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Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 09:27:57

Level 24
Areana, as tempting as the rewards are, it's annoying.
I don't give a monkey about PVP, I want a relaxing game, not... "this"....
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 11:03:45

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I dont think they are forced. You can leave them out.
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 12:36:50

Level 24
Uhm, yeah? That is the point?
You are enforced to do PVP-Matches to get the Rewards.
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 12:38:36

Level 59
"a place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict" is what googles definition of arena is. you can't just do nothing and expect earning a prize

Edited 7/20/2021 12:38:44
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 12:54:41

Level 62
You are required (not forced) to win arena battle, but you are in no way forced to get those rewards. Keep calm, skip the arena and move on. No action required here. I almost always skip them.
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 13:05:07

Level 63
Areana, as tempting as the rewards are, it's annoying.
I don't give a monkey about PVP, I want a relaxing game, not... "this"....

Arena's are annoying, I agree.
The templates are meh, the wait time to get a game is too long and I find MME and FE too big to play on my phone.

However, if you find them as annoying as I do, just skip them, do a MP game on a better template and use your win to spin the wheel to get a free idle power. The power will probably benefit you even more than the cache you get as reward for the arena.
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 13:06:56

Level 59
Do it if you have time and are willing to wait, but don't if you do not like doing too much stuff in idle.
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 13:35:13

Level 24
However, if you find them as annoying as I do, just skip them, do a MP game on a better template and use your win to spin the wheel to get a free idle power.

I don't play on a phone, so afaik I don't have the wheel then (please correct me if I am wrong).

The thing is: I don't want to play PVP at all, so this is not an option for me. I like having it as a "relaxing side-thing", while programming (making a few clicks while making a build/upload/etc). And either do PVP or miss it, is imho a result of a questionable game design choice, for this SinglePlayer idle-game.

If somebody wants to play PVP, sure, go ahead and do it, I don't mind. I just don't want to do so, but I also don't want to miss out on the Cache for the Map. So in this way, I am forced to do PVP, while having no other option available to get the Cache.
And THIS is what annoys me.
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 13:46:15

Level 56
If you do not play Arena, then Arena will not give you any rewards at all. As a result, you do not miss any rewards.
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 13:48:22

Level 63
Well the cache is the reward for those that put up with the kinda bad Arena system.
If you dont want to go through the pain of playing an arena, then you dont deserve the cache.
You get both or none, but you cant have the rainbow without a little rain...
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 14:00:09

Level 24
Does the majority in here even read, what was written?

It's not about "I want it for free" or "just simply ignore it"... oh boy. Please do read BEFORE you answer.
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 14:19:01

Level 62
as per the title

it's about the use of force

which is in dispute
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 14:20:09

Level 64
The OP just wanted to complain. He wasn’t looking for a constructive response.
Forced PVP due to Arena.: 2021-07-20 14:31:25

Level 62
Correct, you need the smartphone app to use the coin wheel. BUT you're incorrect that you need to _play_ on mobile - you can still play on web but just do the coin wheel on phone. BUT you need still win a WZC game, whether it be regular MP, QM, CW or Arena. So if WZC is really not your thing, neither is the coin wheel, nor Arenas.

I get the frustration, there is a reward option on the map that is b/c of your game choices unavailable to you. But that's how the game was designed and I don't see it changing, so your options are live without the rewards, or change your choices. Me personally, I play WZC games on web, coin wheel on mobile, WZI on both, but skip the arenas. In the end, the benefits aren't material to significantly change my WZI experience that I'm willing to play the (imho) annoying arenas.
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