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Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-25 22:15:01

Level 60
The Title says are you okay with religion being in your politics?

For Me I would say purge all religious beliefs from the government (except maybe the religion department) ENTIRELY

What I Mean Is That I believe In Laicite (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secularism_in_France) Than Freedom Of Religion In A State

We arent in the Medieval ages anymore religion Has No Meaning In A Government This is the 21st Century
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-25 22:34:58

Marcus Aurelius 
Level 62
Separation of church and state has existed for centuries.


I don't know what it's like in Turkey, but I have never heard a British politician invoke god during their speeches.
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-26 00:21:32

Level 49
Ronald Reagan
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-26 00:50:10

Level 22
ronald reagan was a disgrace
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-26 02:12:31

Level 49
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-26 09:52:06

Level 60
our country has laicite (laiklik) but i wanted to ask people from other countries
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-26 12:42:12

Level 58
Christianity has 2 "institutions" or whatever you want to call it. Those are the individual faith of a believer and then the Christian church. The way Christianity is supposed to spread is through evangelizing non Christians and by them being attracted to the Christian lifestyle.

Christianity doesn't have any concept of it being a state religion. The aim of Christianity also isn't to make the world a better place. Of course there may be some politicians associated with Christianity and who want their country to have some Christian principles. A strict separation of Church and the state wasn't invented in the Bible, it's just that this isn't what Christianity is about.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-27 05:01:33

Level 60
I hope I don't offend you. But here is a theory I have been working on.
Religion is organized practice of faith.
  • Governments and Rulers from historys beginning have used religion to either control their people or convince their people that they need to attack others.
  • that fact does not make the faith or morals associated with religion bad.
  • I think Christianity has evolved , in that it is more tolerant of other religions, or at least dose not say others must be eliminated
  • In some areas like the west, Islam has evolved and is tolerant of other beliefs
but Turkey today to me, dose not feel evolved . It feels like America in the 1700s with religion ruling local government. But I firmly believe we need morals and tolerance in government. and the authors of the American founding of government agreed.
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-27 13:28:40

Level 60
My opinion on this (as a Christian) is similar to Norman's, though I disagree with his statement that the aim of Christianity isn't to make the world a better place (I think that while this isn't the primary purpose, it certainly is a secondary one that should automatically follow when people live a Christian lifestyle).

I do agree, however, that having state religions is a bad idea, unless of course every single person in said state willingly followed that religion. Since (imo) this will never occur on earth, I think that the job of Christians in government (or people of any religion, for that matter) is not to impose a state religion, but rather to let their religious/moral values influence the way they live and govern their country; that may come across the wrong way to some people, but effectively what I am trying to say is this: I believe state and religion should be separate on an institutional level, however I think they are (and should be) inherently inseparable on an individual level.

P.S. I would just like to voice a slight objection to bruce's wording; it is not Christianity that has evolved, but rather the Church. Definitely, the Christian Church (and I'm talking about many denominations here) has been state religion in many places, and in most that has not ended well. However, Christianity (the beliefs and values taught by Jesus) have not changed at all; merely people and nations have either misunderstood or misrepresented these teachings and values, resulting in the aforementioned disasters. So say the Church has changed to be more tolerant rather than Christianity.
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-27 14:43:39

Level 60
"I do agree, however, that having state religions is a bad idea, unless of course every single person in said state willingly followed that religion. Since (imo) this will never occur on earth, I think that the job of Christians in government (or people of any religion, for that matter) is not to impose a state religion, but rather to let their religious/moral values influence the way they live and govern their country; that may come across the wrong way to some people, but effectively what I am trying to say is this: I believe state and religion should be separate on an institutional level, however I think they are (and should be) inherently inseparable on an individual level."

Ok But You Said "but rather to let their religious/moral values influence the way they live and govern their country"

Religion And Morality Are Diffrent From Eachother An Atheist Would Still Have Morals And Religious Values Having Influence in The goverment is The Reason I Want Religion to Be Purged From Politics PERMINANTLY.
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-27 15:10:29

Level 60
"Christianity doesn't have any concept of it being a state religion. The aim of Christianity also isn't to make the world a better place. Of course there may be some politicians associated with Christianity and who want their country to have some Christian principles. A strict separation of Church and the state wasn't invented in the Bible, it's just that this isn't what Christianity is about."

I Said Religion In Politics this is Not The Debate Of State religion Norman
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-27 16:43:41

Level 58
@goralgn: Can you put Islam out of politics? From the little I know this isn't possible. I sometimes read western commentators that politicians are abusing Islam for political reasons. However I believe that those commentators are viewing stuff through their Christian society classes while in Islam politics and faith seem inseparable.
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-27 17:00:56

Level 60
"@goralgn: Can you put Islam out of politics? From the little I know this isn't possible. I sometimes read western commentators that politicians are abusing Islam for political reasons. However I believe that those commentators are viewing stuff through their Christian society classes while in Islam politics and faith seem inseparable."

@norman We Already Know This is Possible With Cristianity (France To Be Exact) so Why Not Islam?

The Problem Here Isnt the Religion Itself Its That You Cant Put Those Values Aside When You Are Doing Politics
Of Course You Can Seperate Islam And Politics Just like How You Can Seperate Religion in General From politics

But I Have an astrist here
You Must be Willing To give Up religion in Politics which Suprise The Islamic World isnt really Fond Of

(Why am I Keep Giving France As an example Because Its The System That I liked)

Edited 7/27/2020 17:02:53
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-27 17:50:18

Level 58
@norman We Already Know This is Possible With Cristianity (France To Be Exact) so Why Not Islam?

Christianity is designed to be a minority religion. There is no Christian law similar to the Jewish law (613 commandments or however it's called) or the Islamic Shariah.

As for myself, I also don't vote. This isn't because I would despise the German political system but because I'm relatively sure that as a Christian I should completely stay out of such stuff. I know that most other Christians see this differently than me however I also believe that most other Christians are pretty stupid. In America, they probably voted for Trump and in Germany they voted for Hitler in the past without understanding much about what they were doing.
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-27 18:15:11

Level 60
@norman did you even read the words after "We Already Know This is Possible With Cristianity (France To Be Exact) so Why Not Islam?"? because I think you missed a point i was trying to make
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-27 18:44:39

Level 58
I believe I understood you, goralgn. But how can you separate a religion from politics if that religion has a doctrine which ties it directly to politics? You are just stating that this is possible however with the little I know about Islam, I believe I see a problem here.
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-27 20:57:19

Level 60
"I believe I understood you, goralgn. But how can you separate a religion from politics if that religion has a doctrine which ties it directly to politics?"

By not Following The Doctorine? I know its Simplistic but it is a huge step we need to take as a society

"You are just stating that this is possible however with the little I know about Islam, I believe I see a problem here."

I Cant Say I know Alot About Islam Eıther i Didnt read The Quran
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-28 00:08:33

Level 57
Perhaps you could be a bit more clear as to where you draw the line between religion in politics and religion out of politics.
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-28 00:38:30

Level 60
By not Following The Doctorine? I know its Simplistic but it is a huge step we need to take as a society

So effectively you're suggesting a suppression of religious freedoms in government? You seem to be asking people in government to go against their religious values and beliefs, for what reason? Just so that politics and religion are separate?

In my opinion this is impossible - politics is "the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power." This is inherently inseparable from the individual opinions of the voters and politicians, and why should you ask religious people to not their religious views influence their political opinions? Their religion is part of who they are, and consequently forms part of their opinions, which naturally influence the way they vote. So I think that even if you try, you cannot completely take religion out of politics, unless you were to ban religious people from running for government (which would be a gross infringment of religious freedoms and human rights).
Religion In Politics Are You For it or against it?: 2020-07-28 05:59:50

Level 58
Living in France, I think it I possible. in France we stand very strongly on laicity, which means that I shouldn't be able to tell what's your religion in public places. that means no crucibles, no hijabs, no kippas, nothing. And this is in place since 1789
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