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What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-06 15:01:07

Level 64

Warzone Creator
I'm considering adding more statistics and data to the interface. Things like ore/sec generation for each ore type, showing how big of an upgrade mines/camps will be, profit per second of each recipe.

Is there anything else you'd like to see added? This is the thread to provide suggestions!
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-06 15:02:24

Level 59
add the total ore per second, would track ore much easier
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-06 15:06:23

Level 58
Add an army stat for:

Total armies saved from joint strike:
- downvoted post by KaelF
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-06 16:20:35

Steven Tombari
Level 25
Total terriories until finish
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-06 16:21:21

Level 59
^ same note: Total armies to kill until finish
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-06 19:45:24

Level 60
true average smelting times, based on currently available ore mining rate or supply. better yet, true profit per second from selling bars based on current mining rate.
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-06 19:48:57

a noob bot
Level 60
I was thinking amount of bars/wire to your next tech?
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-06 20:32:47

Sasquatch Bohogotot 
Level 59
Total armies killed. saved armies on joint strike like Mythos1618 mentioned. As far as knowing total armies to kill, seems to take away some of the intrigue/surprise for me anyway.

Q: Has a way to preselect before commit or similar been considered or worked out or will it be?
A: Yes, I found a way by clicking on the army/bonus territory descriptions circles with the army amount digit given all over the map and navigated through it to find out info on 1 territory without taking it. Very time consuming.

As far as the Tech amounts to get, changes on every map. This is another unexpected challenge that adds to intrigue/surprise.

Having a dollar$$ amount on ore/sec would be nice.

A more complicated one would be to have one window with ore, item, mines, recipes, alloys, per/sec statistics pop up window like those in top right corner. This would allow me and I feel all to decide when to sell all mentioned for highest profit without doing the math and jumping around to get the numbers. Half the time, my ore is worth more, but it goes back and forth as you acquire techs. So a easy way to monitor it so players can profit the most to help with 4th quarter on-slot would be great I feel? Kind of like a sell only stock market?

Have fun with this, thanks for reading

Edited 9/6/2020 21:53:55
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-06 22:28:37

Level 60
* Known armies to finish level.
Not the real number, only the sum of the visible territories.
-> at level's end, I actually have all territories visible, and I'd like to know when it's time to use money for mercs and when it's still time to upgrade camps.
-> This would not ruin the game for those like Sasquatch Bohogotot, since it does not show anything you could know by actually summing up what you see, but still would save me from this boring summing job (or worse: from spending billions in mercs and discover that I am still 100M armies low, and have not upgraded camps!)

* Ore/sec gained would be very appreciated. Also bars/sec from current smelter config.
* ore/sec and bars/sec consumed by smelter in current config.
-> even better, current net ore/bars/things/ per unit time (produced minus consumed); similar to army and money, a details window could popup detailing: X/sec produced by mines; Y/sec consumed by smelters (i.e for ores)

* profit/sec of each recipe would be good, provided that it's NET profit (difference between product and row material value). Otherwise it's only marginally useful.

What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-06 22:45:50

Sasquatch Bohogotot 
Level 59
OK, yes, that works good, yes, I too find myself adding up what is visible.
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-08 11:09:09

Santa Claus
Level 62
stats on how many times you've beaten levels with time data. maybe AP redeemed on each level.
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-08 11:13:50

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I'd like to see a function so i can hover over an untaken field and see the profits of that field, without taking the field
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-08 11:25:40

Level 63
I'd like to see a function so i can hover over an untaken field and see the profits of that field, without taking the field
I would like it to show # of armies needed to capture it as well. And add some buttons for mobile players.
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-08 21:31:35

to be deactivated
Level 57
what do you mean by profit/s for recipes?

if it's what i'm thinking, maybe some people will appreciate these... but my 2 cents is, let the player work out the money gain and how much time it'll take to do something... math is fun and rewards minmaxing
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-08 21:45:18

Level 60
+1 Steven Tombari
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-10 20:45:21

Level 63
you can see the total territories until finish. Go to the level menu and click on another level to play. It will ask if you want to abort to old level and tells you how much territories you need to finish the previous level
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-10 21:43:03

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I didn't say profit of a recipe.

I mean the profit/information of a field (territory). If you have enough armies to take a territory, you can not check the information of the territory anymore without clicking it by this taking the territory. (informations such as: How much money does this territory give?, where this territory connects to?, to which bonus this territory belongs to? what recipe is on this territory?,...)
the only way to do is, to click a untakable territory next to the territory you want to take, browse to the connection list, and chose the territory in the list. Imo this is very uncomfortable. would be nicer to have this information faster.

Probably the information of a field is not that kind of statistic, Fizzer asked for. though I think there should be a way to select a field and get its details without capture it

Edited 9/10/2020 21:52:08
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-10 22:46:06

Level 56
^you can click a territory that’s connected to the territory you want to capture then find the option to list adjacent territories. The list shows number of armies and gold/sec
What statistics would you like to see?: 2020-09-11 00:12:13

Level 62
It's not a statistic, but it would be really nice if auto-capture didn't default to on even when you had it off for the previous level. Make it default to whatever you set it last.
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