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QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-15 15:48:16

Level 63

Out of respect for other players in this game, please play all Quickmatch games that you join. If you don't want to be in Quickmatch, or if you don't like this template, you can disable it in the Quickmatch menu. Don't surrender at the start of games since it ruins the experience for other players.

It's been said time and time again, but to retort to this comment ... Out of respect for players in this game, please do not auto-enable Quickmatch templates as they are unlocked since it ruins the experience for players by starting unwanted games. Also note that when a new template is unlocked, you first have to refresh the QM page and THEN go into templates to uncheck it. If you just go back, click Templates, confirm that all the ones you don't want to play are unchecked, you won't see the new one you just unlocked, so unless you're specifically looking for it, it's easy to miss. And that's if you even remember to go into the template. It should be a user-driven action to enable new templates.
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-15 16:21:45

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
I play QM multi-day.
The first game after unlocking LD Siege was on that template.
If I have to suffer, so should others.
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-15 16:44:02

Level 63
And so pain is passed down from generation to generation . . .

Aside: you didn't actually have to suffer through playing the entire game, you just can't surrender before making your picks and turn 1 starts.
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-15 16:49:07

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 58
I absolutely agree. Make a prompt that shows the new templates and asks if you'd like to enable them. It's the best of both worlds, since then people do realize there are new templates, and what they are, but they aren't automatically turned on, potentially without them noticing till they accidentally play a template they had no intention of playing.
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-15 17:11:14

bliss machine
Level 62
agree 100%
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-15 17:11:54

Level 60
This would be a very good update if it were to happen.
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-16 00:08:11

Level 64
+1, I fully agree
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-16 00:13:31

Level 63
Templates auto activating is the pain of my existence, and it was the reason i quite MD QM a long time ago and never have activated it ever again.

A popup asking if you want to enable the new template is very much needed. And to help the players that are lacking the ability to click buttons, it can still be auto-enabled, but at least we can disable it before any games get made.
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-16 07:59:09

Level 65
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-21 19:36:25

Level 63

QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-21 19:46:15

Level 58

cost me a bit of n00b pain and a couple of boots as well.
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-23 14:30:04

Level 59
+1 definitely
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-23 15:48:06

Level 59
But consider all the casual users who struggle to figure out the interface. If unlocked templates started out auto-disabled, the player pools on unlocked templates might shrink drastically (only Fizzer can get actual data here, my comment is pure conjecture).

I think this feature should be added but gated by an account-level setting so it doesn't prevent interface-challenged users from graduating beyond the early cancer templates of Quickmatch.
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-23 15:53:30

Level 63
it shouldnt auto-disable, it should give a popup where you must enable or disable the template before youre allowed to continue (and before QM can make games on it)
QM - pls don't auto-activate new templates: 2021-07-23 16:35:24

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62

its a reason why I dont like to play QMs
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