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I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-08-30 16:49:43

Level 60
Yes Really You Can Ask Anything
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-08-30 16:52:44

Level 63
why do you like attention so much?
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-08-30 16:55:39

Level 60
I Actually Dont Know The Answer To that One
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-08-30 17:28:36

Level 60
Who are you?
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-08-30 17:57:09

Level 59
Wow, I'm so proud to start a trend of ask me anything topics :D :D My idea really took off :P

Where do you usually go after leaving your house? How your average day looks like?
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-08-30 18:05:59

Level 59
Do you support Erdogan and the AKP? If so, do you think Gulen is a terrorist? If not, do you think the 2016 coup was staged?
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-08-30 18:24:37

Level 60
Yes Really You Can Ask Anything


What is the hypotenuse drag coefficient of pi?
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-08-30 20:34:37

Freakishly large brain
Level 61
Why is your name unpronounceable
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-08-30 22:46:29

Level 60
Liechtensteiner: Who are you?
i am Goralgn

berdan131: Wow, I'm so proud to start a trend of ask me anything topics :D :D My idea really took off :P

Where do you usually go after leaving your house? How your average day looks like?

To School Mosty My Avarage Day Until The Pandemic Started Was Get Up ,Eat,go to the bus station; get on the Bus; arrive at school, go in the classroom for the day, exit the classroom, go to the school bus station, board the bus, go back home on the bus, play games,sleep. and repeat.

knyte: Do you support Erdogan and the AKP? If so, do you think Gulen is a terrorist? If not, do you think the 2016 coup was staged?

do I support erdoğan and the akp?NO I RATHER DIE THAN SUPPORT HIM!

i never even cared enough to look at gulen so I have no opinion at this point

Do I Think 2016 Coup Was Staged The Answer Is No And My Opinion Which Would be unpopular I wish the coup succeded

HangFire :O.k.

What is the hypotenuse drag coefficient of pi?

I Am Not Qualified To answer this And Sinse There is no more math class I cant be bothered to look it up

Bechaa :Why is your name unpronounceable

Why Is Yours?
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-08-31 23:50:48

Level 59
Hey ppl, don't be shy, if you wanna ask goraln some questions, now is the opportunity!

He is a young talent and a rising star in warzone Off-topic universe, in my opinion.
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-09-01 00:20:53

Level 60
coming from you berdan131 that is an honor
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-09-01 01:12:17

Level 60
WOW!, I never thought I could ever ask any question at someone at an online game, thanks to you, my biggest dream has come true!
please, tell the public:
If you could change any aspect of your life, what would you change?
(please explain your answer)
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-09-01 01:20:51

Level 60
What ¡s wrong w¡th th¡s quest¡on?

I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-09-01 05:14:08

Level 46
Do you have no answer to this question?
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-09-01 08:50:50

Level 61
Which is your least favourite colour?
Which is your second favourite food?
Do you still love me?
What's your aunt's real name?
Would you live in Nebraska?
Which is the best golf player in your opinion?
Venus or internet?
PUBG or Instagram?
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-09-01 09:44:14

Level 58
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-09-01 10:58:09

Level 58
how long is your ring toe
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-09-01 12:34:40

Level 60

If you could change any aspect of your life, what would you change?
(please explain your answer)

i would like to have magic as i dont want to change anything else

What ¡s wrong w¡th th¡s quest¡on?

the I are replaced by a j

Do you have no answer to this question?

No good attemt at trying to create a paradox for me tho


Which is your least favourite colour? brown or blue (it changes everyday)
Which is your second favourite food? (Kebap)
Do you still love me? (as a friend yes)
What's your aunt's real name? (I don't have my aunt permission to tell you that)
Would you live in Nebraska? (I live in turkey not the us)
Which is the best golf player in your opinion? (what is golf?)
Venus or internet? (internet)
PUBG or Instagram? (i rather shoot myself than pick one)


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?

No and I don't think I care

how long is your ring toe

normal length loxiiv
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-09-01 13:54:24

Level 58
Goralgn, what do you consider a normal person?
I Am Goralgn Ask Me Anything: 2020-09-01 15:06:46

Level 60

Goralgn, what do you consider a normal person?

my mom, my dad and my sister
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