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Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 19:57:35

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Warzone Champions is a continuous year long league that seeks out to find the best players, clans, and regions in the world.

It's going to be a simple, easy to run league, that requires no sign-ups to join. There will be series of events at which players can gain points for themselves, their clan and their country. Only thing you have to do is join and play in these tournaments.

Events include :
    4 Multi-day tourneys every month. 1 of those tourneys will be considered the "Major" and the other 3 will be considered "Minors." An explanation on how the points are distributed will be shown in the following post.

    Streamed real-time tournaments will also make into the league as well. Hopefully I can get them off at an average at 1 per week.

    Champions : These are the big events that will be laid out well into advance to be streamed real-time. They'll be worth the most points and will be the most important tournaments in the whole series. I plan to have 3 of these next year, the first occurring some time in March

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, as well as any suggestions or ideas.

Also if you want to be the first one's on the invite list, post below, later invites will be sent to the top 50 first, then the rest after a couple days.

Edited 12/21/2021 19:59:24
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 19:57:48

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Scoring System

Minor Events :
32 Player Double Elimination
10 points per win
100 points for winning
60 points for second place
30 points for third place

Major Events :
64 Player Double Elimination
30 points per win
300 points for winning
180 points for second place
90 points for third place

Real-Time Events :
16 to 32 Player Single Elimination Tourney
10 points participation bonus
20 points per win
200 points for winning
120 points for second place
60 points for third place

Champions Events :
32 to 64 Single Elimination Coin Tourney
30 points participation bonus
100 points per win
1000 points for winning
600 points for second place
300 points for third place

Edited 12/21/2021 20:37:21
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 20:07:14

Level 59
so this is like if AWP and WGL had a baby?
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 20:08:10

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Yes, insert a little nation's cup and Clan League in there for extra flavor.

Edited 12/21/2021 20:08:57
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 20:36:12

Level 61
I'M IN :) this looks really fun
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 20:52:02

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Feel free to invite me into the tournies.
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 20:53:36

Level 59
This looks exciting.
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 21:14:31

Level 61

Cool initiative! Three questions:

Will the rt-tournaments be open to everyone, like WGL? Or will they also b closed events, like AWP. Personally, I would not want to commit to adding an entire double elimination tourney to my MD game list, but playing a rt-tourney once in a while seems fun.

What will the MD-boot time be?

Any ideas already on the templates? I would presume they would be strategic, but there are a few categories that seem underrepresented on WZ. A teamgame rt-tourney once in a while could be fun and modded games are barely played anywhere.
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 22:08:16

Level 60
never mind

Edited 12/25/2021 03:33:36
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 22:52:32

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Team games of teams with a size bigger than 1!

Edited 12/21/2021 22:52:59
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 23:10:04

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Will the rt-tournaments be open to everyone

The MD ones will require an invite list, but the rt ones are for whoever shows up. (And if they show up for the live one, they get added to the invite list as well.
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 23:12:57

Level 59
How you we get added to the invite list?
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 23:26:17

Level 59
Edit: I'd be interested (which means I want to play)

Edited 12/22/2021 03:37:28
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-21 23:54:09

Level 64
I'll give it a try

Edit: I wanna play.

Edited 12/22/2021 00:22:38
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-22 00:11:26

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I would be interested
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-22 00:17:33

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
To join the invite list, just let me know you wanna play
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-22 00:18:06

Level 59

I wanna play.
Warzone Champions 2021: 2021-12-22 00:42:36

Level 57
wanna play
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