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Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-07 07:46:31

Marcus Aurelius 
Level 62
Can somebody link the first account ever created in this game?

If the first account is Fizzer, can somebody lin the second account ever created in this game?
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-07 08:29:19

Level 64
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-08 10:35:04

Marcus Aurelius 
Level 62
Thank you Xeno
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-08 11:11:06

Level 61

This account was in the first game ever played
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-08 11:12:55

Level 65
I like the played during pre-alpha trophy
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-08 11:16:18

Level 63

This is already PlayerID=4576, so there must be some accounts before it.
Most of those are probably test accounts made by Fizzer, but I'm sure there must be some real accounts before this one.

Didn't someone figure out how to turn PlayerID into ProfileID? Then we can just start at PlayerID=1 and see what the first real account is.
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-08 21:01:29

Level 55
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-08 22:52:56

Level 60
Judging only by PlayerID will not help, because IDs do not always correspond with date, when players joined Warzone.

For example:
ID: 4533 Joined: 8/7/2008 [Invited by ID 4575] https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=13453300
ID: 4569 Joined: 6/14/2008 [Fizzer himself] https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=62456969
ID: 4571 Joined: 6/15/2008 [Invited by Fizzer] https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=10457181
ID: 4575 Joined: 6/16/2008 [Invited by Fizzer] https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=40457523
ID: 4576 Joined: 6/15/2008 [Invited by Fizzer] https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=21457699

A player with lower ID was invited by player with higher ID.
"Joined" dates are kinda messed up.

As you have seen above, we have Fizzer with ID 4569 and the next one, which i have found, is ID 4571. I got the data from API by examining some early games from api feed, so it is possible that there is a player with ID 4570, who has never played a game visible to api feed.
Probably one can just try all 1000 combinations of long IDs to find the link for player with ID 4570.

Edited 7/8/2022 22:54:11
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-09 03:56:06

Level 58
How to know someone's player ID?
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-09 08:51:40

Marcus Aurelius 
Level 62
Incredible that this game has been going on for so long. Have to give props to Fizzer for that. I remember playing this in school with friends, feels like a lifetime ago.
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-09 12:28:58

Math Wolf 
Level 64
In pre-alpha, there were no player IDs, those were introduced later and hence not in order.
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-09 12:33:26

Samek ●
Level 57
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-09 12:43:21

Level 59
Hypothesis: Fizzer changed all the player IDs around at some point in 2008 or 2009 so that his own player ID would end in 69.
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-09 12:52:04

Samek ●
Level 57
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-09 13:38:27

Level 64
It’s kinda funny to go to the first few pages of the forums. Like an archeological dig site of 2009 warlight problems, and everyone calls Fizzer ‘Randy’.
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-11 13:32:20

Level 63
Warlight forums were legendary. Oh the memes!!!
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-11 13:32:39

Level 63
Some of the forum games were fun, I think myhand hosted wolves for some seasons
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-07-11 14:33:35

Level 61
this guy claims to be the 131st player ever and has an early forum post

He was invited by a player called TJ who was also called Randy. Probably not Fizzer.

All the oldest accounts were invited. I followed the trail to this player https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=78456200

This guy, Troll, was invited by Fizzer. Troll joined warzone a day after Fizzer. Another player called Lightningbolt was invited by Fizzer and joined a day after Troll joined. Fizzer invited a handful of guys he knew to help test. They're Fizzer's inner circle of close comrades. These people invited people and this generation invited people. Many of these players sponsored Fizzer's endeavor eventually buying membership. Troll even made some maps.

Edited 7/11/2022 18:55:04
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-08-02 12:03:14

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
I find it amusing that someone on the internet, calling themselves "Troll" would turn out to be a helpful person.
Who has the first account ever created?: 2022-08-03 04:23:02

Level 19
This was a fun thread to read through with some serious nostalgia! I especially enjoyed the last comment!
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