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Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 00:29:39

Level 59
hey Pulsey are you sugondese
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 00:52:32

Level 62
How glorious was it really?

^^a serious question

People talk about those days like we missed the golden years ... but never really say what about it was better other than the fact that it was. Surely it's not the game itself ... so far as I understand, it's just new name, UI and colour scheme, otherwise exactly the same as before.

So maybe the community? Are the "WL was better" folks really just saying they hate the people now?
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 00:52:55

Level 59
No its not, what blasphemy. clearly you weren't around to remember WL in its glory
I didn't switch from Flash to Unity/UJS until 2020. The player-facing difference between "Warzone" and Warlight is smaller than the difference between minor patches of many modern games.

How glorious was it really?
There's some rose-tinted glasses here but also a fair bit of truth. You can almost see the eras of community development in the game's activity history. The halcyon days (2009-2013), the Warlight steady growth era (2013-2016), the decline & transition (2017-2020), the COVID spike (2020-2021), and the current era [probably a return to steady decline] (2021-now).

Things that once existed but are now gone are:
- the real time diplomacy scene.
- clan hijackings & the drama of inter-clan rivalries.
- the extremely toxic & radicalizing Off-topic Forum. At least one person whose radicalization journey took them through the Warlight community (Paugers, who met Karl & others here and switched back and forth between communism & fascism) is currently in federal prison for a terrorist plot (he had a troubled life, I wouldn't blame it on the site). [ https://www.warzone.com/Forum/308055-paugers-reported-missing-hometown > https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2018/06/09/18-year-old-melbourne-man-reported-missing-after-not-showing-up-work/687818002/ > (3.5 years later) > https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdoh/pr/3-men-plead-guilty-domestic-terrorism-crime-related-plans-attack-power-grids in case you think I'm BSing; he got caught up in the whole Karl crew of Skype Nazis https://www.warzone.com/Forum/241695-paugers-tries-troll-karl-goldberg-gets-rekt https://www.warzone.com/Forum/174935-done-paugers ]
- Open Games & organic communities being much more common prior to the dominance of Quickmatch.
- all the drama around Clan League, which seems to now be dwindling

It's kind of hard to see where we're headed, because for as long as the strat & diplo communities have existed, their members have thought they're small & dying. But now it is starting to feel like this game is getting hollower and the deep communities are in decline.

Look at my profile, under the "Bits of history" section. This game meant something- well beyond what browser-based games with no plot and little content and not much of a meta tend to mean to people. People have made lifelong friendships or enmities on here, have changed significantly as a result of their experiences on this site. It's like one of those weird special corners of the internet (maybe I'm biased). But I don't think anyone's out there today writing clan fanfiction anymore or getting into the beef & dramas & little special things that once used to happen at our quaint little bus station.

Edited 9/22/2022 19:56:37
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 01:09:55

Level 65
You made me sad early in the morning
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 01:32:24

Level 63
no there is a good reason pulsey says it was better but it's of course his opinion and shouldn't take away from your enjoyment
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 01:40:19

Level 56
can you please stop being a tryhard nerd and jsut take my word for it
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 01:45:02

Level 56
but yes long story short, look at the graph, the moment game name changed to wz, everything started going down
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 02:19:39

Level 59
can you please stop being a tryhard nerd

Edited 9/20/2022 02:19:48
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 03:07:30

Level 49
Tyranid nerd. They have nerds now?
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 12:13:17

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Out of curiousity. Is there a graph of active players? Like number of players who are last seen <5 days ago.

Edit: Does the graph show all new players per day? or only all registered players?

Edited 9/20/2022 12:33:30
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 12:41:36

master of desaster 
Level 66
Maybe the playerbase got spread too thin by the various offers community members created? Already with AWP and MTL you get a constant stream of competitive games, there is not much need or interest in realtime or special community events like the slammy awards etc...

The only usable competitive environment the site itself offers is the seasonal ladder. Maybe there is some frustration from older members about that? It's certainly not helping the community growing, cause the good events are not inbuilt and rather hard to find for newbies.

And maybe, just maybe, it all started when the 1vs1 ladders template got skewered and the name of the game changed.

Edited 9/20/2022 12:42:03
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 13:24:01

Level 63
At least one person whose radicalization journey took them through the Warlight community (Paugers, who met Karl & others here and switched back and forth between communism & fascism) is currently in federal prison for a terrorist plot


edit: Almost as bad as buns making girls cry.

Edited 9/20/2022 13:24:46
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 13:34:37

Level 63
but they were derailed during a traffic stop, during which Sawall swallowed his suicide pill but ultimately survived.


Do I even want to know which one is Paugers?

Edited 9/20/2022 13:38:31
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 13:37:49

Level 63
How glorious was it really?

^^a serious question

People talk about those days like we missed the golden years ... but never really say what about it was better other than the fact that it was. Surely it's not the game itself ... so far as I understand, it's just new name, UI and colour scheme, otherwise exactly the same as before.

So maybe the community? Are the "WL was better" folks really just saying they hate the people now?

Let me also throw in my 2 cents here.

WL is greatest when you have new things to discover/conquer/learn and and the time to do so. My view would be that many move on to ohter things in life, or life forces them on ;)
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 14:14:27

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
The players that joined 5-10 years ago are now 5-10 years older. That changes you.

Here is the link to act like you were 5-10 years younger. Will you fall for it? https://www.warzone.com/Forum/646965-peepee-poo-fard-recruiting
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 15:08:50

Level 63
about the primary message of this thread.

I just wanted to comment, as an active member in CW for the main opposite clan, that its great to have a real powerful competence, I admit our defeat last season and most probably also this one. What I dont understand is to have many alts accounts just for playing that. If you convince great players to join and you squad up, fine, but if they remain in the old clans this competition becomes absurd.

just giving an extreme and stupid example; I can create 39 alt accounts and try to win CW too. what would be the merit on that?
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 15:17:38

master of desaster 
Level 66
if you can play 40 games a day on 6 slots without sleep, you would have to play 7 games each slot on average at the same time realtime. so I would definitely be super impressed.
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 15:25:56

Level 63
Ok, lets be more realistic. 8 players, playing 5 times per day, can make it.

i.e. I can play 2 or even 3 bomb games at same time. sead or se1w are more difficult due to less time per turn but still possible.
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 15:30:57

Level 59
I can create 39 alt accounts and try to win CW too
That would be cheating.
what would be the merit on that?
The only issue I see with playing CW exclusively on an alt is that you won't get the Idle rewards on your main. So Myth Busters seem to have a lot of players who play CW for the sake of playing & winning CW, not for rewards. Which is pretty admirable. They are proof that at least some people out there play CW for the sheer fun of it!
Myth Busters are recruiting!: 9/20/2022 15:39:03

Level 63
I dont play idle and I do CW.
and i dont have an alt.

Sorry but to belong to more than one clan is something not understandable for me.

try to bring your clan to the glory or just move on into a clan that is in position to win if u prefer, but both things...I dont get it.
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