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Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-01 17:01:28

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Now that we're at the halfway point of CL, it should be about the right time to start talking about ideas and thoughts to improve Clan League. I'll be posting ideas and thoughts here shortly, and talking about it on stream later.

I would like to ask vacations/banked time not be discussed until after CL, in which I will be surveying thoughts and opinions.

Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-01 18:11:45

Level 63
maybe not accept twice surrender
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-02 11:18:18

Math Wolf 
Level 64
"Halfway point"
-> Check sheet: "Games played: 5, Games remaining 61"
Let me wait another month to give my feedback. ;-)

(Yes I know we are slow, but no clan has even near as many games played as games finished)
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-02 12:43:02

Master Cowboy 
Level 60

C and D does.

But over half the games are allocated, which is what I mean.
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-02 20:02:19

Level 61
Not having EU 3v3 is biggest issue for me. I get having some variety but we should consider always having the ladder templates.

Otherwise no complaints. Appreciate the efforts
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-03 09:29:02

NoName 2.1
Level 60
If Cowboy and -B will follow works for Clan League we will don't have problems :D amazing guys you motivated many WZ players with this fantastic edition
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-03 15:57:35

Level 62
I like everything so far.
I didn't like the start. It was right before Christmas, people are busy at that time. Maybe try and get things sorted before the ~10th of December or wait till the ~10th of January.

I don't know how often CL is supposed to be running, one league per year sounds good to me. But to be doing the important stuff (CLOT, Rosters, games) not during a time when a lot of people don't have time or when people are simply away.
I also agree that trying to keep it out the summer is good as students have exams and people have holidays.
But both these points would link in to, how long does it take to play 6 games...

Which I counter, people have to play games by the time limits. Organisers and admin shouldn't be looking at this December 22nd.

and as i don't think I've put it anywhere else. I'm going to Thank Cowboy and B for CL and the CLOT.
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-03 16:12:29

Level 61
bring back vacations and ban dror for life. it's a horrible template. don't force variety on templates when you do not have a suitable sub for EU 3v3.

other than those, good job
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-03 17:15:41

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
the time you have between games allocations is tight for teamgames.
Especially for more or less unknown templates you dont know how long a game will last to adjust the time line in game allocation properly.

My idea:
Make it depending from other games of that kind.
Means start a new round of games for a template when 70% of the previous round is finished.

You dont have an overload of games if you play in usual speed.
If individual players stall with vacations, CL still proceeds
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-03 21:47:04

Level 60
+1 LF.

Agreed totally on start a new round of games when the first is 60-80% done. Then, you don't push games on players and it stays with a reasonable amount of games IF you play in a normal speed...

Although some players have different usual speeds.

Otherwise, great job Cowboy and B with CLOT and Clan League!! Well done!

Edited 3/3/2020 21:47:31
- downvoted post by adamg5
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-03 23:11:53

Level 61
Heh... I am on two team templates, and at the moment I have only two CL games running. Funny how that varies between clans and divisions.

I have no suggestions so far, great job running the league, Cowboy.
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-03 23:21:32

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I am in 7 ongoing games currently and am probabily one of the fastest in division B with 4 games finished :D
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-04 01:23:17

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
I think it's reasonable to expect a game to end in roughly a month, so having a new game start every two weeks for each template seems perfectly reasonable to me. I have 6 ongoing games in 2 team tournaments, and given that the banked time makes each individual turn less stressful, I don't think there needs to be any dramatic change.

The 10-15-10-15-10-15 allocation schedule seems a little strange - I think I'd prefer something more like 5-15-15-15-15-15, which only increases the length of the season by 5 days, but spaces things out a bit better. You don't need 10 days between getting your first and second games, since you're only playing one at a time at that point.
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-04 20:43:43

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Yeah it was a modified version of the CL10 Qualifier system for have allocation you used.

There you'd get 2 games every 25 days. I realize that dealing with 2 games to pick from every round would be tough, so I wanted to stagger that, so I did it at 10 days.
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-04 22:30:36

Level 63
I think we are finally seeing a seasonal, where it is an advantage having a deep roster.

Having 3 slots (esp. Team ones) will get you games quickly. If you then have to puppet team mates, you run into problems. Personally 3 slots feel perfectly fine for me, but I guess that's bc I have good mates and reduced my general game count.

I like that a deep roster gets you an advantage. Banked time is fantastic, as I can adjust my move schedule like I want. So far this season is less demanding than the one before.

Edited 3/5/2020 10:12:55
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-04 22:30:52

Level 63

Edited 3/5/2020 10:12:44
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-13 17:29:40

Super Smoove 
Level 61
Set up an X vacation per player limit in CL, either via monitoring Bot or whatever that B uses for CL, or as an additional boot feature fizzer could implement

i.e. check 1 occurs at boot time - see if a vacation is active.

check 2 at end of that vacation date.

2a. If number of vacations allowed is greater than 1, check again at end of new vacation date. Continue this until amount of vacations allowed is used up. Boot at end of this limit.

2b. If number of vacations equals 1, boot/AI replace (or in B's case if fizzer isn't the one implementing this, monitor via bot and assign a loss through the off-site ladder)

Then for future checks, reduce amount of vacations allowed per said player by amount of vacations used.


I'd be willing to pay B or Fizzer to implement this feature to make vacation limits -- while still allowing some -- something much easier to codify into future CLs

Edited 3/13/2020 17:34:24
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-13 22:24:21

Level 64
Something along the lines of limiting total number of games at a time.

I’m not slow but some of my teammates are. We are now having to rush through some games just as we can’t dump 2 hours of time into one turn as we have to get to 3-5 games when we do have a chance to link up. I’d propose something similar to the tourney code where you get 2 games at a time per slot. Once one finishes you can get another one. The banked time caps how long a game can go but sometimes they just go 2 months because it takes 20 turns or so.
Clan League Improvements Thread: 2020-03-14 00:44:14

Level 63

The stack up is intended. I am playing 3 slots and so far (even tough I am more busy than last Cl) is feels manageable. I think it should be tough to play 3 slots, if you don't have good mates. This helps clans with a deep roster.

It should be about the clan with the a solid line up and not about a clan which can field his peak players who puppet the rest.

If a team mate is slow and does not contribute much, he may be the wrong team mate for someone who has 3 slots.
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