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Artifacts: 2020-10-20 07:53:28

Level 61
Has anybody gotten an artifact yet? What do you think of them and any hints on where to find them?
Artifacts: 2020-10-20 07:54:17

Level 61
what are they for? Do you sell them? Where are the hospitals? Should I update my app?
Artifacts: 2020-10-20 08:04:40

Level 57
hospitals appeared in new update
I found 1st when I started again 1st level
but you just have to start new level(probably any except tutorial), when you are still in any stage, you still have not updated version of that stage
Artifacts: 2020-10-20 09:21:59

Level 61
couple more days in feldmere and I'll be done 😓
Artifacts: 2020-10-20 11:40:45

Level 35
I have found a dig site on "Geopolotics" map, did anyone find dig sites on previous maps before it?
Artifacts: 2020-10-22 13:34:18

Level 64
What is the earliest level they appear? Are they in set locations or random? How many times can you get dig points in a specific level before they stop appearing?
Artifacts: 2020-10-22 14:41:59

Melanie Baker
Level 59
Artifacts: 10/20/2020 11:40:45

Level 32

Upvote Downvote [?]

I have found a dig site on "Geopolotics" map, did anyone find dig sites on previous maps before it?

I'm 3/4 of the way through Copper Castle, my first level (besides replaying the 1st lev updated) since the update and no sign of a dig site yet, maybe I should wait to finish be4 replying, nah
Artifacts: 2020-10-22 15:04:01

Level 62
I completed Reconquest 1065 amd now a good way through Fort Harbor and don't see any dig sites on either. Disappointed ... show me the artifacts !!

Maybe I'll do Geo again next just to see the new feature.

Any other maps that have one?

Why is hukutka the only one that's found an artifact? LOL. How is that possible? Shouldn't this thread be packed with info on artifacts by now?

(fyi, also discussed here: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/488114-artifacts)
Artifacts: 2020-10-22 15:07:23

Level 35
I have found dig sites, but I haven't got any artifact yet. Cost to dig one is so high, I can't afford it yet.
Artifacts: 2020-10-22 17:37:39

SubLunar Unit 
Level 60
I have already found two artifacts and digging a third one. There is a plenty of dig sites everywhere. First site I saw in Floating Rocks.


Are you absolutely sure you're playing the latest version of the game?
Artifacts: 2020-10-22 17:38:18

King Fungus
Level 58
my color
Artifacts: 2020-10-22 20:35:50

Level 60
I'm on Europe 1066 and see two dig sites. haven't acquired either yet.
Artifacts: 2020-10-22 20:50:41

Level 36
I'm replaying the lower levels for the first time and will have 4 artifacts soon, soon being one day plus 4 hours (real-world time).
Artifacts: 2020-10-22 23:13:44

Level 58
I just started my first dig in Breaking Green! I'm excited! :D
Artifacts: 2020-10-23 01:32:46

Level 62

I'm playing on the website, is there even an option to be on anything but the latest version?

I've definitely started Floating Rocks and Fort Harbor after the last upgrade.

Not sure how to check the version I'm playing on tbh.

Edited 10/23/2020 01:47:22
Artifacts: 2020-10-23 03:35:28

Level 64
^ Go to Help -> Change History
At the very top, it shows the current version.
Artifacts: 2020-10-23 03:40:31

Level 62
RE: Go to Help -> Change History

Current version: v5.06.0.1

So oddly newer than the most recent update which is:
2020-10-19: New features for 5.06.0:

But isn't that the version of the base app itself, not necessarily the level of the current map being played?
Artifacts: 2020-10-23 04:35:44

Level 64
Unfortunately, WI doesn't say what version of the map you're on. Unless Fizzer decides to put a little graphic saying the current map version you're playing, whether it be always on-screen or in the Advancements menu, the best I can say is keep following the update posts for the map versions.
Artifacts: 2020-10-23 10:51:39

Level 35
@SubLunar Unit what artifacts did you get?
Artifacts: 2020-10-23 12:24:01

SubLunar Unit 
Level 60

I'm playing on the website, is there even an option to be on anything but the latest version?

There should not be. But it looks like that somehow you managed to do it anyway. If it is still the case when you read this try clearing your web browser cache and warzone.com offline data. Just be sure to sync your progress before that. (Just a disclaimer mate)


what artifacts did you get?

I'm afraid I will not spoil so I'll only tell you that the ones I have dug so far provide tech-like benefits.
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