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When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 05:10:04

Level 57
We already have 50 colours and striped colours have been given to certain players who donated to Fizzer's lawsuit thingy. Do you think Fizzer could increase the games to 80-100 players for members-only?

Edited 6/16/2021 05:10:22
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 07:04:03

Level 58
+1 I would love a 80 player game. tho the technically issues would be insane

Edited 6/16/2021 07:04:33
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 07:08:17

Level 62
80 is a bit out of reach... this is the first time ive heard of such a thing... there has been a 50 player game before. I think 50 would be awesome to have. This would be epic.

It seems that there will need to be a higher level to unlock 50 player games or being membership-restricted. after level 54, if players gain the ability to make games 4 bigger each level, it seems people would have to level to 57 to unlock this
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 07:17:08

Level 62
80 players! Seems unreal. The chatter would be insane in GoT RP games, lol.

I'm not so confident about the colours though ... just b/c you can make different shades, doesn't mean it's feasible. Even the current 40 player games have some shady shades that are awfully difficult to tell apart. Increasing that to 80 means likely doubling the difficulty. Other technical challenges aside, just the colour issue would need to be addressed first. Likely adding some other indicators beyond colour. Like diagonal shading, or dotted interior or something else distinguish Red player #1 from Red player #2, etc.

Edited 6/16/2021 07:19:15
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 07:32:00

Level 59
80 players could be good but there are 3 main problems with this.

1. It's possible that games could be slower because the game has to record every single move. This is not a major problem, but it could be very annoying.

2. People can't distinguish one player to another because the color shade is too close. This can be solved by adding patterns like some colors.

3. There could be not enough players willing to play the game at because of that, it would lead to the game not starting and the blue textbox to appear in every game.

I am fine with the idea, but the problems should not be ignored.
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 07:32:32

Level 58
have an algorithm that means that players change colour of they border a player with the same colour

tho that sounds stupid

Edited 6/16/2021 07:32:48
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 08:09:08

Level 58
I do hope we can see these type of games in the post activison world. tho it would require lots of work
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 15:10:28

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
The question isn't whether it is possible - it is! You just add diagonals, dots or skulls on a colour and you have a new colour! Performance won't be much of an issue, It seems that Warzone runs on O(n), 2x more player, 2x longer evaluation. The real question is, do we really need it? Would 80-player games be more fun than 40-player ones?
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 15:12:31

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
have an algorithm that means that players change colour of they border a player with the same colour

tho that sounds stupid
For that, you would just need 4 colours (5 if you don't trust computers). Excluding enclaves.

Edited 6/16/2021 15:13:22
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 16:37:42

Level 58
I think 80 player games would be fun for massive FFA's. allow huge role play diplos to take place and just be more crazy. the chat will be great however it does increase the chances of boots and cross teaming
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 16:46:38

Roi Joleil
Level 60
adding more variety in colour would not be a problem if Fizzer wanted to make the player limit higher. Tbh he could remove colours and increase player sizes in games.
What he would have to do is give the possibilitie to combine colours. He could do the Civ way. have 1 main colour (Blue f.e.) and one side colour (Yellow for the border of the regions you control). that way you easily increase the combinations available by a lot. You now could have 2 players have the main colour Blue. as long as the side colour is different (yellow for A and red for B) you could still tell them apart pretty easily. even if they border.
There would be surely even more ways to increase combination. Lets say an icon loosly transparent over the area you control. Now you have 3 customisations available.

ofcourse my sollution depends on if the logic can be applied for the game to figure out and add a different coloured border to the regions you control. But in any case i would think that if he *rly* wanted to increase the number of players per game, colour would not be the problem

Edited 6/16/2021 16:48:53
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 18:06:56

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
The problem is, that green with blue stripes can be hard to distinguish from green with aqua stripes for someone. It is actually pretty hard to find colours which all people can easily tell apart. It depend a lot on your language's vocabulary, many (for example east Asian) languages have the same name for green and blue (they say things like sea grue for blue and forest grue for green, green and blue are two shades of grue) Natives in that languages take longer to distinguish between green and blue than people from languages that have for blue and green different names and take them as "elementary" colours.
Likewise in Russian, they take deep blue and aqua as two "elementary" colours rather than two shades of blue - and discriminate between them more easily than English speakers. In short, have fun picking 10 colours almost everyone can easily tell apart.
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 19:55:52

Level 60
I mean color blindness still exists last time i checked
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 20:04:04

Level 57
Imo colours aren't really an issue here. Players do mix up colours sometimes, but it's usually cleared up quickly and not much changes. Worst case scenario, you accidentally invade the wrong nation in a diplo.

Really, has anyone here ever had a game which colour confusion alone ruined?
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 20:05:46

Level 59
Patterned territories, stripes (different types), polka-dots, etc
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 20:21:03

Level 60
80 is weak, 200 players is more like it

Edited 6/16/2021 21:16:11
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 20:29:07

Level 57

If you check out the link above and look at Czechia, you'll notice a player who already has a striped colour. That means Fizzer could just add a striped version to the current 40 colours to double it and make 80. Perhaps Fizzer could set a fundraiser goal for his lawsuit fund, and when that number is reached, warzone will get 80 player games! I know that there is a huge demand for it from the roleplay community.

Edited 6/16/2021 20:31:05
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 20:37:06

Level 62
It's not so much a game result ruining problem for me, but a Quality of Game / Ease of Use problem for me. It's certainly ruined my personal experience in the game, b/c of (I forget exactly) there were Tuscany and Copper Rose near one other, or across different sides of the map and I couldn't tell without clicking/inspecting/changing colours if it was the same player or not. And I have to repeat this every time I go back to that game b/c I'm playing multiple games and can't remember if this was the particular game where the 2 similar blues/browns/greens were the same or different players, etc.

But that's with 40 colours. With 80, I don't think an interface based on current WZ would work well.

Example . . . who _doesn't_ have an issue with these 2 colours?

Anything that causes me to spend more than 0.1 secs trying to figure out what player it is = Quality of Game lowering element.

Edited 6/16/2021 20:46:43
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 20:45:51

Level 57
As a side note, and based partly on what krinid said, it would be a nice feature to be able to click on the name of a player in the chat or in the player list, and have that player's territories highlighted.
When will Fizzer add 80 player games?: 2021-06-16 20:48:23

Level 62
100% agree ... it's totally possible to do from the Statistics screen, but should also be able to do by clicking on name in chat, in the player window list on the side, etc. So many Ease of Use easy to implement UI additions that could make play smoother.
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