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Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 15:00:09

Level 59
This is warzone iddle attack and invasion of WZ classic

compare WZ classic to WZ idle and tell in which ways idle is superior

all idle warriors unite

*Don't move the topic. This is posted in warzone classic on purpose. This is an invasion. Thank you
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 15:21:41

Level 58
idle is supiorly bBAD
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 15:23:55

Level 62
How about people like me who think they don't like Idle but keep on playing despite saying they will stop?

Am I really an Idle lover deceiving myself? lol
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 15:25:45

Level 58
that's called Stockholm syndrome
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 15:32:57

Level 62
Thank You, UFO. :D
Now I can name my problem.
Still leaves me the issue of getting away.

Edited 2/2/2022 15:33:14
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 15:47:16

Level 58
kill it. it's the only way to escape. hold a gun to idles chest and blow it away
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 15:48:41

Level 62
Wich chest?
The army cache chest, the money cache chest, the ressource cache chest?

Help! I can't decide what to do!
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 17:17:11

Level 58
oh god you are too far gone. may god have mercy on your soul
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 17:19:08

Darth Grover
Level 52
Is Idle good?
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 17:20:06

Level 58
its like life. it has ups and downs. mostly downs. and is full of surprises

and eventually dies out

Edited 2/2/2022 17:20:25
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 17:20:24

Light Lux
Level 15
what is this
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 17:22:58

Level 58
love hate relationship of idle
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 17:41:20

Level 59
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-02 17:45:27

Darth Grover
Level 52
-Admiral Ackbar
- downvoted post by l4v.r0v
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-05 20:10:55

transdimensional ultrasonic waffle
Level 24
Am I the only one who objectively likes idle then? I find the main game tedious (why play risk 500 times in a row?), but I can play idle in short bursts. It's not stressful, and there's enough going on to keep my attention. It just needs a bit of tweaking in some areas (mortars are pointless, markets are weird, there's no point in building the highest-cost items etc.)

Idle is also treated like a second-class citizen where it should perhaps be a separate game. e.g. Why do I need to play arena games to unlock idle resources?
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-05 20:53:11

Level 61
Idle is also treated like a second-class citizen where it should perhaps be a separate game. e.g. Why do I need to play arena games to unlock idle resources?

idle is the moneymaker, classic is the game. The two are interconnected though: playing classic just rewards you in idle (arena, coin leaderboard, coin games etc). That's not saying idle is bad, but Fizzer has made very clear that it was either making money through idle, or making classic pay to win.
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-05 21:40:21

Level 61
Huh, Idle and classic are both great and free. You do not have to pay to play this game and that's very good about it. More Idle levels would be fun to have :)
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-05 23:08:33

Level 25
@vena: You're right that both modes are at their core free to play. The problem with WZC was - as far as I was told - that Fizzer can't provide great incentives to spend money (without crewing over the player balance, aka how you rank against some other player). The most money you can get out of it is premium colors essentially or membership but both of these don't provide you any advantages. Hence, as WZC is a game of pure skill, spending money wasn't very popular.

In WZI on the other hand, all players play for themselves - except for WZIB. Whether you can get any advantages (paid or through own accomplishments (Clan Wars in particular)) doesn't make much of a difference and doesn't screw the player balance as there mostly isn't one in the first place. Therefore, Fizzer can offer stuff for coins/money (supercamp, artifacts, AP-boosts at level end) that eases your game play - if you want to spend the money, but you don't have to - and thus makes him money.
Warzone Idle Love Club: 2022-02-06 02:56:25

Level 61
It's actually quite funny. When ads got implemented to the game to monetize it, there was a failry large backlash. A bunch of players even changed their usernames to include [quit because of ads] or similar sentiments. After a while people understood the need for monetization in forms of membership, which you needed to play the ladders. The ladders actually became free to play and membership has been giving privileges which your average player would't pay for (except for the lack of ads). Nowadays there are premium colors, coins and idle powerups: the core game has always been free to play and you will never get any advantage by spending money. I think that deserves a lot more credit than it's given. Having to play the core game for some idle powerups only seems fair in that regard
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