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Artifacts: 2020-10-20 14:19:41

Level 62
Has anyone found an Artifact yet? If so, what map & which artifact?

I played Floating Rocks again yesterday after the update, something quick to see if I could find something, and there were no artifacts.
Artifacts: 2020-10-20 14:33:06

Level 35
I have a dig site on Geopolotics as bonus from "French Africa" and also second dig site as bonus from "French Empire". Just began playing it, so will get artifacts not very soon.
Oh, I just found the third dig site on this map - Bonus from "Revolution"!

Oh, I found 4th dig site and will be able to unlock it soon! :-)

Edited 10/21/2020 11:16:58
Artifacts: 2020-10-21 12:20:18

Level 35
Just got to my first dig site... this will take some time to accomplish!
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 14:17:54

Level 62
Ok, on Europe 1066 AD now ... and I see dig sites, but now the Hospitals are missing.

Anyone else on this level? Are there supposed to be Hospitals? Do other levels have both dig sites and hospitals?
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 14:40:15

Level 60
I'm on Europe 1066, started 4 days ago, have hospitals and artifacts. First hospital was in vitebsk, first artifact in tribe of finns.
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 16:10:52

Level 62
Thanks, b/c of your guidance I kept playing and reached Vitebsk, and found the Hospital. For some reason the hospitals didn't show up on a fog buster but did show up when I actually arrived there. I've seen this happen before with other structures as well, although it's not consistent.
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 16:25:25

Level 60
Fog was working really funny for me on this map. before I had even used fog buster, it was showing me a couple territories I shouldn't have been able to see. If I recall, I could see vitebsk, but not the hospital.

Are artifact dig sites the same? tribe of finns dig site gave me 100% chance of common.
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 16:55:52

Level 64
No, I assume it depends on the level. I'm on feldmere and I have 3 with guaranteed commons and one with an 89% chance of an uncommon and 11% chance of common. I think they're the same each time you play the same level, unless Fizzer changes the maps, for each individual site, but throughout the map, they're not guaranteed to be the same tier of dig site.
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 17:26:37

Level 35
I can confirm they are different. I have found 2 types of dig sites on geopolitics. One is poor/common/uncommon/rare and second is common/uncommon with almost even chances
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 18:00:49

Level 45
@Krinid I experienced the same thing on Copper Creek Castle. I had never seen a hospital, but I used a fog buster and looked around. I was surprised not to see any, so I kept playing. When I got next to it, I finally saw it. I figured I must have just missed it before, but if you had the same problem, it is probably a bug.
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 18:27:20

Level 64
It might be the browser you're using. I use Google Chrome and I haven't experienced that issue. I did Far Land after the hospital update and all of the uncovered items and buildings were visible to me. Even after using 3 fog busters to reveal the map, I saw them all.

I'm currently replaying feldmere, and I see both hospitals and dig sites. Though I didn't use a fog buster this run.

Edited 10/26/2020 18:30:05
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 20:51:12

Level 58
I have 4 artifacts (2 common (Bonus Money Boost, Fog Buster), 2 poor (Supercharge Mine, Mine Discount)), but I cannot find a function to swap in the Mine Discount, even if I'm trying to swap it in for my bonus money boost. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. My Fog Buster and Supercharge Mine are in cooldown, so maybe it has something to do with that? But even then, I would think I'd be able to swap the Money boost and Mine Discount, because they are both passives. I'll wait out the timers, but I'm worried that equipping an item right now is, as of this current iteration of the game, permanent.
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 22:52:40

Level 64
Did you try drag and dropping to swap them?
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 22:53:49

Level 59
Could be wrong but I thought it was trading in 4 of the same lvl
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 22:56:18

Level 59
if you click on upgrade it tells you exactly what you need to sacrifice in order to upgrade
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 22:59:49

Level 64
Wolfy is just trying to swap his active artifacts with ones in his inventory, not upgrade them

Edited 10/26/2020 23:00:02
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 23:01:35

Level 59
Oh well you can have 4 active, some are passive, if you currently only have 4 there might be something that shows up when you get to 5? Sorry for my confusion.
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 23:16:03

Level 64
I think you have a typo, the limit is 3 active, and no prompt appears when you get 4 or more, they just go in your inventory. The only artifacts that can't be swapped out are those currently on a cooldown, it does prompt you saying this if you try to do that. I'm assuming this rule put in place so player couldn't abuse the artifacts. For example, if someone had 15 artifacts that each had a cooldown, if this rule wasn't in place, that player could just use all 15 at once, essentially having 15 active slots instead of 3.
Artifacts: 2020-10-26 23:39:46

Level 58
I did not try to drag and drop, and I realize the limit is 3 active. I was going to try dragging and dropping, but I can't access the Idle portion of the website. Maybe Fizzer is working on it on my account, so I can't access it at the moment? That's just speculation at this point. lol

I was trying to swap 2 passive artifacts (no cooldowns involved), but tbh, it would have been a little bit game-bending? I wanted to swap in the passive money making boost for the passive mine discount briefly, just to see if I could. I suppose I'd be sacrificing the money I would have been making with the other thing, so it's not entirely game breaking.
Artifacts: 2020-10-27 01:35:55

Level 58
I'm a derp, dragging and dropping works. xD
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