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Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 09:34:45

Level 60
I have a question for y'all, what would you like to see in a template that cannot be done with the current tools/settings?

Mods have a lot of potential to become a major part in Warzone games. But there are little to no mods that are actually interesting to use in a strategic template, and I would like to change that.

At this time, I have written a King of the Hills mod that used to exists as a mod. I also have plans on creating a custom card, 'Forced LD', as requested by @Bodski (ty JK_3 for passing me the concept). But I'm sure there is more out there that would be really interesting to have!
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 09:50:43

Level 59
Off the top of my head, I think something like 'Sabotage Supply Lines' would be interesting. The card would be played on an opponent's territory and would prevent any armies existing or placed on the territory from being able to move that turn.
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 15:15:37

Santa Claus
Level 63
Make blockade cards work on a territory you don't hold now, but hope to capture during the turn.
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 15:29:55

Level 65
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 23:18:11

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
I'd like a mod in which you get card pieces per turn no matter what instead of having to take a territory. I like the idea of certain cards like reinforcement not being available until turn 4 or so but removing the requirement of taking a territory to get it.
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 23:30:53

Level 60
@Hatter iirc there is already a mod that does at least something similar, but it is a good idea that mods could quite easily make.

@Santa Claus that concept is also doable. I'll have to do some tests but if what I think is possible, this should be an easy concept!

@Alexclusive I'll get back later on this

@Kenny • apex That should be quite easy to implement. I'll write that down!
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 23:31:53

Level 59
auto dist (no intel!) without getting potentially garbage starts. i think the mod to do this would be as simple as shuffling picks so you just pick (# starts * # players) reasonable territories and you get no intel because you don't know if it's the shuffling or actual pick order that got you your starts from your picks.

this wouldn't be that great still (getting your 3/4 against your 1/2 is probably losing off the bat) but... it's better than auto dist. and this is also roughly how noobs (who have no idea of turn/move/pick order) think picks work (you just randomly get # starts picks) so it'd be a cool mod if you could make it.

disclaimer: i do not play the game actively anymore and so i cannot guarantee a single use of your mod if you make this. just an idea though

also one design consideration is what to do for players that don't make enough picks. i think they'd get intel if they have too few picks so i'd just have the mod make random picks for them until they get (# starts * # players). you would probably also need a disclaimer to let players know they need to make the maximum number of picks for the mod to not random pick for them, since otherwise the mod would have to understand when they've made sufficient picks (e.g., teammates make different picks).

Edited 9/4/2024 23:46:41
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 23:42:57

Level 60
Coming back at your concept Alex, the exact concept in your original proposal is not possible. If you exclude a player from the game, the game automatically eliminates them. However, I have player with a similar concept in the past.

Instead of having 1 player of each team pick all their territories, I played around with all players picking 1 territory each turn.

I did arrive at something that worked, but the biggest problem is UX related. It is really difficult to show which territories are pickable and which not after the distribution turn. Believe me, it is a mess for me to create a somewhat understandable UI and the underlying systems
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 23:44:47

Level 60
Ty @l4v.r0v. It is listed now in this thread so maybe at some point... xD
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 23:50:01

Level 60
I also saw this somewhere, I think someone posted it as a feature request now that I think of it.

What if you would pick and/or get territories distributed like normal, but more than usual, and you have to select a few starts to actually keep.

With manual distribution, you would get intel on where your opponent is, although you are not sure he will still be there. But based on that info, you could decide to keep a territory that you would normally not want.

Please correct me if I'm not seeing something, there's a reason why I don't play ladders and such :)
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 23:52:16

old yeller 
Level 60
setting specific att/def kill & between borders.
the mod would let a game maker draw a line between borders and set that % depending on topography or whatever
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 23:55:06

Level 60
@old yeller I would love to make something like that, but currently the ways to do it are 1) weird and 2) confusing. For something like that to really be made possible, I need to ask Fizzer a huge favor (although I'm absolutely certain that it is the biggest missing part of the mod framework atm...)
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-04 23:58:06

old yeller 
Level 60
i have another but also not doable.
reincarnation, but it involves a neutral playing a gift to a player about to be eliminated, it need to see the future.
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-05 05:49:12

Level 61
I don’t know if this is possible (or an original thought) but I’ve always thought some kind of “watchtower” giving local or global visibility through fog would be cool

Edited 9/5/2024 05:49:36
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-05 16:30:12

Level 63
@Dutch, what would you need Fizz to do? Depending on what it enables, could be easy to get a large # of votes to support it
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-05 16:33:00

Level 65
Switch between SR/WR rounding mode on odd/even turns.
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-05 18:14:18

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
Switch between SR/WR rounding mode on odd/even turns.

who hurt you
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-05 19:32:26

Level 61
Forced LD Card (in 10 pieces, start with 5 pieces, 1 piece per turn)

When played the card forces an opponent to use LD for 5 turns.

In play....

Turns 1-5 normal

Turns 6-10 LD (assumes both play their Force LD Card)

Turns 11-15 normal

Turns 15-20 LD

Getting Card pieces is vital, otherwise you may have to use LD when your opponent doesn't.
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-05 20:19:03

Nice Guy 
Level 62
No dirty gift: disable gifting to enemies
No friendly gift: disable gifting to teammates
Starting cities: at the beggining of the game, randomly distribute N cities on the map. Every n cities increases owner's income by m.
Military camps: at the beggining of the game, randomly distribute n_1, n_2, n_3, ... n_i military camps of i types on the map. Every camp generates one extra card piece to the owner, based on its type.
Eyes: at the beggining of the game, randomly distribute N eyes on the map. Fog is permanently removed from terrotries with eyes.
Request to strategic players: 2024-09-05 22:52:33

old yeller 
Level 60
treat enemies as teammates card. would allow a player to give armies through transfer or airlift to another player outside of team.
very useful in diplo and ffa

Edited 9/5/2024 22:53:36
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