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How do I kill the boss in World War 2320?: 2021-05-07 16:48:22

Level 7
I don't have any difficulties whit the other AIs except of the boss, I tried to attack him in Florida whit almost all my armies there but nothing changed. IDK if the number above him means something
How do I kill the boss in World War 2320?: 2021-05-07 16:53:38

Level 63
How do I kill the boss in World War 2320?: 2021-05-07 16:53:59

Level 63
I would recommend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xk3aIk-a6A out of all those (A YT video by TBest)

EDIT: apparently you cannot search the forums from the app, which appears to cause loads of double questions. You can search the forums using Google by putting

after the thing you are searching for.

Edited 5/7/2021 17:45:43
How do I kill the boss in World War 2320?: 2021-05-07 17:43:22

Level 60
hahahahaha, nice jk. I remember being stuck on that level when I started playing the game
How do I kill the boss in World War 2320?: 2021-05-07 18:36:39

bliss machine
Level 62
second what jk said, i hated that level but could beat it after watching that youtube video.
How do I kill the boss in World War 2320?: 2021-05-10 13:26:46

Level 46
Can confirm. Make sure that the undefended boss territories are quickly capture. Take the rest of the world. Part of your bonus armies should be dedicated to trapping the boss in ~4 territories. Take the undefended ones, wall the boss, and if he gets past, defend evenly between attacked territories.
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