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Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 12:40:55

Level 59
Time to place your bets - do you think ClanWar season 6 or Covid epidemic will end first?
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 12:48:54

Level 58
hey I was the one complaining about not being able to join... NOT YOU
- downvoted post by Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 12:52:18

Level 58
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 12:56:58

Level 59
So were saying CW6 is worse? :P
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:01:00

Level 58
I'd support a mail to fizzer asking for the following:
1. end this CW season asap
2. revise CW for future seasons
a. 2-week break between seasons
b. 3 templates offered for every timeslot, 1 of the templates always to be SEAD or SE1W

SEAD / SE1W to be offered in every timeslot, bc vast majority of players only have time for limited duration real-time match when timeslots are open (work, sleep, private rl ... ) and also bc those 2 templates give lower level/less experienced players a chance to win vs. high-skill, advanced/experienced players, due the large impact of luck in these 2 templates. Advanced players still have the liberty to choose more complex / demanding / skill-dependent templates.

Edited 11/12/2021 08:31:57
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:04:04

Level 60
As the saying goes, "Why let a good crisis go to waste?"
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:04:57

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
Well seeing how many people want this season to end
Expect Fizzer to milk this as much to lower your expectations for the next one
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:05:35

Level 59
As the saying goes, "Why let a good crisis go to waste?"

Well said... wondering if anyone is actually going to ANSWER the question tho lmao..,. and they say communication is a learned skill

Edited 11/11/2021 13:06:37
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:06:24

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
Nobody even answered which one will end first
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:06:38

Level 56
Clan war 100 will come before our governments give people back their freedoms/covid ends.
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:44:54

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
As long as humans walk the surface of Earth, covid will not go away.
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:47:34

Level 59
So since no one seems able to actually READ and ANSWER the question..
i invoke my rights as thread creator to count your comment as a vote however i wish....
how democratic of me....
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:49:14

Level 62
CW6 will end first by a small margin.

CW7 however ... may never actually end though. If the trend continues as it is, it'll be a bigger map, less people will be interested, season will go ooooooooon ... once the top 20 ranks have run away with the win counts, everyone below doesn't care, so the "easy territory wins" are done, which means only the top clans who must win 20 games per territory count anymore, and even though lose interest, so everything drops into slow motion.

CW6 end projected for January 2022.

CW7 end project for ... 2023?

I think we need l4v to run some stats on CW for us like he did for raffles.

Progress through the season, win rates of players, MVP per clan, MVP overall, most played, most won, # wins/day/clan, # territories/day/clan (maybe per week, per day will just be too low), etc.

Edited 11/11/2021 13:53:58
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:50:19

Level 59
lol ty krinid... its good to know that literacy is not dead
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:52:16

Level 58
@Lefty: CW will hopefully end soon. Definitely well before CoVid pandemic.

wrote mail to fizzer - content below. I am sure he'll (at least) consider it.


Dear fizzer, may I please suggest the following:
1. end this CW season asap
2. revise CW for future seasons
a. 2-week break between seasons
b. 3 templates offered for every timeslot, 1 of the templates always to be SEAD or SE1W

SEAD / SE1W to be offered in every timeslot, bc vast majority of players only have time for limited duration real-time match when timeslots are open (work, sleep, private rl ... ) and also bc those 2 templates give lower level/less experienced players a chance to win vs. high-skill, advanced/experienced players, due the large impact of luck in these 2 templates. Advanced players still have the liberty to choose more complex / demanding / skill-dependent templates. I am sure these measures would bring more interest back to CW and benefit players, WZ and you.


if some more of us also send a simialr note to fizzer asking for end of current CW season and changes for upcomingg CW seasons, we might get it even sooner. :-)

Edited 11/11/2021 14:00:37
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:57:36

Level 62
We asked earlier, in a prev season, and he said (paraphrasing) "let's wait 10+ months and see if it gets better". I think that was ~6 months ago so got a while to go still. The thread was mainly targeted at making CW competitive for all clans, but also interesting for all clans. Competitive factor doesn't apply here but the interesting part certainly does.

When things drag on like this, when the templates just aren't enticing, I've lost interest for the time being. I'm done with arranging my schedule to play a CW game, and 60% of the time don't even get a template I actually want to play.
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 13:58:29

Level 58
nothing lost by asking again :-)

"Rome was not built in a day"
"Perseverance often pays off"


Edited 11/11/2021 13:59:12
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 15:03:44

Level 62
LOL, sure, ask away ... hopefully we get some change. B/c as seasons get longer & templates are stagnant, excitement is fading.

At least it appears that way ... would be interesting to see # of CW games played daily per day in the season, and if indeed interest (# of games played per day) does drop as the season progresses.

And really wish there was a button along the templates to say "I came to play but don't like the templates, so not playing" to capture those stats as well.
Which will end first.... Covid or CW6: 2021-11-11 15:13:56

Level 58
*copies krinids response*

*pastes onto mail to Fizzer*


added on as footnote:

"+1 to this

can i also suggest a 3 month limit for people joining a new CW after changing clans as i changed at the start of this CW and am dying to join already"
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