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How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 14:25:51

Level 57
Okay, so levels are mostly meaningless and just a vague indication of amount of games someone has won. But I was bored and I was wondering how many points one needs to get to a certain level.

Does anyone have the formula that's used for experience?

Level 50
Needs 1.510.900 xp. About 200 wins at an average of 7500 points. Fast and easy.

Level 60
From the handful of profiles I checked it seems one needs about 3 to 4 thousand wins. Nothing strange here. One needs about 20x the amount of wins to get from 50 to 60. Maybe 30 million points and a bit?

One needs a little time here.

Level 68
Here something strange happens. Some players have just 4k wins to get here (mostly 1v1) others 65k (also mostly 1v1). Like surely it's a bug. Is it just because early on stats were not saved?

Level 70
Following the assumed 20x formula, I'd assume one needs about 600 million points to level 70, about 80000 wins? I guess the formula gets more exponential though the closer you get to lvl 70?

How long would 80000 wins take? If one plays 3 games a night, 5 times a week - that's about 102.5 years to get to level 70. To get a mostly useless accomplishment on a niche server somewhere on the internet. Nice!

Please someone enlighten me! Thanks :-)

Edited 4/19/2024 14:52:10
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 14:28:40

Level 62
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 14:31:38

Level 64
4K wins and level 68 seems impossible, some kinda error...as you get an average of 10K points (same level players / only play them once a month and not real time) will bring you 40M points. At best level 65..
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 14:50:05

Level 57
Thanks Otto! I was googling and browsing through this site and still missed that.
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 14:50:17

Level 62
I've heard there's a bug as well where accounts imported from kongregate gained more points? the discrepancy might be due to this and the type of games played (1 real time QM game is worth around 1/4th of a multi-day tournament win).
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 15:30:24

Level 63
It should also be noted that not all wins are equal, depending on the settings, some games give 5 times as much xp.
See https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Points#Points_from_Multi-Player_Games for the details.
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 16:08:15

Level 57
I wasn't aware that Real time has only half the points of multi day, that's interesting!

On another note, i recently asked linguitariste how he got 18 million points in the last month. That's an insane number. It's about 6 times as many as number 2 in the 30-day points leaderboard.

This was his answer:
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 16:08:57

Level 63
yeah, he rematches and rematches and rematches...
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 16:19:24

Level 57
Well, as long as it makes him happy. I do hope he enjoys his games.

Edited 4/19/2024 16:19:54
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 17:02:47

FC Bayern 
Level 69
Lvl.1-64: 38.027,5
Lvl.65: 14.992,4
Lvl.66: 20.556,0
Lvl.67: 28.117,8
Lvl.68: 38.394,9
Lvl.69: 52.362,9
Lvl.70: 71.347,0

Lvl.1-70: 263.798,5 points

You can also look up to the old forum post of 2015.
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 17:40:35

Level 57
Excellent stuff FC Bayern!

When can we expect you at lvl 70?
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-19 17:46:43

Level 61
Also, keep in mind that holding high ranks on the ladders earn you daily points. They can stack up quite nicely with multiple ladders.
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-20 16:42:02

FC Bayern 
Level 69
If I keep going with 130k points/month I will advance to lvl 70 in year 2069.

70 mill/(130 k/month)*12 = 45 years + 2024 = year 2069.
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-21 04:42:23

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
given that the Wiki page doesn't even list level 70...
It'd be interesting if one even could get there.
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-21 06:42:42

Level 65
@FC Bayern Speed it up, we need a lvl 70 player sooner rather than later.

Edited 4/21/2024 08:58:12
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-21 20:55:33

Level 63
https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Levels and your post show a difference in total xp to get to lvl 64 (38,006,500 vs 38,027,500).

Which one of those is correct?
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-22 03:42:33

Level 56
no idea but i can tell u i been on lvl 56 for 10+ years
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-22 07:28:31

Level 64
@Farah, I think that was the old ladder situation, not the current ladder..
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-22 08:08:54

Level 61
Took me 2000 wins for the first 13m exp. But that’s with a high MD rate and decent amount of tourney wins, too. So lets say 3000 regular wins at 4k exp per win. It’ll take about 65-70k wins.
How many wins to level 70?: 2024-04-22 14:23:59

Level 65
Someone told me the kongregate bug doesn't work anymore
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