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Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-08 22:13:18

Captain Ercoupe
Level 51
Greetings fellow Warzone players. I want to propose a new card... the Attack From Anywhere Card. For one turn, you can attack any enemy or neutral territory from any other territory on the map! Or it could be just enemy territory. What do you all think. This would make for one wild game.

Edited 11/8/2021 22:56:25
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-08 22:16:12

Level 62
It exists already. It's the Nuke card, available in the Custom Card Package mod.
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-08 22:23:08

Captain Ercoupe
Level 51
Awesome... how do we get it?
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-08 22:24:31

Level 62
You need to have membership to create a modded game. Or just join one created by a member that uses it.

For example this game:
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-08 22:30:43

Captain Ercoupe
Level 51
Thanks very much... very helpful information. This really adds a new dimension to the game.
Last question. Can I get a link to the Nuke mod and how to install it?
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-08 22:54:38

Captain Ercoupe
Level 51
Ok, reading on it now.

Edited 11/8/2021 23:22:29
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-08 22:56:01

Captain Ercoupe
Level 51
The Nuke Card is not exactly what I was thinking. The Nuke sounds like a glorified Bomb card. I was thinking of a card that simply allows you to attack an enemy from anywhere on the map from one territory to another.
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-08 23:31:08

Captain Ercoupe
Level 51
Ahh ok, you just click the check the mod off in settings when you create a game. Very cool. I have just gotten back into this after an absence of about 4-5 years. Nice addition!
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-08 23:32:22

Level 57
That sounds awfully similar to the proposal for a paratrooper card I've seen before. Similar to the airlift, except that you use it to attack an enemy territory rather than transfer armies.

Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-08 23:37:14

Captain Ercoupe
Level 51
Exactly the idea. Why not... play the card and you can attack anyone anywhere, provided you know where they're at.
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-08 23:57:34

Level 62
I see ... so a bit of a gap between Nuke & Paratrooper ...

... but ...

1 exists now and 1 you're asking someone to write a new mod ...

so ...

Either play w/nukes as the next best thing, or learn to write mods. (;
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-12 09:48:29

Level 58
challenge accepted :p
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-12 18:20:11

Sergeant Joshua
Level 30
Whoa, this is very exciting xD.
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-13 06:48:41

Level 60
Greetings fellow Warzone players. I want to propose a new card... the Attack From Anywhere Card. For one turn, you can attack any enemy or neutral territory from any other territory on the map! Or it could be just enemy territory. What do you all think. This would make for one wild game.

How do you balance it, to not make it very overpowered? To me, it sounds fun as a concept, but hard to see it being a good experience in practice.
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-13 06:51:06

Level 58
I can't imagine it being a good addition. Sounds rather frustrating that you could just randomly teleport in the middle of someone's bonuses and break everything

Edited 11/13/2021 06:51:13
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-13 14:26:26

Captain Ercoupe
Level 51
It's only for one turn so I can't imagine it being a game breaker. Also, all players have equal opportunity.

You could call it a long range missile.
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-13 19:28:58

Level 62
If the idea is 'long range missile' (which implies set damage not related to your available armies), I recommend just playing a few games with Nukes and see if you even like the concept of being able to attack anywhere on the map, before taking the time to write a mod that most likely won't get used much. Or if you're excited about writing a mod, go for it. Maybe you're the next great mod maker.

The original idea itself is essentially just a variation of a Nuke, where instead of set % damage, you send troops instead, but same idea. But it's actually stronger than a Nuke, b/c a Nuke will never on its own obliterate a territory nor allow you to capture it, just % damage. This hypothetical "attack from anywhere card" will actually allow you to choose a weak spot of your enemy in the heart of their territory and actually capture it.

Bypass all the battlefronts, bypass all the choke points and jump right into the center and attack from within.

This is what they mean by 'game breaker'. It means you can't play using the same strats in our templates, you need to account for being able to be destroyed from within, which is for the most part undefendable. But yes, it's "fair" b/c it's a 'game breaker' equally for both sides.
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-13 20:01:53

Level 63
This is what they mean by 'game breaker'. It means you can't play using the same strats in our templates, you need to account for being able to be destroyed from within, which is for the most part undefendable. But yes, it's "fair" b/c it's a 'game breaker' equally for both sides.

This gives me the idea to make a mod that randomly kills people. There is an X% chance of a random player getting eliminated.
Might add a setting for custom dead message as well, so that you can get messages like "King {username} died of a heart attack" for diplo games.
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-13 23:50:23

Sergeant Joshua
Level 30
True, the missile idea would be too similar to the nuke. I think it would definitely radically add a new dimension being able to attack and land troops from anywhere. Also true that it makes no game truly safe having to constantly account for this. For some that is good and for others, not so much.
Attack From Anywhere Card: 2021-11-14 01:12:48

Level 63
To balance the card suppose you could add that it cant attack territories completely surrounded by terr of the same player.

That would turn the attack-anywhere into attack-any-border card.
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