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modded warzone: 2021-12-14 01:08:19

Level 60
When I joined warzone, I was blown away by all the options you had and immediately started to host all kinds of FFA games trying out new settings and combining them. After a while I found out that mods exists, and I became almost obsessed with them. Now, I'm a mod author who plays a lot of modded games and even hosts them.

In the full year now that I've played this game I was on my own, figuring out the new settings by reading the wiki and by trial and error playing many, many games. I really enjoyed this way of discovering the game, finding new strategies over and over again. The only thing is that not everyone likes to have to dig deep into the wiki or learning by trial and error, especially with mods...

I feel like the step from normal warzone to modded is to big for most players to make. Modded games have a high boot/surrender rate, easily making half the players drop out before T5. You'll always end up with the same players in the end game, and that point is always reached way quicker than you thought.

I believe players join modded games because they are curious what they are, what they do and all of that, but quickly find out that they don't know what they're supposed to do and step out. Some others that actually want to try ask for help, so me or someone else who understands the mod tries to explain it in chat but that sometimes doesn't help much.

I've had this idea a while now, creating a manual for the most used mods (diplo mods in particular) here on the forums, so if someone asks for help you could just drop the forum thread link in the chat. The advantages from creating a good documentated one here are
  • not having to explain the same things over and over again
  • The use of images
  • (if not to old) able to expand and change the documentation
What do you guys think? I'm willing to spend some time creating these manuals and really enjoy this game. If these manuals should be created what are the most needed mods that need a manual?

I really would like to see the modded community grow, not only mod authors but also mod enjoyers
modded warzone: 2021-12-14 03:09:35

Level 59
Documentation is a good idea but the forum is a poor place to put it because threads get archived, there's a length limit, and you'll have lots of interleaving comments that make the documentation increasingly difficult to parse as it scales. I think the tried and true place is Google Docs. The wiki is the best place in theory but it's underused, functionally limited, and sort of tightly controlled to a level where community edits don't happen. (look at the edit log- it's really just a platform for first-party docs)

I think the best option would be to create a doc, have some sharing permissions where anonymous viewers can comment (or a working copy for contributors to minimize suggestion spam), and a short link (like a bit.ly) to make it easier to spread the documentation and monitor how people use it.

If you make it as a doc, we could also make it easier for newbies and casuals to find. I've been experimenting with a few channels to reach newbies and casuals who otherwise generally don't stumble upon stuff, and I've found shortlinks to Google Docs to work better than anything else I've tried for nudging newbies to explore the game a bit more.

Edited 12/14/2021 03:10:56
modded warzone: 2021-12-14 12:20:32

Level 60
I suppose google docs is indeed more useful for documentation, no expiry date, always able to edit, great feedback system, no limits
modded warzone: 2021-12-14 14:58:45

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Just a curious question from my sponsor;
would it be possible to create using mods in Warzone Raid: Shadow Legends?

Edited 12/14/2021 14:58:55
modded warzone: 2021-12-21 10:13:25

Level 60
For those interested, I started to write the document.

Currently I got manuals for the following mods

  • Gift Gold
  • AI's don't play cards
  • Limited Multiattacks

The following mods are in queue to write a manual about

  • Advanced Diplo Mod V4 (please reply to this thread if any other Diplo mods are used often too)
  • Custom Card Package (I have some small improvements I'll contact the mod author about)
  • Connected Commanders
  • Late Airlifts
    These are the mods I play the most games with, but if you miss a mod on this list please reply to this thread and tell why you think the mod should have more priority
  • Promoted Mods
  • Standard Mods
  • Experimental Mods

While I'm writing these manuals I also try to fix the bugs with these mods and note them in the manual untill they're solved.

  • Limited multiattacks bug : State : Bugfix in review
    transferring to a territory would cancel all attacks/transfers from this territory (A --> B as transfer, all orders from B to any other territory would be skipped)
  • Limited multiattacks bug : State : Bug noted to mod author
    The mod configuration tells you that when you the limit of multi attacks to 0 they will be infinite, but the mod doesn't let you the value to 0 and will create an alert to tell you. Even if the value goes through the mod will override it to 1
  • Gift Gold bug : State : Not solvable(?)
    When gifting gold on T0 (before the first turn has been processed) your gold value in the top left won't get updated accordingly. Warzone let you use all of your gold but when you try to commit Warzone tells you can't due to your negative gold

If you have any suggestions or bugs please reply to this post. This document is meant to help players understanding the mods and to improve modded games
modded warzone: 2021-12-22 01:01:10

Level 57
I am interested in modded games. Do they show up in the open games list? I haven't found any there.

Is there a way to quickly see that a game is modded from the list? Every game where I checked the full settings has said mods: none. I suppose that if there's a modded game on the list, I won't have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the settings to learn that.

never mind, I just found one or two on the list with a nice red scary icon

Edited 12/22/2021 02:22:14
modded warzone: 2021-12-22 10:33:31

Level 60
I am interested in modded games

If you want I can ask a friend of mine to include you in his next modded FFA game. They are highly modded games most of the times but nothing to difficult, and you're always able to ask for help
modded warzone: 2021-12-22 15:12:25

Level 57
Thanks @Just_A_Dutchman_

I would like to be included, to simply play as well as play-testing any new mods.
modded warzone: 2021-12-22 19:10:55

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Thats a cool idea! I will share this document.
modded warzone: 2021-12-23 13:07:35

Level 60
small update

  • Added Special units are medics manual

While writing the manual and analyzing some games I found an exploit for this mod. The following mods in combination with Special units are medics mod will enable this exploit to exist:

  • Advanced Diplomacy Mod V4 | reason: exploitable
  • Diplomacy 2 | reason: exploitable
  • Diplomacy | reason: exploitable
  • Limited Attacks | reason: exploitable
  • Limited Multiattacks | reason: exploitable
  • Safe Start | reason: exploitable
  • [Beta]Modpack (BetterCities, Chat, Diplo, WinCon) ? | reason: exploitable
  • One Way Connections | reason: exploitable

Note that this exploit is difficult to use, so you still can use these combinations but please be aware there is an exploit. I kinda don't want to share how to create it cos some players will be able to use it and others don't due to the difficulty. But if you can tell me why I should share it please do so, this is only my opinion.
Note that this exploit cannot be solved (yet). There has to be some feature that let's mod communicate with eachother or something like it. I'll contact Fizzer about it
Note that I haven't tested all these mods in combination with the Special units are medics mod, I'll do this when I'll be creating the manual for them.

there are now manuals for:

  • Gift Gold
  • AI's don't play cards
  • Limited Multiattacks
  • Special units are medics manual

While I'm writing these manuals I also try to fix the bugs with these mods and note them in the manual untill they're solved.

  • Limited multiattacks bug : State : Bugfix in review
    transferring to a territory would cancel all attacks/transfers from this territory (A --> B as transfer, all orders from B to any other territory would be skipped)
  • Limited multiattacks bug : State : Bug noted to mod author
    The mod configuration tells you that when you the limit of multi attacks to 0 they will be infinite, but the mod doesn't let you the value to 0 and will create an alert to tell you. Even if the value goes through the mod will override it to 1
  • Gift Gold bug : State : Not solvable(?)
    When gifting gold on T0 (before the first turn has been processed) your gold value in the top left won't get updated accordingly. Warzone let you use all of your gold but when you try to commit Warzone tells you can't due to your negative gold

The following mods are in queue to write a manual about

  • Advanced Diplo Mod V4 (please reply to this thread if any other Diplo mods are used often too)
  • Custom Card Package (I have some small improvements I'll contact the mod author about)
  • Connected Commanders
  • Late Airlifts
    These are the mods I play the most games with, but if you miss a mod on this list please reply to this thread and tell why you think the mod should have more priority
  • Promoted Mods
  • Standard Mods
  • Experimental Mods
modded warzone: 2021-12-23 21:06:48

Level 57
The google doc looks great! The comments section in the doc is probably not the right place to ask random questions about this or that mod. That should be for comments about updating the document itself.

So for example, in a ffa game with say 30 players, have the ability to transfer armies from one of your territories to any other regardless of who owns it, even neutrals (creating a wasteland).

I was looking at a mod that allows you to gift armies, but it lets you take them from any of your territories and distributes them like a bunch of little airlifts to the recipient. Realistically you should have to march them to the border to cross into the other player's territory. When you create the order (where it would have "treat teammate as enemy" in a team game) in this ffa mod, it would have a checkbox for "gift these armies to player x". If player x doesn't control the territory when the order executes, the order will be skipped.

Of course, with a mod like that you could have the option to play an airlift card to go from your territory to any other territory, including neutrals, as long as the territory is not hidden by fog.

These could be feature requests for the Gift Armies mod, rather than creating a new mod.
modded warzone: 2021-12-23 22:36:22

Level 60
I'm actually working on a mod like that xD
modded warzone: 2021-12-26 01:19:56

Level 57
a mod to move your teammates armies because he forgot and he's not online
modded warzone: 2021-12-28 10:17:52

Level 60
small update

I've contacted Fizzer about the "Special units are medics" exploit and Fizzer has shown that he understands the issue. I don't know yet whether a fix gets included in one of the upcoming updates or if it's even coming to Warzone, but most importantly is that if the fix gets included in an update we can make our mods even better.

After the holiday season I will continue writing mod manuals, starting with the "Advanced Diplo Mod V4"

@Tread, I understand the mod you ask, but I see some problems with it and other solutions. I know this has been asked from Fizzer quite some time and got rejected every time. Best way to let your teammate know that he forgot some orders is to send him a mail on Warzone. If the game doesn't autoboot you can even tell everyone you'll stall the game for 1 or more days to allow your teammate to execute the orders he missed. You shouldn't be able to just add orders to your teammate orders, without him knowing about it.

Edited 12/28/2021 10:23:13
modded warzone: 2021-12-28 14:07:27

Level 57
Yeah. Teammates get annoyed just by suggesting that they do something, but to see that he's committed his orders while there's one army sitting with no order, next to a zero neutral, that will give us a 7 bonus when taken, is frustrating. I did stall the game at that point until I had to commit as it was getting close to boot and I had to go. I only left a PM in the game itself, rather than send a mail to him.

There may be a potential for a "teams" mod. I've only played this one team game. I'll keep playing them and think about the possibilities.
modded warzone: 2021-12-29 02:09:31

Level 57
I'll post one last time and then leave you to finish your manual. I look forward to learning a lot about mods.

So this one: One player is the DM and he can do things like plop an AI stack of 10000 in the 14 Turns away spot in the GoT map on say, turn 25 based on a die roll, or roll up a storm causing armies to be lost at sea. I can imagine a DM rolling dice next to his computer, reading from a rulebook worked up for a particular set of players and map. He can do things like declare someone PE, ordering all adjacent armies to attack him next turn. The affected players can't change those orders. The rulebook has things like, "Roll for storms in regions with ships." and "The first player to take the Iron Throne, gets 100 armies deployed on that spot."

What's nice is the rulebook is just a word doc. The mod for WZ only needs to give a few god-like powers to the creator of the game, who will always play first. When he commits, it goes into the normal turn cycle. He'll have orders like "Remove 10 armies from SeaLane1" and "Deploy 100 armies to IronThrone" and "32 armies on Spot1 will attack Spot2". He can deploy to neutrals. He can lower the value of bonuses showing that resources are depleting, and ya'll better get a move-on with that 10000 stack. Nobody knows when it's coming, but the DM keeps dropping hints about winter is coming in the chat.

The DM could even simply run a booted player's turn rather than having an AI do it.
modded warzone: 2022-01-02 14:11:28

Level 60
Took an unplanned holidays break, but I'm back :)

So this one: ... in the chat.

First off, this is something incredible, incredible difficult if not impossible. Some examples you give are not possible to create (yet) or really complicated.
Second, I do really like the idea of having a sort of game inside of Warzone, with a storyline / rulebook adding more features than just killing everyone off to win a game.
Third, adding a mod which add God like powers into Warzone (or any game) is dangerous, and will inevitably lead to unbalanced games. But don't lose your hope that this is never coming to Warzone, I just quickly checked if I'm able to overwrite the practice game setting and you should be (not tested it tho). I think if you overwrite this setting to be always a pracice game if the mod is included the mod might be allowed to be used in public.

Edited 1/2/2022 14:11:37
modded warzone: 2022-01-03 15:10:35

Level 57
I joined this game with 8 mods: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=29089877

I think one of the mods caused everyone to vote to end the game :)

Next time I'll try one with less mods.
modded warzone: 2022-01-12 21:51:17

Level 60
Big update!

After getting lost in modding again since the update and making an improved version of the Hybrid Distribution mod (even better version Extended Hybrid Distribution coming soon!) I turned my back once again to finally finish the manual for the Advanced Diplo Mod V4.

These are the new manuals and mods added to the document

  • Added Advanced Diplo Mod V4 manual
  • Added 5 new mods (Forts, Gift Armies 2, Hybrid Distribution and Random Starting Cities by Fizzer and Hybrid Distribution 2 by Just_A_Dutchman_)

While writing the manual and analyzing some games I found an exploit for this mod. The mod has not been updated to solve this exploit, although it is now possible to fix this. The following mods in combination with Special units are medics mod will enable this exploit to exist:

  • Advanced Diplomacy Mod V4 | reason: exploitable
  • Diplomacy 2 | reason: exploitable
  • Diplomacy | reason: exploitable
  • Limited Attacks | reason: exploitable
  • Limited Multiattacks | reason: exploitable
  • Safe Start | reason: exploitable
  • [Beta]Modpack (BetterCities, Chat, Diplo, WinCon) ? | reason: exploitable
  • One Way Connections | reason: exploitable

Note that this exploit is difficult to use, so you still can use these combinations but please be aware there is an exploit. I kinda don't want to share how to create it cos some players will be able to use it and others don't due to the difficulty. But if you can tell me why I should share it please do so, this is only my opinion.
Note that I haven't tested all these mods in combination with the Special units are medics mod, I'll do this when I'll be creating the manual for them.

there are now manuals for:

  • Gift Gold
  • AI's don't play cards
  • Limited Multiattacks
  • Special units are medics manual
  • Advanced Diplo Mod V4

While I'm writing these manuals I also try to fix the bugs with these mods and note them in the manual untill they're solved.

  • Limited multiattacks bug : State : Bugfix applied, bug solved
    transferring to a territory would cancel all attacks/transfers from this territory (A --> B as transfer, all orders from B to any other territory would be skipped)
  • Limited multiattacks bug : State : Bug noted to mod author
    The mod configuration tells you that when you the limit of multi attacks to 0 they will be infinite, but the mod doesn't let you the value to 0 and will create an alert to tell you. Even if the value goes through the mod will override it to 1
  • Gift Gold bug : State : Not solvable(?)
    When gifting gold on T0 (before the first turn has been processed) your gold value in the top left won't get updated accordingly. Warzone let you use all of your gold but when you try to commit Warzone tells you can't due to your negative gold

The following mods are in queue to write a manual about

  • Custom Card Package (I have some small improvements I'll contact the mod author about)
  • Connected Commanders
  • Late Airlifts
    These are the mods I play the most games with, but if you miss a mod on this list please reply to this thread and tell why you think the mod should have more priority
  • Promoted Mods
  • Standard Mods
  • Experimental Mods

Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qbUxFYOrLL-ZN-yzUpEqNfQjePixV675zwZwXhfhhFU/edit?usp=sharing
If you want to contribute to this project, yes please! On my own it will take me more than 3 months at this rate xD
modded warzone: 2022-01-19 12:23:46

Level 58
Nice one Dutchman
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