I've met so many people in the best country in the world, United States And the worst people that come to mind are homeless, vegans, politicians, southerners, women, and alcoholics I just don't understand what's so hard with stopping drinking at all Like it's not hard Why don't you just admit you lack will or personal responsibility Why are we allowed to make fun of these other groups, but we can't shame these alcoholics because they have a "disease"
I feel the same with obesity, if people could openly shame fat people, I doubt we would have that many Sure you can argue if it's a disease or not, but it doesn't matter Having a disease is no excuse, I don't care if you eat yourself to death or drink your kidneys until they stop working like a homeless But the thing is that you must stop telling me I can't shame you, STOP IT NOW
YOUR actions are more HARMFUL than MY words, and this is a fact
I believe the right to shame is closer to moral law than almost anything else, regardless if it makes someone feel bad, it is the effect that makes it moral
Why are alcoholics so looked down upon?: 2020-05-19 05:09:45
Bro I think you're coming at this the wrong way - instead of shaming everyone regardless of whether it's a health condition or not, how about not shaming anyone? That would be much more healthy for society.
Why are alcoholics so looked down upon?: 2020-05-19 06:27:49
If you haven’t heard already, lockdown makes people either have more or have less. It’s one of the two extremes.
If you haven’t been on a night out then you wouldn’t understand their perspective. Being round at a friend’s place and playing card games (that involves beverages) is fun as well. It’s about the experience.
Tbh I don’t have anything against anyone unless they do something against me (directly or indirectly).
Why are alcoholics so looked down upon?: 2020-05-19 07:18:02
You can have your preferences, like and hate certain people and all. Just respect, or at least tolerate, people and groups you don't like. As in, don't break the nose of the next alcoholic you see, for example.
Why are alcoholics so looked down upon?: 2020-05-21 00:58:51