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What's the difference?: 1/15/2020 18:31:43

Level 58
UK has the correct spelling of words


Responding here makes it obvious I read through an entire DanWales post which is a shame in and of itself, a shame perhaps only second to the irony Mr. Wales displays by not knowing the British spelling of programme.
What's the difference?: 1/16/2020 05:05:25

Rogue NK
Level 59
The British refuse to use a decimal based money system. 20 shillings in a pound. 16 pennies in a shilling. In the real world, there are 100 cents in a dollar.

Americans refuse to use the metric system. (MURICA)

Canadians refuse to have children.
What's the difference?: 1/16/2020 07:31:16

Level 49
Canada and the UK can't spell things for shit, basically all you need to know.
Aussies have weird version of English but it's cool, UK India & Canadian english are fat wacc tho
What's the difference?: 1/16/2020 12:11:14

Level 62
Rogue NK, how old are you? British have had decimal money since 1971 (thought it was 78, but i checked).

The best money in the UK is a Scottish ONE pound note :- ) Though production was stopped in 2001 :- (
What's the difference?: 1/25/2020 18:10:29

Level 33
UK and US are identical in the area of enabling and empowering systemic abuse orchistrated or supported by the likes of Wexner, Epstein, Maxwell, Andrew, Dubin, et al. #epsteindidntkillhimself;)
What's the difference?: 1/25/2020 19:02:35

Rogue NK
Level 59
@Mylo. I learn something new everyday. I was not alive in 1971. lol. I must have just misheard something.
What's the difference?: 2/8/2020 19:36:00

Dave the Okay
Level 60
Since noone else mentioned it: Canadians are much more polite than Americans. They still care about the Queen and the crown (at least the white ones). Americans couldn't care less about the Queen for the most part. Most Canadians disparage American culture but most of them live within 100 kilometres of the US border and partake in said culture. They (imo) have a bit of an inferiority complex when it comes to the US. Of course the US has a superiority complex when it comes to the rest of the world. Canadian comedy is superior. Canadian music is terrible for the most part.

Edited 2/8/2020 19:39:54
What's the difference?: 2/9/2020 04:52:22

Level 57
^I have never met another Canadian who cared about the monarchy, including 'white ones'. I honestly can't even name any of the royals except the Queen.
What's the difference?: 2/9/2020 05:12:42

Level 63
Shout out to the dude from North Carolina giving us the definitive take on Canada.
What's the difference?: 2/11/2020 04:57:39

Pepe the Great
Level 58
@Dave We don't care about the queen and the crown... but at the same time, we don't care enough to get rid of them either. The leader of the NDP wants to turn Canada into a republic, although I'm not sure how long he's going to remain as leader (but that's another topic).
Our culture is essentially built on not being American. This guy explains it quite well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yKzq3ueGr8
What's the difference?: 2/11/2020 06:59:31

Level 59
Fish & chips, hamburgers and maple syrup
What's the difference?: 2/11/2020 12:56:23

Level 60
fries, crisps, gelato
What's the difference?: 2/11/2020 17:01:25

Level 57
When I first found out what nationalism is, I've been comparing it to racism and sexism and such.

A nationalist would say "I'm from this country and you're not, therefore I'm better then you"
A racist would say "I'm part of this racial group and you're not, therefore I'm better then you"

See the similarity?
What's the difference?: 2/11/2020 17:18:35

Pepe the Great
Level 58
@goodgame I disagree. Only since 2015/16 has nationalism become a bad word. Take a look at what Civilization 4's civilopedia had to say on the "Nationalism" technology (Civ 4 came out in 2005):
"Nationalism is the belief that the affairs of the nation are the primary concern of its citizens. A recent political phenomenon (the first major application taking place after the French Revolution), it has nonetheless become the overriding paradigm for modern world politics. It is important to know that nationalism can come in a variety of forms, some permutations bearing little resemblance to each other. Many early nationalistic leaders preached the superiority of their country over all others. While this type isn't extinct today (as evidenced by the ethnocentric nationalism in the former Yugoslavia), most promote national determinism. Sanctioned by the United Nations, this is the belief that each nation should be responsible for its own growth and independence."
Edit: My point for using a quote from a game is to show what the average person thought about nationalism, not some political group's thoughts or propaganda.

Edited 2/11/2020 17:22:23
What's the difference?: 2/11/2020 18:12:56

Level 56
Differences in my perspective:
Britain: A nice cup of tea with miwk!
Canada: Overly nice people
USA: It's a world in itself
What's the difference?: 2/11/2020 18:22:16

Level 63
America is the best and if u don’t agree Donald trump will grab you by the pussy like he said

What's the difference?: 2/11/2020 21:39:41

Level 60
America is equal with any other country just like people are equal
What's the difference?: 2/21/2020 04:05:57

General R.E. Lee
Level 57
Then why are you still in your country if it's not better or you don't like it more than any other country?

You don't choose what nation you're born into, just like you don't choose what family you're born into. It is natural to love your family. Your nation is literally your extended family. Saying you don't love your nation more than any random foreign nation is like saying you don't love your family more than a random stranger. That is sick and bizarre.

There is an important difference between country and nation. A Nation is the People.

"Country" may refer to a geographic area or a political state/government, but the definition of a "Nation" is a PEOPLE who share a culture, language, and lineage.

That's why we still call the American Indian tribes like the Cherokee "Nations" even though they are stateless nations. "Nations," in its correct usage, is synonymous with "peoples."

Only a few western countries like Poland or Finland can still be considered true nation-states for which "country of Poland" would be basically synonymous with "Polish Nation." Japan, Korea, and Israel are great examples of real nation-states outside the west. In these countries, national identity is strong because it is still built on all 3 pillars of a nation: language, culture, and common descent.

"Korean" and "Japanese" nationality are still tied to and defined partly by ethnicity. A white or black person born in Japan will never be considered "Japanese." The ethnic Japanese people have an ethnic Japanese Government. The Japanese are not a stateless nation.

The ethnic Jewish people of Israel have an ethnically Jewish government and a state that enforces immigration laws designed to maintain an ethnically Jewish majority population. The Jews are not a stateless nation.

However, most western countries are now controlled by a hostile group of elites that is foreign to and despises the founding people / nation of those countries.

They have flooded western countries with so many foreigners that many western "countries" like France or the UK or the United States are no longer considered real "nations." They are only economic zones, geographic areas containing multiple nations and in which the host or founding nation is subjected to anti-natal policies and propaganda to suppress their birthrates.

In the UK, the English people / nation are now a minority in their own major cities. Whites in many parts of America are now a minority in all age groups that is systemically discriminated against by affirmative action. Any nonwhite who gets across the border is automatically given preference by law at the cost of "heritage Americans" in job placements and schools. America is not a real nation-state anymore.

In America the whites who founded and built the country for their posterity are now a minority under the age of 18. No one ever voted for massive floods of foreigners. No nation ever would vote to make themselves a minority in their own country and a stateless people. It was done to them like it is being done in every western country by the same jewish ruling class of the west that hates white nations.

Article II (c) of the UN definition of genocide includes the importation of large numbers of foreigners against the will of the native/founding nation. They apply this to cases like Tibet where the Chinese government flooded Tibet with ethnic Han Chinese, but when white countries are flooded with so many foreigners that we are made into a 2nd class minority in our own countries that's just part of the "plan" of the jewish elites.

The American nation and the French nation still exist, but they are now stateless peoples. It is possible to love the American nation and hate the globalist / internationalist foreign group that controls our puppet government and has reduced us to an oppressed minority in the country our ancestors created.

Edited 2/21/2020 06:50:12
What's the difference?: 2/21/2020 04:14:41

Level 63
Only a few western countries like Poland or Finland can still be considered true nation-states

What's the difference?: 2/21/2020 04:37:07

Level 60
@Twisted 'preciate the support for Aussie English, mate!
@OxtheAutist, program and programme are very different words.
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