Warzone dictionary
From Warzone Wiki
Here's a list of terms you will often encounter when playing Warzone. There is large overlap with the general chat-language, but there are some Warzone-specific words as well.
- 16% – The luck is set at 16%. It can be any percentage, but 16% is popular because the often-used 4 vs 2 attack will have a 100% chance of winning, however, a 3 vs 2 attack will have a 80% chance of winning. Often in game or tournament name.
- ATM – Short for At The Moment
- Diplomacy – A game with private chat enabled, to encourage truces and treaties between players that are not teamed together from the start.
- FFA – Free for all, i.e. without teams.
- FTB – First Turn Bonus; a type of strategy.
- GG, gg – Good game, often said at the end of a game to compliment other players with their strategy, fair-play and/or manners.
- LD – Local deployments. Often in the game/tournament name.
- MA - Multi Attack
- NC – No cards. Often in game or tournament name.
- SR - Straight Round
- WR - Weighted Random
- VTE – Vote to End. Often used in diplomacy games.
- Strategic, Strat – A game with settings equal to or largely like the Strategic 1v1 template. Often in game or tournament titles.
- auto – Random (automatic) distribution of territories upon starting a game. Often in game or tournament titles.
- gl – Good luck
- hf – Have fun
- hree, jere, here, ghere – I am aware I exceeded the boot timer. I was away, but I am here now. I promise I will hurry now in committing my turn, please don't boot me.
- random – Random distribution of territories upon starting a game. Often in game or tournament titles.
- mirror – Mirror picks, when someone ask to copy exactly his picks.
- PE - Public enemy. PEs are usually involved in diplomacy games.
Contents |
[edit] Templates & Maps
- ME - Medium Earth
- MME - Modified Medium Earth
- FB - French Brawl
- RDR - Red Dead Redemption
- RoR - Rise of Rome
[edit] Medium Earth
- ant - Antarctica
- aus - Australia
- CA - Central America
- SA - South America
- WA - West Africa
- EA - East Africa
- Indo - Indonesia
- SEA - South East Asia
- EC - East China
- WC - West China
- scan - Scandinavia
- WR - West Russia
- CR - Central Russia
[edit] Troll's Europe
- SLK - Slovakia
- WCR - Western Central Russia
- aus - Austria
- switz - Switzerland
- Ben/bene - Benelux
- GB,england - Britain
- Ice - Iceland
- Ire - Ireland
[edit] Rise of Rome
Here is a list of common terms (mostly abbreviations for megabonuses) that will come up often when playing on the Rise of Rome map.
- Illy: the megabonus Illyricum, located near the center of the map
- Mace: the megabonus Magna Macedonia, located just south of illy
- gb: the megabonus Magna Britannia
- Asia: the megabonus Magna Asia (usually; in some cases it may refer to the actual +4 bonus Asia located at the northwest of that megabonus)
- Colchis: a +2-bonus located in the far northeast.