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S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-09 04:36:23

Level 63
Congrats to MythBusters on winning S24, 7 straight seasons in a row!

But now you have to disband.


You (Flexus? don't recall) said that you banded together b/c it was boring for the same clan to always win 1st place, so logically now you have to disband b/c it's boring for the same clan to always win 1st place (;
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-09 06:48:47

Level 59
alternatively, if CW were rated & matchmade individually we would have enough parity for the winner to not be the same clan 7 seasons in a row anymore
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-09 08:54:47

Level 58
I think clans that win multiple times in a row should get a debuff of sorts
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-09 11:35:55

Nice Guy 
Level 62
I think being the clan that wins most territories shouldn't wield that many rewards.
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-10 07:09:26

Level 61
I think clans that win multiple times in a row should get a debuff of sorts

Several balancing factors are already in place for CW that makes it easier for active clans with weak players to compete. No additional debuff is warranted, that's like getting mad at the NBA for Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls being that much better than everyone and winning it 6 times.

MB will fall when another clan matches both their activity, and skill, or enough of their members grow tired of Flexus.
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-10 08:56:43

Level 61
I agree with Orcus - you shouldn't get mad just because we're bad.
Obviously clan wars still has matchmaking issues that could be better, as I4v.r0v mentioned, but the system isn't so disastrous that an undeserving clan wins. If a clan is good enough and active enough to win CW every season, let them.
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-10 09:00:31

Level 60
I agree with both of yall. Definitely. If they want to take CW far too seriously, and torture their members to play CW with threats, and force them to have ANOTHER job, sure.

Nah just kidding, if they want to put in the effort, they deserve the rewards. But still, it's sort of hypocrisy to create a clan to challenge the top clan, and become the top clan and stay there.
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-10 15:35:00

Level 63
why would someone grow tired of flexus? he is great guy.
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-10 15:52:34

Level 63
pi has the idea, this post is simply meant to convey:

(A) congrats for another #1 win,


(B) highlight that (poke fun at) MB has become what they sought out to destroy (a clan that takes 1st place each season)

No need to slag Flexus on this. Let's blame Gunk instead

I think it was around when Gunk took on a leadership role that the mission of "stop MH from being #1 every season / prove that it can be done" changed to "let's take #1 every season". Gunk is the true villain here.

[[ If I need to put a (; winking smiley (; on this so you get that I'm not truly blasting Gunk (who is actually a great guy [but since he's west coast Canadian, that goes without say, right?]) for putting together a winning clan and not giving up while they are on top, here you are ]]
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-10 16:05:35

Level 60
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the WZ community at large for winning so much. We never planned on doing this well. It just sort of "happened".

It is with the utmost humility and humbleness that we continue to bear the great burden and responsibility of collecting and disseminating all of these precious coins.

And once again, if you or a loved one feels the desire to join our happy-go-lucky, carefree, but quasi serious and competitive clan where we are whipped daily if we don't play and win, please contact el Capitan Flexus, or any other trusted member such as yours truly.

Much Love,

*This has been a paid advertisement by the Myth Busters Recruitment Group LLC.*
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-10 17:39:54

Level 60

It was actually Dom365, who stated
It is boring to watch the same team win over, and over, and we decided to change that.

Source: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/642428-myth-busters-recruiting

So considering the newly discovered facts, Warzone community demands changes:
  • Full disband of Myth Busters and Python clans
  • Distribution of the unjustly earned coins by Myth Busters to other Top-10 clans via a series of duel lotto tournametns
  • Public confession of their own plots and misdemeanors by Flexus and other Myth Busters top-executives in the SDC episode
  • Maybe suspension of Gunk's account for 7 CW seasons, but not sure about that

Also: If YOU personally want to change Warzone and "fight the Dragons", join the second most elite and competitive CW Clan which currently (*) serves the last resort of Warzone competition against Myth Busters' hegemony: Prime.

We have a nice forum thread too: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/660928-wz-idle-wanna-speed-up-join-prime

(*)As of 10-Jan-2023 in Season 25 of Clan Wars
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-10 17:43:03

Level 60
Oh, yea:

Congratulations to Myth Busters with the 7 consecutive CW wins!

But then please refer to the previous message.
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-10 18:44:30

Level 63
Cheers 5S for finding the reference. Not sure that's the only reference but it's a legit one.

And hats off to Dom, b/c after proving "that anyone can win Clan Wars with a little activity and a little more than basic skill", he left MB, he did his part to not themselves become the beast they targeted to take down. For this reason, I say we let Python remain, just disband MB. Make them all go back to their home clans.

The public confession is a nice touch. Pls reach out to Samurai Jack to prepare for SDC. Gunk has already done his above. In light of this, I think we can skip suspension of Gunk's account, provided he leaves MB. Else, suspend the (very nice) bugger.
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-10 22:25:22

Level 61
If we're making all MB go back to their home clans, then I also vote we split Python into two clans. Call them Lynx and Outlaws.
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-11 03:11:35

Level 63
I'm sensing that some have a grudge against Python?

I thought they were a generally well regarded & loved bunch of folks . . . [this was not sarcastic]
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-11 19:06:30

Level 58
M'Hunters is not cool with the Fancy Dot.
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-11 19:38:41

Level 58
i think fancy dot is a cult anyway
S24 Congrats MythBusters - now you have to disband: 2023-01-11 23:43:53

Level 63
Can you not find the fancy dot?
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