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The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-26 13:53:55

Level 59


Just like last year Bane and I are happy to announce we will be doing the Warzone Awards again this year. This is the second time we’re doing this and we have lots of new and exciting things to share! The livestream will take place on https://www.twitch.tv/cursonafun at 10:00 AM EST (UTC – 4) on January 27th. You can see highlights of the first Warzone Awards on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/1iw7nL9hcw0.

The goal of this awards show is to celebrate and give thanks to Warzone and the community. So let’s get some nominees! Please note that there is some new awards and some have been updated.

Best Match – Any match that is notable for its competiveness, enjoyment, and/or recognition
Worst Map – A map that is so bad it’s good
Best Map – A map that significantly excels for its balance, character, and overall craftsmanship
Best Warzoner – An individual player who excels in the competitive aspect of Warzone
Warzone Community Member of the Year – An active individual who impacts the warzone community in a positive way
Best Clan - A clan that found or continued their success or awareness
Best Fizzer Moment – The best moment by the Warzone creator
Best Mapmaker – An individual who provides a wide quality and/or quantity of maps
Best New Mapmaker – A notable mapmaker who started their career

Rules for nominations:

You cannot nominate yourself. All Awards will have up to 5 total nominees. All Awards are for what happened or were created within 2018 (Pretty self-explanatory. Example, Best Warzoner should be a user who excelled in 2018, not 2017). Please be specific for each Award and provide links (when it’s necessary). Just because you put in a nominee suggestion doesn't mean it will make the nomination list. Bane and I will be going through and deciding who ultimately makes the final cut. However, if we see lots of similar suggestions, we will probably put them in the final list.


Afterward there should be a new thread that will include a link to a Surveymonkey where you will vote on the FINAL cast of nominees.
-King C******* V & Bane

Edited 1/1/2019 04:16:18
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-26 13:57:27

Level 64
Gonna be exciting!
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-26 15:32:32

Level 63
It would be funny if I won again :)
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-26 18:05:26

│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61

I nominate Faisal for best map maker.
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-26 20:20:25

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
I nominate Blitz for best clan.
I also nominate Xeno for best community member.
I also nominate MrTrolldemort for best player.

Edited 12/26/2018 20:22:27
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-26 23:04:33

Level 62
Please bring in uprising player of the year or most Improved player of the year, This would be a good category to have.
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-26 23:19:56

Level 62
*Best Match – https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=17265524 Probably the most knife-edged game that could've went either way in my life. Really fun game.

*Best Map – https://www.warzone.com/Map/30404-Biomes-Americas Credit to QB and Lionheart, It's just such a great crafted map with so much thought and craft mixed together. (I don't think this was nominated last year?)

*Best Warzoner – There are many competitors who could fill this but I'm going to personally go for Rufus, absolutely crushing the MDL for the last few months. Dominating the 1v1 Ladder with a ridiculous 2400 score, finishing 2nd I believe in the Pangea Ultima tournament that he was substituted in for. I'll go for him.

*Warzone Community Member of the Year – This is a toss-up between Ekstone and Deadman, I think both are just invaluable to the community regardless. Because last year Deadman got his reward, I'm going to go for Ekstone because his consistency for managing a large scale event is incredible. To do it for 2+ years.. damn...

*Best Clan - Masters in the strategic world probably, have a reap of dominant players that have a major presence across all formats of The game. Lynx was a contender but they've really crashed in the last 2 months but even so they aren't really close to Master's at their peak for me.

*Best Mapmaker – Lionheart just feels like a person worth nominating in this, he has a touch of arts about him, that being said I don't play many maps but his quality has made me notice him because he's that good.
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-27 00:00:13

Level 59
Biomes of America won map of the year last year. Best map must be a map made in 2018. Sorry for any confusion!

Thanks for all the nominations so far.

Edited 12/27/2018 00:01:48
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-27 00:03:20

Level 63
Can you add more categories :P Basically just add those on from the Slammy Awards
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-27 00:55:30

Level 60
I'm gonna assume you can nominate more than one but I can narrow it down if needed. That way we can have a more varied group.

Best Match: I barely remember my matches but I would say either https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=15024920 (me and joi playing in the berlin open when we were noobs and still winning despite the odds and also has my most watched clip on my twitch channel) or https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=15368467 (that time Aura Guardian surrendered when we had an over 10 income advantage) not sure if matches including me count but I dont know any others.

Best Map: https://www.warzone.com/Map/31753-Archipelago this is a surprisingly simple and fun map that I've seen on QM that I like (I would pick biomes but that's in 2017 so im trying my best to do only 2018 stuff).

Best Warzoner: There are so many choices and I am not well informed on particular achievements but I'm gonna put my vote on deadman. I think some others to consider can be Rufus, master of desaster, Quicksilver and Xenophon

Community member of the year: I'm going to choose a bunch of people in here. Dan, Ekstone, Farah, Bane, King C******V, Deadman, LionHeart.

Best Fizzer moment: I would say probably giving all of those coins and memberships for christmas this year. It was very nice and generous of him to do.

Best Clan: Masters https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=11 (the dominant clan for pretty much all of 2018 with many of the best players currently active in it. Strong showings in numerous ladders, tournaments and being number 1 in clan league)
Europa Unitum aka EU https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=353 (new clan from Irise that has done a great job getting new Europeans into the community with plenty of members)
Snakelets https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=357 (another new clan that acts as a feeder clan to the glorious vipers. I've seen plenty of players in my games so even if they dont seem too well known there are plenty of active members that I've seen.)
FCC https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=17 (yes I know it's kind of cheating since I'm in it but hear me out. We went from essentially a dead clan after a huge collapse in late 2017 to a mid to high tier clan who has gotten several players improving from casual players to many doing well in 1v1, multiday and seasonal ladders both in the past and right now such as MGO, Gonzalo, TableTrivia, Joi and others. Essentially a huge resurrection from a clan that many considered dead when 2018 first came along. Even if I never joined I would still be amazed to see how the clan reformed itself this year and managed to stay in the B division despite several issues that were plaguing it)

Best Mapmaker: My answer is pretty obvious. My vote is definitely going to lionheart. He has consistently made some amazing looking maps and one of the highest profile mapmakers of recent memory. Some of his maps like biomes have become huge hits in the strategic community and many others look great and work for all sorts of games. Besides that, I will give a shoutout to my man Bane for making some really neat maps this year that were fun to play and took lots of dedication to make.

Best new mapmaker: This one was hard since I don't know many mapmakers, but looking at the maps made this year I've decided on these names

Save_The_Marsh https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=8164619971 (while originally making a few meme maps, his new map Kenya is surprisingly good and good looking for only a 3rd map. If he decides to make future maps, I think he has lots of potential in becoming a great mapmaker.

Colion https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=1192335236 (His maps have been very creative and interesting ideas for fictional universes like fallout. Also has plenty of scenarios for alternate history scenarios)

[NL] Goldtank https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=4750011718 (he made a new massive Hearts of Iron 4 inspired map for Europe. That is a massive undertaking for any mapmaker, but this is his first map that took over several months according to the description. Looks like an awesome map for diplo games if people ever want a ww2 map. One of the most impressive mapmaking feats I've ever known so I included him here.)

Edited 12/27/2018 00:57:11
- downvoted post by Жұқтыру
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-27 04:26:24

Level 60
Seems like someone is jealous of Dan's awesomeness...
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-27 14:36:33

Level 59
We had several other award ideas such as most improved. However, it didn’t make the cut. But we will always consider new ones next year.
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-27 16:17:20

Level 61
Best Map – Kate Upton 2, no contest. No other map made me rofl so much. Can't argue about its strategic value either.

Best Warzoner – kicorse for holding #1 on 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 ladders simultaneously, two and possibly three top10 seasonal finishes in a single year, and completely dominating the AWP Tour.

Warzone Community Member of the Year – Ekstone for his AWP Tour.

Best Clan - That's got to be MH for surprising everyone with their CL performance.

Best Mapmaker – Lionheart

Best Match – I don't know, but please choose something from CL or maybe AWP final, not just some random match.

Worst Map – I don't like ridiculing people's efforts.
- downvoted post by bootmatt
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-28 05:06:53

Level 64
sorry, nominating yourself is in poor taste, even though youre 100% qualified for the award /s
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-28 07:36:31

Level 63
Best Match -
Worst Map- that Georgia map
Best Map – strategic kate upton was beautiful
Best Warzoner – https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=9859154536 he has always had a lot ofgold trophies, but now has 6 and is close to having 7, which would be all of them
Warzone Community Member of the Year – https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=3262000156 , ofcourse
Best Clan -
Best Fizzer Moment – Christmas gift <3
Best Mapmaker – Bane brings us a lot of maps and no one ever recognizes (lionheart's maps are amazing tho)
Best New Mapmaker – save the marsh is pretty cool

this is cool event im excited to see results

Edited 12/30/2018 08:20:25
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-28 11:43:29

Level 65
My proposals:

Best Map – Gotham City by Lionheart: https://www.warzone.com/Map/32203-Gotham-City
Best Warzoner – Rufus, for collecting trophies and progress made
Warzone Community Member of the Year – I would propose Ekstone for AWP or Deadman for CL CLOT. Hard to decide.
Best Clan - I think CORP made biggest progress as clan in 2018 (surely I am biased, sorry for that).
Best Fizzer Moment – each single moment when Fizzer does not shut down WZ.
Best Mapmaker – Lionheart
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-28 13:39:16

Level 45
Best Match – Xenophon vs NoMercy
Best Warzoner – Xenophon
Warzone Community Member of the Year – Xenophon
Best Clan - Snakelets
Best Mapmaker – Xenophon
Best New Mapmaker – Xenophon
The Warzone Awards 2018 Nominations Thread: 2018-12-28 14:30:20

Corn Man 
Level 62
Best Warzoner of 2019 – I second kicorse. He came out of nowhere and then held #1 on the 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 ladders simultaneously, which is impressive as hell. And he now dominates AWP Tour. Also, great guy and great attitude.

(Rufus gets my second vote - this year he has risen to clearly one of the top players in this game. My third vote is for 89thlap, who came out of nowhere this year and established himself as a top player.)

Warzone Community Member of the Year – Ekstone :) (Deadman is a close second)

Best Mapmaker – Lionheart

Edited 12/28/2018 18:59:27
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