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1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 11:40:41

Level 62

Rento a fellow 1v1 ladder staller, didn't seem to care saying: "Again - fuck all people who yell 'stalling' after a 2 hours turn. Playing till eliminations against such cunts is a good move. He could've just shut up. Wasn't so hard."

I'm sure he doesn't mind me copying + pasting that since he was keen on "I wrote what I had to write and I stand by it."

Shame on Ralph , Shame on Lynx/101st.
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 11:57:49

Level 62
To everyone out there who is as disgusted by Platinum/Rick Sanchez's continuous abusive behaviour as I am, there is no point reasoning with him.

Do not feed the troll.
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 12:01:19

Level 62
Before this turns into a Platinum vs 101st/Lynx argument.

Just look at the game. It's simply the game link I'm sharing. The game link doesn't lie. It's certainly not a troll tactic.

Thank you.

Edited 6/29/2018 12:35:35
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 12:21:31

Level 60
Ok, let’s see then.

Dude A yells in chat: last seen 2hrs ago, waiting on turn 11 for 22 hiurs now.

Dude B gets offended and decleres he will stall the rest of the game.

I find it very hard to agree with A here. For example, in turn 13 the income is 17-22, which is not imbossibele to make a cmeback from (through rarly happens on the ladder). The accusations of stalling accured earlier then that point. Yes, the game was in A’s advantage, but way to early to yell stalling. Particularly considering that the game had moved way faster then the avg ladder game at that point.

While I don’t agree with B’s action, there are no rules that declers his actions wrong. Therfore B, at worst is guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct. While A is guilty of offending his opponent and which is also unsportsmanlike.

If this is the only game that B has stalled, then the label “ladder staller” is not fitting. For me ladder stalling is not an action against an individual, but an action to undermine how the ladder rating system work. Based on the evidence in form of chat in the linked game, it would apper that the sole motivation for stalling was to ‘phunish’ a player who insulted B.
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 12:29:24

Level 60
Thank you TBest.


"Before this turns into a Platinum vs 101st/Lynx argument.

Just look at the game. I am not here with any agenda, It's simply the game link I'm sharing. The game link doesn't lie. It's certainly not a troll tactic.

Thank you."

Sure. :P

Edit #2: I like that you edited out that part from your post.

Edited 6/29/2018 12:38:47
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 12:31:45

Level 62
So he played 18 turns to teach this guy some manners, and while he was stalling by being a honourable person. He coincidentally found himself at the #1 ladder trophy, thought he should stay there for a day and than disappear into the night-time and hope to never be seen again. Effectively stalling to get a trophy he didn't deserve.. Justifying this because a guy called him a staller which he is...

Makes sense.
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 12:36:06

Level 63

Go get him, cats!
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 12:40:21

Level 62
You got me guys, wow. I'm so exposed right now, This thread can be remembered for the time Platinum got caught out.

I mean I already edited out, I didn't think it would cause that much a outrage. Are we really looking for the small details to "catch me out"? I mean you even see me admitting I'm wrong and saying I will remove it! xD come on... This is so silly.

Either way it's clear stalling, 35 v 5 income. Have whatever fun with me, I don't mind.

Edited 6/29/2018 12:41:20
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 13:20:02

Cloud Strife
Level 61
Yeah, lest we forget you also found a way to excuse Muller's behavior in CL vs me with your horseshit conjectures.

That M'little Hunter got exactly what he deserved. Nobody is required to play a turn every time they are online.
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 13:26:34

Level 63
The game was over at turn 5. But whatever it's a dumb move by both guys.

U shouldn't call someone out for not taking a turn after just 1 day, but ofc u can't keep playing on for multiple turns to get the trophy.

It would have been ok, if he would have kept on playing, but surrends just in time before he gets the trophy. That way he can annoy the other guy, if he feel the need to, but doesn't gain advantage of the situation. Waiting until he gets the trophy is ofc the wrong move.

So in that case. Both players should be ashamed of themselves.
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 13:56:00

90 \(ºº)/
Level 59
Around turn 12-13-14-15, Ralph didnt wait for 3 days to take his turn. He should have! - the MH guy was being a total prick, and he should have kept stalling every 3 days. Also, he should not have gotten booted. He should have kept running in greenland to across north america; there were only neutrals there and he could have stretched out the game for at least one more month - the prick deserved worse stalling.


Edited 6/29/2018 13:56:29
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 13:56:28

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
Stalling is not against rules and it happens in many games. I agree that it is lame to stall losses, but what can you do about it? I can give you many games like this and Ralph the Johnson gets called out, because he stalled for trophy, while we ignore all others.

Rather than accusing players, I think we should come with some sort of definition of Stalling , so that this can be included in the Ladder rules.
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 16:58:38

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
We should not forget that we are talking about two different things here.

One guy violated one other player, being a little too much of a prick.

The other guy violated the whole community by holding an undeserved first place and getting a ladder trophy that represents a lot when you klick at that profile.

I remember players getting a huge, huge shitstorm in the past for stalling games that didn't even won the trophy...
Also, noone can seriously say, that Ralph was happy to accept the chance that AJ gave him.

Edited 6/29/2018 16:58:53
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 18:03:29

Level 58
I find it very hard to agree with A here. For example, in turn 13 the income is 17-22, which is not imbossibele to make a cmeback from (through rarly happens on the ladder). The accusations of stalling accured earlier then that point. Yes, the game was in A’s advantage, but way to early to yell stalling. Particularly considering that the game had moved way faster then the avg ladder game at that point.

I'm afraid I have to disagree with you analysis. Our fellow clanmate called his opponent out as a surrender was certainly overdue.
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 18:35:31

Rogue NK
Level 59
There is a ton of misinformation and incomplete information in almost every single post on this thread. This is the timeline.

1. https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=15770750

Look at game settings and read the chat. AJ initially declined my offer to join the 1v1 ladder because he doesn't like waiting in multi-day games but I was able to convince him later.

2. https://imgur.com/a/bN5VC8Q

Cowboy and I already settled this matter June 10th. Notice the change in AJ's attitude from June 10th to June 13th.

June 10th AJ "bad loser"

June 13th AJ "is there anything i can do that we r friendly again and you play like the smart guy you look like?"

This was before I had even contacted AJ.

From June 10th to June 20th, I discussed what my message to AJ should be among the MH council. On June 20th, I contacted AJ with the response from MH council.


After the June 20th message, AJ has agreed to not do it again. This is old news and I am pissed at Platnium for stirring up shit when this was a settled matter. Seriously, wtf. The AJ-Ralph conversation was 13 days old. Don't stir up two week old drama for your ridiculus vendetta against 101st/Lynx. You don't read the chats of any other clan's players.

3. https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=15831177

Read the chat. You tell me who is being an asshole. Engima or Ralph? Or both? Or neither?

4. https://www.warzone.com/LadderTeam?LadderTeamID=20074

If it obvious that Ralph stalled these two games and that directly affected his ability to get the 1v1 ladder trophy. You can pretend that Ralph was righteously stalling against assholes and so therefore he deserves that trophy but I notice that nobody created a congratulations thread for Ralph on the ladder forum. This may be because Ralph stole the trophy. Of course, he is obviously not the first.

5. AJ is a real time player who I convinced to join the 1v1 ladder shortly after he joined MH. His expectations of multiday play did not match reality. Since the incident, I have watched his games and he has not continued to banter people for not taking their turns at the soonest possible time.

So what we have is AJ who got pissy on the 1v1 ladder because he didn't know any better and when he was told to stop he stopped...

vs.... a trophy stealing asshole who blows a cork on random players. Oh. And Platnium who just wants to start shit with Lynx and thinks that MH needs to defend him.

6. Honestly, the AJ hate on this thread is pretty bad and I hope it stops. He is just a real time player who was confused by the Multi-day culture and has learned his lesson. Clans are supposed to introduce real time and casual players to higher level strategy competitions. MH did exactly what any good clan would do that is interested in growing the strategic scene of warzone.

Edited 6/29/2018 18:59:14
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 19:16:45

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Im so glad you go after all players who stall and not just 101st/lynx. You're a bastion of unbiased excellence.


Bonus Stalling Accusation :

Edited 6/29/2018 19:31:42
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 19:28:59

Level 65
Platinum, Edge and other "experts" can't even get that trophy so they are at least crying in here, because "stallers" prevent others to get it. To Platinum and others like him: Have you ever considered that someone can stall not to get to that number 1, but to hold it for as long as possible without playing more games to prevent noobs like you to get it?
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 19:30:43

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
Boy, Cowboy,...how hard it is for you to see that General was just playing slow as Matrixtch.





(games are old, but after this I pretty much didn't see for stalling)

Edited 6/29/2018 20:12:20
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 20:02:24

│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61
No mercy sold his account to Nauzh???
1v1 Ladder Staller - Ralph The Unicorn: 2018-06-29 20:15:22

Level 62
I apologise for the way I phrased the thread, should've done it differently. I will take the blame on that. It was spur of the moment, it was idiotic. I'll take the criticism.

However I want to respond to some points in a more objective manner.

1. @Rogue How was I suppose to know this was a settled matter? I had no knowledge of anything being "settled" , how could you expect me to know you settled the matter? I understand your frustration, I apologise for that. Though how was I meant to know you settled a matter behind public eye? It's hard to expect. We had a discussion on Discord, I hope we are cool.

2. @Cloud Strife Lucien's matter is similar to this one, Lucien got pissed because he had an inclination your clan cheated in CL. So therefore he was "justified" as much as some would say Ralph was justified in "stalling" against you because you were a "cheater" to him. I think the logic was dumb, I just thought Lucien deserved a chance at a clan on the condition he behaves. May I just add he was right that you cheated in CL.

3. @NoMercy , Glad to see you join the brigade NoMercy, You stalled too. I feel there's a bit of a stallers movement going on. "Lets defend each other that way stalling is seen as acceptable".

4. @90 I understand personal feud,, Though you can't justify stalling done here because in stalling process he earned a false 1v1 ladder trophy. He purposely stalled to gain this hollow 1v1 ladder trophy. He got it under a day I think if I remember and instantly got on vacation mode and dissapeared. Say what you want but nothing will justify stalling to get a #1 trophy. There was more than the personal feud motive.

I stand by that Ralph stalled, say what you want about him being "attacked" it doesn't justify the crap of stalling to get a trophy this was not part of the personal feud but was a arguably "cheating motive".
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