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How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-11 20:12:51

Level 60
i made this thread to see how do you see one country or another ex: "i hate brunei because it has a weird name""i love somali because They Have pirates"
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-11 21:01:14

Battle Master ⚔
Level 57
i can go over every country, do you want me to?
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-11 21:03:44

Level 60
yes its fine
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-11 23:51:15

Level 59
Basically I feel like making one world government and becoming the emperor
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-12 04:33:34

Battle Master ⚔
Level 57
Afghanistan: It's the first one in the alphabet, but the weird panhandle is... horrible. 3/5
Albania: The minimalist yet awesome design of the flag is amazing. 4/5
Algeria: Having a coast on the Mediterranean sea but can't have a massive chunk of the Sahara? Now you can have the best of both worlds! Also, cool flag. 5/5
Andorra: Often forgotten, which is a shame. Also, a micro-nation on mountains? Sign me up! 4/5
Angola: I would've given it a 4/5 if it wasn't for that random piece of land that isn't connected, but it almost is. 2/5
Antigua and Barbuda: Two islands which are a single country in the Caribbean that are forgotten are rare. Awesome place. 5/5
Argentina: That weird southern part thats disconnected is absolute garbage. Also, it insists the Falkland Islands is their land. At least that sun is cool. 2/5
Armenia: Its shaped like an arrow and the flag has orange. 5/5
Australia: They had war with their national bird, Emus. What the actual hell? WTF/5
Austria: Its shaped like a chicken wing and the flag is minimalist yet awesome. 6/5
Azerbaijan: Another country in 2 where one piece is landlocked and the other isn't... At least the flag is awesome. 3/5
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-12 05:40:12

Level 60
Liechtenstein is great because going there means you can spend some time in nature, while still being close to some, but not too many, people. They are the only country to come back from a war with negative casualties (look it up). The nation is very rich for its size as well. This might be a little biased though lol, just look at my name....
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-12 05:46:41

Battle Master ⚔
Level 57
I agree with Liechtensteiner.
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-12 07:46:12

Level 60
Liechtenstein is rich because it has little to no taxes, right? So rich people go to live there? Or is that just Monaco?
Also Liechtenstein wouldn't have left a war with negative casualties I it had actually entered a war of any significance...😉
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-12 15:12:20

Level 60
***Liechtenstein is rich because it has little to no taxes, right? ... Or is that Monaco?***
Both really lol

***Also Liechtenstein wouldn’t have left a war with negative casualties I it had entered a war of any significance...***
Yeah, maybe, but it still happened :)

Oh also I forgot to mention that they are the world’s #1 producer of false teeth. :p
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-13 20:56:31

Battle Master ⚔
Level 57
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-13 22:20:17

Level 56
I'm still waiting for the rest of the countries BM
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-13 23:44:33

Battle Master ⚔
Level 57
oh sorry
stare at my profile picture
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-14 04:13:39

Level 60
BM, I have a feeling that you found that pic on reddit
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-14 04:32:59

Level 56
BM, list the countries or you're a liar.
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-14 04:49:15

Battle Master ⚔
Level 57
@liechtenstein where? i found this randomly

@belize okay one sec i am busy
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-14 04:56:19

Level 58
Uzbekistan: A lot of amazing ancient culture

Iran: 2500+ years of civilization

Greece: Some of the best ruins in the world

Libya: The coolest ruins in the world

Syria: Country that has one of the most interesting histories and cultures and good food, but is plagued by civil war


Italy: Best food and my ancestral home

Argentina: Italy 2

Micronesia: Nan Madol, nuff said

Manchuria: RIP. Coolest language ever

Armenia: The most persecuted people throughout history, hopefully it will get better for them soon
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-23 16:05:45

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
France: rakleader, malakkan, Onyx

Switzerland: master of desaster

Canada: Me, ZeroBlindDragon, Baer, goodgame, buffalo, everyone from CFB Juno

USA: Master USA (duh), Fizzer, Viking1007, sloppyfatginger, Deadman

Lithuania: Rufus, Nemo

Great Britain: Quicksilver, DanWL

Italy: Cipollino, Equivoque

Brazil: Lionheart

Hong Kong: riskboy88

Japan: Nobody

Germany: Everyone else
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-23 21:11:38

Level 60
Hey, almosttricky lives in Japan!

Edited 4/23/2020 23:01:39
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-23 22:13:24

Level 61
tricky is american and deadman is indian
How Do You Feel About A Country?: 2020-04-23 22:22:13

Level 58
BM, it's pretty BM to intend to list all countries and not even get to B. You've had 11 days to think of material to include in your analysis, and it's not like you've been busy, unless you've been breaking quarantine. You haven't broke quarantine, have you?
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