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New LD helper mod: 2022-02-21 12:50:39

Level 60
I personally really like Local Deployment games. They are more realistic, requires you to plan ahead with your tranfers and most LD games have a longer turn duration then without it. The only, but major downside to LD is that it takes a lot of time when you have like 25+ bonuses, having to deploy in every bonus and transfer these troops to a frontline where they're actually are useful.

Well, I've good news for those who like to play a LD game from time to time, because with this mod you can safe a lot of time making your orders!
The mod has 2 features, 1 for the game creator and 1 for everyone playing in the game.

  • It has an automatic bonus overwriter, that allows you to play LD on every map. Ever wanted to play with LD on Europe Huge? The mod will automatically overwrite all superbonuses to 0, allowing you to play LD on it. This feature will overwrite all negative bonuses to 0, more about this later on
  • The other feature and the main purpose of this mod is the orders helper function that can be found in the mod menu. This feature can be used in T2 and basically copies your orders from last turn and places them into the current turn (Big thanks to TBest who came up with this). You're able to add all your deployments from previous turn, make all your important moves you want to happen in the beginning of the turn and then add all the transfers from the previous turn!

This mod is already public, so you might have seen some games using it.

At last, there are some incompatibilities with other settings. The setting I've found are:

  • Army cap
  • Army multiplier (can be configured if the game is a commerce game)
  • sanction cards (both normal sanctions and negative sanctions)
  • negative bonuses (may be present on maps. Use the automatic bonus overwriter to overwrite these)

When one of the things above is included in a game it may occur that the deployment helper function will not work properly, deploying either to much or to less. In the first case, Warzone won't allow you to commit your orders since you cannot deploy more than you should be able to. I will look into this into the future, but don't expect these incompatibilities to be solved quickly

Again, big thanks to TBest, who allowed me to use his original code.
Also thanks to JK_3, Zazzlegut, krinid and El Teoremas for helping me test this mod
New LD helper mod: 2022-02-21 15:39:48

Level 63
Bro I have been waiting for this mod my whole life. Nicely done. Is it available yet?
New LD helper mod: 2022-02-21 15:44:58

Level 60
yes it is :)

Edit: For those interested, here is a game that uses the mod

Edited 2/21/2022 15:52:28
New LD helper mod: 2022-02-21 15:55:31

Level 65
Very smart, congrats
New LD helper mod: 2022-02-22 05:56:12

Level 61
This is HUUUUGE!

I'll be using this a lot, willing to test new versions as they come out
New LD helper mod: 2022-02-22 12:10:47

Level 60
I've done another small update, the mod will now read the overridden bonuses instead of taking always the default bonus value. It should be compatible with everything now
New LD helper mod: 2022-02-24 11:41:43

Level 62
I've used this mod in a few games now. It is literally the best thing to happen to Warzone in years.
New LD helper mod: 2022-02-24 13:12:48

Level 59
Thank you! This is great :)
New LD helper mod: 2022-02-24 13:50:10

Level 61
This is awesome news! I have been running a mini series of huge games with LD and we have been using TBest's mod, but since it was unpublished, we cannot create new games with it without creating from a template of a game that already has it. My mini series has been limited to a few LD compatible huge maps but this mod will expand those options and ensure a LD helper mod is available for future games. The map we usually use has a feeew more than 25 bonuses so the mod saves a lot of time.

Here's the latest game the finished in my series by the way - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=20458611
@anyone let me know if yall would like to be notified/invited to the next game (will probably be a mega game)

Thanks Dutch for this and continuing TBest's legacy!

Edited 2/24/2022 13:52:02
New LD helper mod: 2022-02-25 23:39:43

Level 55
I echo all of what everyone here has said. I (as like the community but personally as well) am incredibly thankful for the contribution of your choice-labors! I have continually impressed at Dutchman's ability to say just enough.
New LD helper mod: 2022-03-07 11:09:31

Level 60
ok, I thought the mod was finished but actually... xD

I have spent hours trying to make the automatic bonus overrider compatible with manual overridden bonuses and I finally have succeeded in this! for most of you it will be a small detail, but with this fixed the mod is now finally completely finished.

Or is it...
I actually made it even better. It just came up in me, that mods are able to see the precise income of a player. It can even see how much players can deploy in a bonus. Some might have noticed that playing with sanction cards, army cap, army multiplier or negative bonuses sometimes messes up the deployments, but this is now mostly fixed too. It should now never occur that you cannot commit your orders because you have deployed to much armies

This update will very likely be the last for this specific mod, but I cannot ensure that :)
Of course, there are some things I can add to this mod but I rather keep it as simple as it is right now

New LD helper mod: 2022-03-30 11:35:25

Level 32
This is a great mod!

We only play local deployment games with my friends and so far we couldn't play any big maps because they become too much work in the end.

One stupid question though: how to make the "Automate bonus overwriting" happen??

I have the box checked but nothing happens and when I try to start the game I get the usual message of not being able to use overlapping bonuses?
New LD helper mod: 2022-03-30 11:38:17

Level 60
leave the local deployment option off. The mod will change this value back to on when it has overridden all necessairy bonuses.
New LD helper mod: 2022-03-30 12:13:02

Level 32
It works!
Thank you very much for your instant reply!
New LD helper mod: 2022-03-30 12:13:22

Level 60
np mate :)
New LD helper mod: 2022-04-08 19:04:59

Sinister Knight 
Level 58
Is this available on iOS?
New LD helper mod: 2022-04-08 21:29:50

Level 60
Is this available on iOS?

Yes, mods work on all platforms.
New LD helper mod: 2022-04-15 19:57:47

Level 57
Wow, only just seen this. Absolutely brilliant.

I also love LD. Big Ld is brilliant. But it took me days to take out all the overlying bonusses on Issanders Huge World. And takes hours to deploy.

Nice one.

But how do I get this mod?

Edited 4/15/2022 20:00:36
New LD helper mod: 2022-04-16 16:18:48

Level 60
But how do I get this mod?

It's a Membership feature to create games with mods. https://www.warzone.com/Membership
New LD helper mod: 2022-05-04 09:37:35

Level 32

The mod seems to crash on A Game of Thrones - Westeros Diplomacy map.

Is there something wrong with this particular map or does it sometimes crash on other maps as well?

Is there a way to recover if it does?
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