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Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-05 00:36:35

Level 62
Hi all, I would like to warn you all against a player named supi13 because he is a stalker! supi13 https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=998941914

We are playing a team game with randomly assigned teams, https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=31005965. And are on the same team

On the first turn, He tried to give me advice as to how to play the game which I refused as is my right! After all I am a Level 60 player so I think I know how to play for myself. He then:

1. Abused me in the public, team, and private chat. After my refusal And I Black Listed him and Blocked him from messaging me.

2. Even after blocking him and stating in the games public chat that I blocked him as well as Black Listed him and he can no longer send me public and team chat messages as well as our private chat messages. Since they are all blocked I refuse to read them so as not to even be bothered with replying to this child. As such this stalker kept on sending me blocked private messages. as such.

3. I Disclosed information about just his orders only in the public chat and not the rest of my team mates. Since this child lacks the self control when not only told to leave a person alone but is blocked and announced he is being blocked.

It is amazing that he wants to order all his teammates around which is annoying to say the least. Now about his lack of self control, that when told to leave another player alone and not contact them then told he is being blocked so I don't even have to see his messages that this whiney childish stalking fool just keeps sending me private messages. Now if he listen and not sent me any messages I would not have disclosed his orders, be he just can't stop himself because he can't control himself even though he keeps trying to control others.
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-05 00:54:29

Level 51
This is gold
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-05 00:58:37

Level 61
At first I was one-sided and chose supi to support but now that I'm aware of a second perspective it has undoubtedly given me something to consider. Is there a third side to the story?

Edited 7/5/2022 00:59:46
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-05 02:30:36

Level 62
Talk to the people playing the game they are the thirds side of the story. I just wish he would stop messaging me I told him to leave me alone and blocked him. But he keeps sending me private messages any way, but there blocked so I don't read them and I don't reply to them or him at all. Every time I see a blocked private message from him I then disclose his orders in the public chat. Another thing that bothered me which was when I decided to block him was in the team chat he told the team to tell me to follow his orders. That was when I had enough and I blocked him. I just want the child to leave me alone.
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-05 11:01:29

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Since both sides bear the risk to be exposed in public, I think I wouldnt want to play on any of your sides. That should be the 3rd side view ;)
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-05 16:12:51

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Imagine joining a team game and not being willing to at least consider teammates' input to your orders.
In any skill level you can miss a delay, miss an attack, miss a conditional tap. Not talking about the fact that your level, or even general skill level speaks nothing about your skill level on particular template.

Edited 7/5/2022 16:15:10
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-05 16:13:11

Level 64
This is the good old classic Warzone drama we love.
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-05 20:03:04

Level 62
It is one think to get suggestions it's another thing to get a jerk who is a micro manger control freak ordering all the players on his team every turn with a bunch of spam private and team chat messages all the time then ordering his team mates to tell them to give his orders to a team mate that blocked the stalker. That is after all called stalking. Oh he blocked me but I will still send him messages anyway and tell other people to contact him too. Because he just can't stop himself.
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-06 11:34:06

Level 61
You can better avoid eachother and don't play with eachother. Tarlwolf and Supi13 are both are wrong in their behavior. Most important is that you never reveal where someone from the same team is in a teamgame

Edited 7/6/2022 11:35:16
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-06 12:31:15

Level 62
Tarlwolf what about all the boots? You ruined that game and even booted the host!
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-07 00:28:01

Level 62
WTF are you talking about DUDE! Do you use the force or what when you check out a game. First the hosted was never booted from that game. And next time read the rules of the game your talking because the Host has the game set to auto boot so warzone sites system is doing the Botting

Man you are wacked that game is set to auto boot check the setting.

Edited 7/8/2022 07:20:23
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-07 02:34:32

Level 62
That game was NOT auto boot. It also stated that only the host could boot.
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-07 08:37:50

Level 58

Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-08 12:00:31

Level 61
Step one is acceptance of being incompetent.
Step two is acceptance of advice.
Step three you'll most likely not reach, but is called winning.
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-09 12:40:42

Math Wolf 
Level 64
Oh but tarlwolf does win a lot of games as you can see on their profile.
It's just too bad that it doesn't show how many of those were won through tactical booting.
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-09 12:50:53

Samek ●
Level 57
Okay, first of all, Oscar Winning Tier -applause-

Secondly, since I don't see the receipts of supi's alleged "micro-managing and abuse" and I've personally had lovely interactions with them, I am going to declare OP the Arse.

Think you may need to take a break from WZ, go outside, and have a bro dump some ice water on ya while the sunshine gives you the serotonin uptick you seriously need.

Get help bro; for us and especially for yourself. <3
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-09 14:19:45

Level 55
So the main accusation against me is that tarlwolf
(1) calls me a stalker because I keep sending messages to him (but that's not what "stalking" means, so this accusation can be ignored)
(2) calls me a micromanager because I keep giving him advice, and he supposedly knows how to play the game. Except he doesn't: since the game started, he hasn't conquered a single bonus despite multiple opportunities to do so and got about 400 of his armies cut off and eliminated in total (on 3 separate occasions) because he doesn't understand the connected commanders mod. Yet he refuses to accept advice.

Edited 7/9/2022 14:21:02
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-09 14:23:28

Level 62
@supi, Stop trying to help those who don't want it. After offering help that gets rejected for the 3rd time, there's a case to be made for ... something. Being nosy? Being a busybody? Being rude? Dunno, probably not stalking, lol, but hey, if the old dog won't learn the new trick, just give up. (;

To "stalk" someone on WZ, I think you'd have to show up in most forum posts they participate, send them PMs, join all the games they post, just show up in too many places for it to coincidence, and if possible make it awkward.
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-09 14:42:20

Level 60
*stalks krinid to admire his afro*
Player to avoid supi13 because he is a stalker: 2022-07-09 14:43:52

Level 60
Big time over reaction by the OP. How can you be so experienced and not have the mental fortitude to simply ignore the advice and messages. Then you decided as payback you would ruin the game by posting publicly, intel on army size and location. This was a total garbage move. You ruined the essence of the game and violated multiple player's effort and time.
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