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Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 18:39:14

Level 58
Requested change:
Make Vacations unbreakable.

The old Vacation system was based on you not having direct access to your pc, with the mobile app becoming more popular, it's become far easier to access Warzone in the middle of your Vacation, and accidentally commiting.

take me as an example, I am currently on Vacation and don't have time to take my turns within the time limit, but I don't want my games to stall for over 10 days and have tried my best to not get booted, which has hurt my performance in games because i often only have minutes left on my clock while not having the time to play.

I want Vacations to be used to take turns in a slower but manageable way, without having to worry about being booted or stalling the game for over 10 days.

Let the Community vote on this and have Fizzer change the way Vacations Work!

14 👍.
2 👎.

Edited 6/24/2020 21:57:31
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 18:41:31

Level 58
+1 vote for this Change!

Edited 6/23/2020 19:23:29
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 18:42:45

Level 58

Edited 6/23/2020 19:17:16
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 19:15:47

Level 62

Vacation system as it is now is pretty useless tbh.

Few games support it b/c most hosts just opt out of it in the settings. And if you make a move in any, it cancels the vacation.

So even if you're playing some that do, you have to get booted or surrender in the one's that don't, and not play in the ones that do.

Not even sure why making 1 move cancels vacation. If I find time to move in a few of my games while on vacation, this is a good thing, right? Why punish someone for making moves when they have a little time but not a lot of time?

Some games take longer than others and you don't know which way it will go. Some games are blowouts, some people surrender early, some are close fights and people fight to the end. Some games go on for months, and vacations can't always be planned around what games you think you'll be playing in 6 months -- nor should a player have to plan that far ahead. The vacation system should be useful and flexible enough to account for this (that's the whole point of a vacation system tbh).

That said ... there is a 'feature request' site, so this belongs there not here.
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 19:17:57

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Yes... I wanted this for a long time. The current vacation system is not great really.
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 19:18:39

Level 57
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 19:19:43

Level 58
I just wanted to get it out there, but i will post it on the "feature request" site also.

Edited 6/23/2020 19:20:56
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 19:19:54

Level 62
Let's do a different survey ... who has effectively used the vacation system?

I haven't. I needed to a few times, but when I looked at my games, I saw I had a 70/30 blend of games that ignore vacations and that honour them. So had to surrender a bunch of games and make time for the ones I care about.

Not a useful system.

Has anyone had success with it?
- downvoted post by the Dütches Reich
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 19:20:29

Level 63

Let's do a different survey ... who has effectively used the vacation system?

I haven't. I needed to a few times, but when I looked at my games, I saw I had a 70/30 blend of games that ignore vacations and that honour them. So had to surrender a bunch of games and make time for the ones I care about.

Not a useful system.

Has anyone had success with it?
Tried 3 times, but never actually did....
Most games needed to continue since they didn't respect vacations, and stopping with joining tournaments 3 months in advance is not a option at all

Edited 6/23/2020 19:22:23
- downvoted post by the Dütches Reich
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 19:25:54

Level 61
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 19:38:56

Level 56
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 19:45:30

Level 60
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 20:50:42

Level 61
-1, making vacations unbreakable is absolutely bad. I agree the vacation system could be better; for example, have a set number of days you can take vacation for per year. Not a set amount of vacations you can take for 1-10 days.
Let's say vacations become unbreakable. When I set a vacation, it'll always be for 10 days, as I might be able to get back to playing a day or two later than I intend to. Better safe than sorry. Now, when I am back in time, I can't play for the remainder of the 10 days I set, stalling the game for other people instead of making sure all those games continue. Idea with good intention, bad consequence :)
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 20:57:00

Level 62
Farah - I think you're confused. You -1'd it but then your explanation was actually a +1 ... you're saying the vacation system is poor and needs improvement. That's what we're saying = +1.

I'm not saying I want 10 iterations of 10 days of vacation per year - that's a 100 days, and that's ridiculous. That's not playing the game.

I would be totally happy with 14-20 days a year when I am entitled to opt out of making moves in games without timing out. If I do play, fine, no penalty (don't auto-cancel vacation).

ie: Like every other gaming site that exists today.
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 21:39:02

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 22:07:03

Level 58
Reply to Farah

You misunderstood me.
My intention was that you could still play while your vacation is active, but commiting would not break your vacation.

you would be able to make a turn during your vacation to prevent stalling.

Edited 6/23/2020 22:18:54
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 23:02:33

Level 61
Ah, I see. I misunderstood in that case. Unfortunately, being able to commit while on vacation without breaking it brings another problem. And that problem is ladder stalling. If I'm doing a ladder run and need to stall three games while completing two others, you've now made that extremely easy for me. It was of course already easy, but this only gives the means to stall games in certain competitions. You could of course make an exception for ladder games, but that rips apart the whole idea of vacations.
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 23:39:13

Level 58
I don't play ladder games, but is ladder stalling really that big of an issue?
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