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Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 07:30:01

Level 65
What is Charity Cup?

Charity Cup is a new competition which will give you the opportunity to fight not only for the title of the first Charity Cup Champion, but also to do something good along the way: At the end of the tournament, I will donate $100 to a charity project of the winner’s choice and $25 to a charity project of the runner-up’s choice. The first event will be sponsored and organized by me, however, shall this be a success, further events will be open for contributions from others as well.

How do I sign up?

To sign up, please leave a corresponding message in this forum thread until 01.08.2022 (all references are in Indian time zone). There are 128 slots, I will play too. If more players than this sign up, I will allow the 128 players with the highest “best rating ever achieved” in the 1 v 1 Ladder to play. In this case, I will inform all others that their registration could not be considered. Hence, if you do not receive a message from me by 02.08.2022, this means you made it in. The groups will be announced in this thread soon after.

What is the format?

Charity Cup consists of a group phase (qualification tournament), a knockout phase (candidates tournament) and a final (championship). The links to the group tournaments (first phase) and the individual games (second and third phase) as well as the results will be provided by me in this thread. If fewer than 128 players sign up, the groups will be smaller. All games will be played with 3 days automatic boot, 1 day banked time and no vacations honored. If you fail to join your tournament within 3 days, you will be removed. The individual phases will work as follows.

Qualification tournament
There will be 16 groups of 8 players each, round robin, called group A to P. Each group will feature a different template (see below) and players will be assigned to groups randomly (I will enter all player names into a random number generator, the first 8 names are group A, the second 8 names group B and so on). The first tie breaker is head-to-head, the second is random number generator (the first name that comes up makes it). The winner of each group will enter the candidates tournament.

Group A: Strat ME
Group B: Phobia WR
Group C: British Raj
Group D: Strat MME
Group E: Guiroma
Group F: Strat Greece
Group G: Biomes of Americas
Group H: Elitist Africa
Group I: Aseridith Islands
Group J: Fogless Fighting
Group K: Blitzkrieg Bork
Group L: Macedonia No-Split
Group M: Small Earth 1 wasteland
Group N: Small Earth Auto Dist
Group O: French Brawl
Group P: Yorkshire Brawl

Candidates tournament
The 16 group winners are now being divided into two halves, called Route 1 and Route 2, by random number generator. The winner of each route enters the championship. The routes consist of three rounds, working as follows.

Quarterfinals: Best of 3 on Volcano Island, Malvia and Treasure Map
Semifinals: Best of 3 on Yin'angzhou, Discovery and Battle Islands V
Final: Best of 3 on Numenor, Post-melt Antarctica and Georgia Army Cap

I will create the games on the two first named templates first. If the same player wins both games, the winner has to report the same to me within the next 3 days (as a private message ingame or on Discord). If it's a tie, the player who wins the second game has to report the same to me and I will create the third game. After the third game, the winner has to report also. Failure to report as above will lead to removal from the competition, hence the opponent winning.

The 2 route winners are now playing for the title of Charity Cup Champion and the monetary charity prizes. The format is a best of 9 with all the 25 templates above available. Templates will be vetoed by the route winners one by one, with random number generator determining who begins. When 9 templates remain, random number generator will determine in which order they are being played. Two games will be played simultaneously. Whenever a game finishes, the winner needs to report this to me within the next 3 days so that I can create the next game. The first player to win 5 games becomes Charity Cup Champion!

What happens next?

The winner and the runner-up now have 7 days to decide which charity project they want to support. I appreciate your understanding that charity only includes non-political projects (e. g. to help hunger, education, medication, refugees, poor). Once I receive the choices, I will donate $100 to the winner's project and $25 to the runner-up's project and share the confirmations in this thread.

Disclaimer: I reserve the right to make any changes to any aspects of the competition at any time if deemed necessary by me for any reason.

Good luck and have fun, everyone! Let's make your skill make a difference!
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 07:30:22

Level 65
The seeding stream will take place on 03.08.2022 at 17:00 (Central European Time) on the Twitch channel of Roi Joleil, with Farah and myself commenting. Looking forward to meet you there!

Edited 7/17/2022 09:51:04
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 07:30:27

Level 65
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 07:30:31

Level 65
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 07:51:00

Level 65
Disclaimer #2: The event will take place if 96 or more players sign up (6 or more players per group), because otherwise the group phase would be full of ties and the format would need to me modified too drastically.
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 07:51:08

Level 61
Although there is a high chance of me being booted, i would like to participate. PMNRF would get the funds if i win :)

Edited 7/17/2022 07:53:27
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 07:52:32

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Count me in!
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 07:57:53

Level 54
No matter how rough it may sound, I do not think this tournament is a good idea.

I think that, if you want to donate to charity, then simply do it. If you are not sure to which charity donate, ask others directly or make a poll. But making tournament about ~in whose name I will donate~ subjectively seems to me rather as a posing than anything else. I also see big problem in statement about donating only to non-political projects. From my subjective personal experience, there are many projects, that appear as non-political, but behind scenes they do political agenda.

This is my subjective opinion and people with different experiencies and knowledge can have very different points of view and opinions. I am not here to argue, I just wanted to say my subjective opinion.
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 08:03:29

Level 60
OK I'm in
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 08:29:30

master of desaster 
Level 66
I will play, looking forward for it
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 08:31:07

Level 62
Although I probably will not have a chance to win, I like and support the idea and will participate!
Thanks for organizing!
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 08:39:01

Level 61
I would like to join
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 08:48:05

Marcus Aurelius 
Level 62
@Butterfly. This tournament idea might encourage others in the community to do the same. As for non-political donations, it may be that with Alex's job, if he made political donations it will be flagged in security checks and he would have to explain it (this is just speculation on my part).

That said, great idea Alex, count me in.

Edi: typo

Edited 7/17/2022 08:48:23
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 08:49:03

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 09:46:22

Level 65
Disclaimer #3: Buying Smoky Black for yourself is not charity
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 11:08:04

Level 58
I would like to join
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 11:30:28

Level 61
Is buying Farah a lifetime membership considered a charity?
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 11:49:56

Level 61
did someone say charity? I have got some digits where you can show your generosity
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 13:12:00

Samek ●
Level 57
I would like to be considered for participation. :)
Introducing Charity Cup: 2022-07-17 14:15:17

Level 58
I'll join up. :)
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