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Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-06-23 03:28:14

Level 62
INcluding me
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-06-23 03:31:01

Kenghis Ghan 
Level 61
Maybe they want to try something else. You have to play thousands of games to get there.
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-06-23 03:40:08

Level 60
i guess it's it time to say gg to you mr.riskyboy.
I'm guess you get bored out of everything at a point. I have seen people returning but they have a very laid back playstyle then.
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-06-23 03:40:45

Level 62
haa i left for 2 years when i was level 17 and then 2 months at level 33
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-06-23 03:56:59

Level 59
because it's time to stop
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-06-23 04:01:37

Level 62
B/c there's nothing left to "accomplish" at Level 61.

All the content has been unlocked, you've already got the "glory" level announcements in global chat of getting to L60 and L61, and getting to L62 and beyond takes a ridic amount of XP.

So at that point, you either love the game and keep playing (many do) or you realize that part of your love for the game was having something left to accomplish, and since you have nothing left, you get bored and quit.

Now of course "accomplishments" could also be the actual achievements, or getting 1st place on ladders, or winning coins, etc ... and some people stay for that. But if you're not good enough, that doesn't last long, so those accomplishments become unreachable, and same result = bored/give up.
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-06-23 13:20:16

Level 60
I think after level 61, people just play the game for pleasure. Say, to win coins, create tourneys, start events, etc...
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-06-23 14:07:39

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
I agree with Viking. The game wasn't really enjoyable at level 59 and nowadays creating tourneys makes me happy.
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-06-23 14:10:32

Level 40
No reason. A tiny coincidence.
Have a good day!

Boka B
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-07-06 08:39:02

Level 55
we are all different right from the off I have only played for pleasure but I have met some who play certain fast games again and again to simply get their ranking up
Seems to me an incredibly tedious way to spend time
But if that is what they enjoy good luck to them
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-07-07 23:20:34

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
am i the only one to not care about my level?
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-07-07 23:22:05

Master Activision
Level 60
I look at level as age. Im "57" soon to retire. players at 61 are those with heart failure and brain injury and can not continue further yet there are still players who are strong enough to push forward;)
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-07-07 23:23:41

Level 57
Note quite. I couldn't care less about my level now.
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-07-07 23:24:21

Master Activision
Level 60
oh come on your gonna just ruin a perfectly good joke? ass......
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-07-08 02:11:20

Level 60
sees that I'm one level away from 61

sweats nervously
Why do so many players go inactive at level 61?: 2020-07-08 02:34:25

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
I have pushed into the beyond! HAHAHAHAHA
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