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Suggestion: Paratrooper Cards: 2020-07-14 23:26:32

Level 50
Add paratrooper cards. Basically an airlift card that can be used to attack enemy territory. It would probably be a bit OP, so the host of a game would be able to choose the max amount of connections away you can paradrop, and more. Thoughts?
Suggestion: Paratrooper Cards: 2020-07-15 01:43:24

Level 59
These might actually add something to the game. E.g., if on Strat MME you have intel but no counter, a paratrooper card could reward you for your counting/intel. OTOH, these could be OP and game-breaking because they would mean on defense you'd have to plan on being attacked from any territory. There'd be no surefire defense anymore- every single one of your territories can be taken that turn unless it can handle your opponent's income + their largest stack attacking them.
Suggestion: Paratrooper Cards: 2020-07-15 01:47:23

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
They can only be put on a space with a commander
Suggestion: Paratrooper Cards: 2020-07-15 01:49:35

Level 60
or only on a coastal area
Suggestion: Paratrooper Cards: 2020-07-15 02:37:09

Level 50
Yes, maybe the host of the game would also be able to choose a limit for how many troops you can use to paradrop. If I saw a bunch of armies in the middle of my territory, I'd know I'm screwed.
Suggestion: Paratrooper Cards: 2020-07-15 03:26:39

Level 60
This is a very popular suggestion, and intuitively you would think such a card mod would be easy and the best way to see how it works in practice.

However, right now there really isn't a good UI way to do it using the mod framework. (Picking a territory from a list, is a pain)
Suggestion: Paratrooper Cards: 2020-07-15 03:27:43

Level 57
Original, and fun-sounding. I haven't thought it through but I like it
Suggestion: Paratrooper Cards: 2020-07-15 03:29:36

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I had similar ideas awhile ago. It sounds fun, but there would need to be limits like mentioned above.
Suggestion: Paratrooper Cards: 2020-07-15 15:20:29

Level 50
@TBest It would work like an airlift card, I don't think there'd be a list of territories. You just click/tap the source and destination.
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