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Level 2276 - 2300 of 21509   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  47  ...  91  92  93  ...  476  ...  860  861  Next >>   
WW2 With Modern Borders 4   14 likes, 95 wins in 166 attempts
Created by eater9
Record holder: Charles in 8 turns
Risk-ish No Small Bonuses   66 likes, 415 wins in 600 attempts
Created by mateop
Record holder: Carrot Wax in 14 turns
bataille3   55 likes, 363 wins in 705 attempts
Created by Corsaire
Record holder: Michael H. in 8 turns
Botty 1   15 likes, 65 wins in 962 attempts
Created by Plaisir
Record holder: Ken in 28 turns
Every army counts   18 likes, 120 wins in 501 attempts
Created by 火Legle火
Record holder: (deleted) in 15 turns
Threes (large pick 3)   23 likes, 90 wins in 1418 attempts
Created by Quixote
Record holder: pibe in 27 turns
The Wizz Academy 2   53 likes, 228 wins in 752 attempts
Created by Atomslaya
Record holder: Ken in 14 turns
WW2 With Modern Borders 3   21 likes, 161 wins in 203 attempts
Created by eater9
Record holder: sovetsky in 6 turns
Fight through the grid. 8 x 1   106 likes, 674 wins in 1138 attempts
Created by Gemini
Record holder: Ken in 15 turns
biomes   46 likes, 279 wins in 447 attempts
Created by Leonardo Legend 17
Record holder: Warbear in 8 turns
mars I   57 likes, 309 wins in 397 attempts
Created by Leonardo Legend 17
Record holder: Albuquerque in 10 turns
snake island   57 likes, 277 wins in 706 attempts
Created by Leonardo Legend 17
Record holder: Goofke9 in 17 turns
Why would anyone do this?   13 likes, 48 wins in 276 attempts
Created by Nathan
Record holder: James Harman in 26 turns
Grab your camera first   20 likes, 83 wins in 507 attempts
Created by Tless
Record holder: thhjer in 25 turns
Alone in the dark II   44 likes, 215 wins in 3128 attempts
Created by morph-x
Record holder: Ario in 19 turns
corsica   29 likes, 175 wins in 484 attempts
Created by Leonardo Legend 17
Record holder: Jm in 32 turns
Happy New Year!   28 likes, 153 wins in 752 attempts
Created by Sapin
Record holder: in 22 turns
moon   13 likes, 65 wins in 354 attempts
Created by Leonardo Legend 17
Record holder: pibe in 26 turns
The First Balkan War REAL TROOP NUMBERS   7 likes, 69 wins in 189 attempts
Created by Calamari
Record holder: J in 6 turns
game 3   59 likes, 466 wins in 1354 attempts
Created by sara
Record holder: DRG in 8 turns
10p 3x5 LD commerce   30 likes, 298 wins in 990 attempts
Created by Brotherdan
Record holder: terminator murat in 13 turns
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra   35 likes, 239 wins in 311 attempts
Created by Ambiorix
Record holder: Erzherzog in 9 turns
WW2 With Modern Borders 2   7 likes, 116 wins in 134 attempts
Created by eater9
Record holder: hi in 4 turns
bakrannia   19 likes, 91 wins in 561 attempts
Created by Leonardo Legend 17
Record holder: Palatino in 31 turns
south america vs brazil   20 likes, 225 wins in 248 attempts
Created by GDL
Record holder: Josh in 5 turns
Level 2276 - 2300 of 21509   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  47  ...  91  92  93  ...  476  ...  860  861  Next >>