alexclusive's clues: 2023-10-08 08:23:01 |
Level 65
What‘s alexclusive‘s clues?
I‘m often asked to share general gameplay advice, which is a difficult thing to do because the players asking me have verying skill levels and weaknesses. I end up only giving advice when I have a specific game at hand from the individual player, because then I can point at the reasons why the player lost the game. That, however, is a time-consuming practice which I cannot really afford anymore. Therefore, I decided to create this thread with a collection of pieces of advice that can be generalized, based on example games that shall help players across many experience levels. I hope for that approach to be more efficient, because more than one player will benefit from each post and I will also be able to respond to questions and feedback centrally.
I also want to encourage others do drop their own advice in this thread or create their own threads, please just don‘t take it personally if I correct you when you are wrong. The purpose is to improve at the game after all, not to feed your ego. I also request you to challenge what I say in the same way if it doesn‘t make sense to you; it will allow me to explain it better or correct myself if necessary.
I hope to write episodes approximately weekly, but I cannot promise a certain frequency. If I don‘t pay enough attention and the thread gets locked, I will create a new one and reference the old one on top. If you find this thread helpful, please link it on your clan server; I decided to open it to the general public and not limit it my community. Stay tuned for the first episode!
alexclusive's clues: 2023-10-08 08:40:33 |
Level 65
Episode 1: Surprise a superior opponentWhen an opponent consistently beats you more than he loses to you, more likely than not, it‘s mainly becuase he is superior to you in skill. As your general approach to the game has failed, this situation requires you to think out of the box and apply strategies beyond what you normally do. The key to beating a superior opponent is to be unpredictable and do something he doesn‘t see coming. It‘s completely fine if this goes at the expense of a high degree of safety in your position, because playing it safe is exactly what is not working for you, trying to beat the master at his own game. Why play chess against Magnus Carlsen if you can start playing checkers instead out of nowhere? Warzone is a game that lets you do something of that kind. Leaving first turn bonuses aside, many templates have small bonuses that can be completed turn 2 with their own pick alone and bigger bonuses that can only be completed turn 2 with a connecting outside pick at hand. However, sometimes situations arise when the best bonus on the board can only be completed if you invest all your three picks. This is an option that is usually not considered by top players because it reduces your map coverage to a normally unacceptable level and makes your position vulnerable to nearby picks. This is where the surprise effect plays in your favour. If you opt for a tactical option your opponent has not at all considered, you can compensate an initial disadvantage, if any. In the described example, this is especially true on templates with maps so small that map coverage is easy to accomplish, especially if they have a globe-like functionality where the east and the west are connected, like on Battle Islands V in the example game below. Now, take a moment to consider this and check out the game. You will find that my opponent Rufus, arguably the best player of all time, has had no idea what I was doing until the very moment he bordered me. By that point of time, it was too late to react and the game was effectively over. Looking forward to your comments! Reference game:
alexclusive's clues: 2023-10-08 09:58:39 |
Level 65
I think it's terrible advice.
You won the game against Rufus because he's a washed up player. He dropped the ball against you, he already knew what bonuses you didn't have thanks to the reco card. So he had to know you were coming from the south. But he got greedy and expanded into bonuses that weren't safe. So that game is a bad example.
Let's be honest, if you're playing a good opponent and they haven't considered your picks, then most of the time it's because your picks suck. If your picks were good enough to threaten their position, then they would have considered them.
There's a somewhat similar strategy to yours that can work. It's to assume your opponent is going for the very best picks on the board, the optimal strategy. And then to plan your picks accordingly. If you know where he's going to pick, you might be able to find a strategy to beat him. So you wouldn't pick the "best picks" for yourself, but "the ones that work best against those best picks". There's a risk this strategy will fail if your opponent picks differently but it can be worth a shot.
But doing something completely unexpected? It's the opposite of a good idea for me. Warzone is a psychological game too, and sometimes you don't play the same way depending on whom you face. A lot of players have opponents they're scared of, they see their name and they start playing differently and try new things because they don't think they can beat them the regular way. And that almost never ends well, because those "new things" are usually bad ideas. And for picks, if you leave the best picks to your opponent because of your strategy, you're bound to end up with inferior picks.
Edited 10/8/2023 09:59:31
alexclusive's clues: 2023-10-08 10:02:07 |
Level 60
call it alexcluesive instead lol when might a surprise attack fail?
alexclusive's clues: 2023-10-08 10:06:10 |
Level 63
I may have surprised you in by picking a non-wastelanded bonus in a swapped picks game and then not noticing I had Hawaii. Was surprised in By turn 5 I knew they had Africa but by turn 7 was too late to do anything about it. Thought they would have had presence in Asia. Wasn’t expecting triple pick in There is a QM BIV game that I remember playing and lost because of opponent triple picking, but can’t find it.
alexclusive's clues: 2023-10-08 14:53:09 |
Beep Beep I'm A Jeep
Level 64
However, if you wonder, if you shall surprise your opponent with a risky picking strategy, because your opponent will make perfect picks. What stops you from making this perfect picks as well? At picking stage your chances are 50/50. Good players love intel though. The ideal game is low income and high intel. So if you can reduce intel that's a good thing for the weaker player.
alexclusive's clues: 2023-10-08 15:02:23 |
Level 65
Episode 2: Three connecting picks on French BrawlOn French Brawl and Yorkshire Brawl, when you have three connected picks where A borders B, B borders C, but C doesn't border A (as my picks 1, 2 and 3 in the reference game), conversely to popular belief and intuition you gathered from other templates, you should not prioritize the central pick (B) and instead prefer the connecting picks (A & C) around it. Why? On most templates, if you have pick B against A & C, you can just deploy +5 (or your other base income) and hold your position, neutralizing (permanently preventing them from completing their bonus) two of your opponent's picks along the way by utilizing only one. That's winning. On French or Yorkshire Brawl, however, if you deploy enough to defend for sure in such a situation, you will generally not take any income and stay at 4 while your opponent can take income without any risk as he can't lost both A and C at once. Conversely, if you don't defend, he can kill your B territory with only a +1 deploy, tapping with 1 and and then attacking with 3, wiping you out of the entire area. This is what happened in the reference game. This scenario puts you in a very difficult, mostly losing position. Generally, connecting picks help you on FB and YB. But if there are more than two, prioritize wisely! Reference game:
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