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To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-24 15:58:17

Level 63
Well, I really dont care if someone insults me on this game, many have done already, sadly, but I just wonder if to report someone is useful or not, anybody knows?

I reported a guy after this game: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34146463

This guy is giving me some coins so, actually, it is worthy for me to continue playing even if he insults me (I can put more links of my games with him if necessary).
At the begginig I thought it was just an alt trolling me, so I didnt pay many attention but recently I just saw a couple of games against other players:


So It seems my reporting of some days ago was useless. Does Fizzer really check this?

Edited 4/24/2023 15:59:57
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-24 17:12:14

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Without checking games, is it Andy the Dog?
Edit: nope

Edited 4/24/2023 17:12:57
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-24 17:15:26

Level 63
must be an alt, the acc was created this month and plays ok
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-24 17:19:55

Level 63
A mod might not have looked at the report yet. It’s usually lots of warnings then short suspensions then lifetime ban
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-24 17:23:27

Level 58
I submitted my first ever report last week. I've blocked a lot of people but this one was just a real jerk to teammates the whole game
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-24 18:03:44

Level 62
Reporting people for legit reasons is not useless, as Dan indicated above

Unfortunately many people report for non-legit reasons (stalling in games, accused of cheating without any evidence, etc) - and these are useless
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-24 18:19:31

Level 57
If it makes you feel better I reported a player for joining a team coin game and disappearing. They even gave a message as soon as the game was over, what a joke. Admin team only takes care of reports of ppl they like or things they finds relevant. They don’t care if players are wasting my money or your time. And I’ve been warned multiple times over language use in global, brcause that affects their revenue. Complete douches
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-24 18:39:17

Roi Joleil
Level 60
Reporting isnt useless when there is a valid reason.
Reporting is useless however in that you dont even need to validate Emails to play.
So effectivly speaking anyone can make an infinite amount of alt accounts making any punishment meaningless.

Not to mention that Wilson is clearly an Alt he literally doesnt care about getting Suspended.
Either his main already got suspended or he needs to hide behind another account to trashtalk.

I have no idea who he is tho as he isnt actually good at the game.
He has the barebone basics which makes it clear he is an alt. But barely scratches the surface of actual good understanding of the game.
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-24 21:27:07

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
With staff like 10 min mail, email validation won't help.
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-24 22:09:41

bliss machine
Level 62
I dunno, read through the chat of those 3 games and it doesn't seem anything too awful?
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-25 01:14:52

Level 46
I've never understood how people run into so many problems. Just f you, f you back, and then it's all over. You gotta learn how to not care.
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-25 01:19:27

Level 61
I don't think many of us care, but tolerating behavior like this reinforces that it is okay. Allowing toxic behavior in the community will never be a good thing, so helping a person improve their attitude and mentality or removing them from the community makes the game a better place. After all we are all here to have fun, and someone doing things to make the game less enjoyable for others is not okay.
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-25 06:04:52

Level 63
"I dunno, read through the chat of those 3 games and it doesn't seem anything too awful?"

well, if you see normal to call someone "asshole" with no messages before....ok.
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-25 09:35:17

Level 58
https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=703119832&u=Addy+the+Dog_1 --> banned currently
https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=9510000349&u=NZPhoenix%20(AHOL)_1 --> banned currently
https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=1711203334&u=Vanellope+von+Schweetz_1 --> not banned currently (although long inactive)

I haven't seen it in the official rules (https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Rules), however I have read multiple times from Fizzer / moderators, that circumenvting a suspension by creating another account would lead to the suspension of that other account. So if this was indeed Addy the Dog, the rules would require for him to get also (apparently indefinitely) suspended for the reason of him playing the game.
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-25 10:51:20

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Reports certainly help to identify the fool eggs faster. However it may appears the impression that reports are not dealt with. But they are. It just can take some time until a report is dealt by both instances, a mod and Fizzer himself. Also since a few warnings are usually spoken before a player is suspended it also takes a time, until a reporter can actually see a visible feedback of his report.
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-26 13:24:53

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
How about we test it? any of you are welcome to insult me for as long as possible until you get warned, suspended and then permanently banned. Then we can see the limits.
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-26 13:27:17

Level 62
@waffle, you are a snazzy pancake in disguise. Sorry, that's the best insult I can muster
To report someone ...it´s useless?: 2023-04-26 13:35:31

Level 62
waffle is a bell pepper.
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