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Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 00:49:12

Level 33
I don't know if this is a bug, but I've been in an active game with three of my friends over the past two weeks. I was talking about the game with my friend when I went to pull up the game and it wasn't in my game list. I went into past games and found it listed as a surrender. The game is still on the same round. Is there a way to rejoin the game? Is this a common glitch? If not is there any settings we should change in game creation to make this sort of issue less likely to occur?

I'm just rather bummed right now as it's been going on for awhile and I while we haven't gotten a firm winner yet, I was vying for one of the super power positions on the board.
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 00:50:11

Level 61
My only guess is that you were booted, could you link the games so I could look?
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 00:52:00

Level 33
I never thought of linking the game to someone before. I'm guessing the URL is enough, but if not let me know. I haven't seen a share button anywhere. https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=33717884

Edit: We are on a 3 day boot, though since I played earlier today I don't think that was the issue here.

Edited 3/15/2023 00:53:50
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 00:56:38

Level 60
You may have accidentally surrender or something?

Report the bug to fizzer
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 01:09:04

Level 63
Game link is the the URL bar on website. Game link is also in settings. Game > Settings > View full settings > link
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 01:13:46

Level 65
There's pretty much only two explanations, you mistakenly hit the surrender button or someone else is in your account. I've been playing this since nine years and never heard of a bug that makes you surrender before.
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 01:25:06

Level 60
Same. Never had that sort of thing.
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 01:45:58

Level 62
2 things I can think of are:

1) accidentally surrendering when attempting to Clear Orders

When your fingers are on auto-pilot mode & you're not reading what you're clicking or what's popping up b/c you're confident it's correct b/c you've read/clicked it hundreds of times before, it's an easy enough mistake to make

2) a series of really really fat finger presses, notably on the mobile app

This has happened to me once before, in conjunction with an odd app slow down; accidentally fat fingered the Surrender button, and instead of the app immediately bringing up the '...Are you sure...?' dialog, it took a few seconds, so when nothing happened I assumed I really didn't fat finger it and tried scrolling/zooming on the map, no response, then tried again at the same instant the '...Are you sure...?' dialog popped up and tapped "Yes, I give up", then of course surrendered the game. I didn't even get to read the dialog, it just blinked up and disappeared instantly, but I knew what had happened. You can do this to a game even if it's not your turn, perhaps if you bringing it up, realize it's not your turn, make the fat finger error, don't realize what you did, go back to dashboard, still don't even realize the egregious error you've made
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 02:55:33

Level 61
The link does show that you have surrendered, if you are sure that you didn't surrender which you seem to be, report it to fizzer, he could see if their was some issue in the game and potentially fix the bug.
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 03:01:56

Level 62
When you review the game history, do you see a move that starts off with "Dcat682 surrendered"? Or did it just show up as surrendered?
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 03:19:12

Level 33
Since the game is ongoing (4 players) there is not playback to show my turn. But I for turn 15 I did take my turn and committed.
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-15 09:56:58

Level 63
Ah, been there done that...

You either opened the wrong game and surrendered it, or you were clearing all orders and accidently surrendered.
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-18 08:06:20

Roi Joleil
Level 60
" Since the game is ongoing (4 players) there is not playback to show my turn. But I for turn 15 I did take my turn and committed. "

Ofcourse there is History (playback)
You just cant see through the fog while the game is stilll on going.

It says turn 15
"Dcat682 has surrendered"
"Endernate has surrendered"

I can assure you with 99.99999% that there is no surrender Bug.

Previous responses by Fizzer (game creator) were:
"Check if the game has "Booted players are replaced with AIs", "AIs surrender", and "instant surrender" settings. What's can happen is you're getting booted, an AI is taking over, AI is surrendering, and then the surrender is auto-accepted all in one motion. "

If you were booted, it would say so in History which it doesnt.
'Surrendered Players turn to AI' is off (if it were on you could take over again)
'Surrender must be accepted' is No (if it were yes then you would play on until everyone accepted your surrender)

So like Alex said.
You either surrendered yourself by accident or someone has acces to your account.
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-18 08:23:47

Level 33
Thanks for the response Roi.

I updated our new template to include surrendering must be accepted and surrendered players become AI in response to your comment as preventatove measures for the future.

I don't believe I was hacked as surrendering one non-coin based coin sounds like such an odd thing to do. I have changed my login info just in case though.

My friend group believes that while I was at work I managed to unlock my phone, open Warzone, load the game, and navigated the surrender menu. Sounds a bit farfetched to me, but mlre likely then the alternatines.
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-18 08:39:34

Roi Joleil
Level 60
Might aswell enable 'Turn Booted Players to AI' or 'Automatic Boot Time' on OFF

Also if you dont want to fight the AI when every human player surrendered make sure to have 'AI's Surrender when 1 Human remains' on Yes

Edited 3/18/2023 08:39:52
Game thinks I surrendered.: 2023-03-19 01:09:41

Level 60
Maybe you sleep-surrendered. Your subconscious brain realised better than you that you were going to lose, so it took matters into its own hands.

Edited 3/19/2023 01:10:20
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