the Karen category contains an extremely large span of skill levels... I mean, you have div A players in the same category as USSR...
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-11 15:51:56

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
Alexclusive/ Emu pub up, rakleader/Krunx down Phobos one less ( he is double)

RED at 5 not 6.

Edited 11/11/2020 15:53:13
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-13 14:59:37

Level 62
And rightfully so LND.

Why would you have Alexclusive and Emu Pub up?
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-13 15:49:34

Level 60


Edited 11/13/2020 15:50:06
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-13 17:12:11

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
For Alexclusive maybe I'm biased by my bad match up vs him. I do not know his team performance very well.
Viceversa for Rakleader maybe i'm biased since I have a good match up vs him.

But Emu Pub can* play to an higher level than most of the players on his layer.

*usually he does but sometimes he forgets

Edited 11/13/2020 17:13:01
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-13 19:24:21

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
Funny, I like Emu a lot, but I wouldn't say he's top of that layer. That'd be Rheumakay, Beren, AJ Chiller, Tito (if he's serious), Phaeril, Zev..
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-13 19:52:26

Corn Man 
Level 62
Emu tends to play chill, so his peak is hugely underrated.

Whatcha think his best seasonal finish is? Hint: it's a lot higher than what you're thinking.
Yaxvi's Strategic Report: 2020-11-13 20:23:10

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
I mean he looked to be winning the Timid Lands season for quite a while, he ended up somewhere in the top 5 for sure, but not entirely sure where.
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