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A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-16 13:24:06

Level 60
Current clan war map and sub-reports on clans are good, they kinda follow the basic spirit of clan wars (conquer maps for idle rewards).

But is there a way to get more informative view on current CW season status, without doing intensive manual calculations?

I think, it would be good see (based on my perspective from 9-20 ranked clan):
- How many actual wins a clan has in season: this is important to track, because on the clan war map clans are ranked by territories and clan id (probably), but final season rankings are calculatied based on number wins.
- Total conquered/unconquered territories: to see, how close is the season finale.
- How close are all clans to winning next territory on one page: this is very usefull at the end of the season, when you need to estimate, how soon the season will end
- Clan CW ratings on one page
- *maybe* for top-tier clans it will be also usefull to see the number of participating players, so they would know whether they had already hit the 40 player cap

Maybe there already are alternative CW season views by community (like there are great databases for Idle, or multiladder rankings etc). If anyone knows about them, would you please share the link.

Dont know, whether there are plans to change the clan wars UI. But it may be a good opportunity for community and game maintainers to collaborate. There is no API for CW (or is it?). Yet from what I undestood from my webbrowser requests, basically all current CW standings are just one small encoded file. If community were allowed to access those data, we could do that alternative CW standings ourselves (I am not a programmer, but even I may try to automate that stuff).

What do you think guys? Please share your opinions.

Edited 4/16/2022 14:08:06
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-16 13:41:33

Level 45
I think those are all good ideas @FiveSmith. I would also like to see an option to view timeslot for longer on the clan wars tab on mobile. I’m talking about where it says Timeslot Available in ____ hours. Sometimes I am in a clan wars game and I want to check my idle level to get a draft and I have to scroll up through global chat to find the clan wars icon again. If there is a raffle or too much chat it might get lost in the chat so a player would not be able to find the game and would get booted. So if the clan wars tab had the view timeslot button for longer (until the last game of that timeslot ends) it would be easier to find and players wouldn’t lose the game. Perhaps also adding icon in clan chat would make it easier to find than in global chat since clan chats are not as busy.
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-16 15:00:52

Level 63
@5S: all great ideas, would be amazing to see all of them implemented so we dont have to do manual counting anymore!


@tomino: You can go Menu > Clanwars to always find the slot while it is still open. After that, you can find your ongoing CW game on your multi player dashboard. If you are still using the idle-only app, you can download the normal app from https://www.warzone.com/mobile.

If you refuse to download the normal app, then you might have to paste your gamelink in clan chat so you can always find your game later. (Game > Settings > Full Settings > Link [tap textfield to copy])
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-16 15:06:07

Level 45
Thanks for the help JK!
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-16 18:01:46

Level 58
invite Flexus to this forum discussion. i am sure he will answer all your questions xD
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-16 18:05:29

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Join Clan League !!
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-16 19:50:59

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Warzone Threads are different to Discord servers btw. Everyone can see it.
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-16 20:37:25

Level 60
Join Clan League !!

Yea, Clan League is a great example of community improving the game with its own effort. Probably at some point we might join Clan League. But for now we really need those coins and buffs from the Clan Wars for WZ Idle :)
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-16 20:39:27

Level 64
Can just say i completly agree :)
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-17 10:34:45

Level 64
Maybe someone already said so but i would also like to see a daily overview.

How many players have played each clan today and who is left to play :)

Maybe also a chance as a clan to «claim» when you will play during the day to show the clan you will play
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-17 11:16:13

Level 60
I don't really see that happening due to the RT nature of CW. Some of us play at a particular slot, but others of us catch whatever one we can, and the algorithm calculates matches last second. A more realistic option would be to train your clan mates so they can get good enough to play anyone
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-17 22:35:34

Level 63
Maybe someone already said so but i would also like to see a daily overview.
How many players have played each clan today and who is left to play :)
Maybe also a chance as a clan to «claim» when you will play during the day to show the clan you will play

This perhaps might be a bit overkill for a casual RT event 😅
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-17 22:41:27

Level 62
Lots of ideas and imho lots of need to improve CW but as per the recent AMA, nothing is changing for the foreseeable future. "It's working well", "nothing planned" was the response.

I'd love to see a shake up of how CW works, but I'd settle for just good stats.
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-18 05:01:57

Level 60
Yeah some interesting stats overviews would be very cool
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-18 05:57:15

Level 59
Lots of ideas and imho lots of need to improve CW but as per the recent AMA, nothing is changing for the foreseeable future. "It's working well", "nothing planned" was the response.
How recent was this AMA? And did he go into any detail? I wonder what "working badly" looks like if this is "working well."

Anyhow, +1 to 5S's proposals. Clans already do a lot of manual work to figure out their status during the season.

Maybe also a chance as a clan to «claim» when you will play during the day to show the clan you will play
This can be integrated into the notification system, since you can already sign up for notifications during certain time slots. Just sharing that with clan leaders can help with planning and give more clans the resources to marshal participation.

Edited 4/18/2022 05:59:03
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-19 08:49:17

Level 63
Perhaps the easiest improvement would be to sort clans by wins instead of rank when territories are even. That way you would instantly see how your clan is doing.
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-20 21:38:07

Level 64
For sure.

Sort by wins makes so much more sense.
I think everyone agrees?
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-22 18:43:25

Level 60
Thank you guys for support. It turned out that I was not the only one, who lacked info on the current CW status screen.

Last Sunday sent a forum DM to Fizzer on whether he had plans to improve the CW status screen, or at least provide community (or me) a convenient way to CW data to build our own dashboards. So far there had been no answer. Yet I would be happy to hear from him. (Should have taken my chance and ask him stuff when we met in a CW game 2 weeks ago :) )

Anyway as there was also no community solution to the issue, a friend of mine helped by making some kind of a semi-automated dashboard with all stuff, that I required. So basically the case is closed for now.

Edited 4/22/2022 18:45:21
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-23 07:19:06

Level 62
What is this semi-automated dashboard solution you speak of?
A more informative clan wars season standings?: 2022-04-23 10:48:09

Level 60
So Fizzer wrote to me, agreed that this would be a useful feature and recommended to add it to uservoice. So I have added 2 suggestions on the matter:
- Clan Wars map screen: https://warlight.uservoice.com/forums/77051-warzone-features/suggestions/45070654-improve-informability-to-clan-wars-map-screen
- Clan Wars API: https://warlight.uservoice.com/forums/77051-warzone-features/suggestions/45070684-add-clan-wars-data-to-warzone-api

What is this semi-automated dashboard solution you speak of?

A bunch of browser scripts that help to read data from opened tabs and collect it to a single dashboard.

Edited 4/23/2022 10:57:40
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