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Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-12 14:22:04

Level 60
Who do you appreciate in WZ and why?
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-12 14:27:24

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
Can I name multiple players?
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-12 14:28:07

Level 60
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-12 14:39:43

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
Most people from GG and GGr, they're nice people.

Viking1007 for the same reason.
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-12 15:36:39

Level 59
Bane for being edgy, also loli for anime
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-13 17:49:34

Level 60
Woah, someone noticed me.
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-13 21:50:27

Level 62
*viking forgets his membership*


cmon buddy did you forget who got it for you
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-13 21:56:01

Level 62
I appreciate:

Lietchenstiener ( nice game ideas)
LND (lots of reasons)
GeniusJKlopp (getting me interested in coins)
Candycaned (1 million of my XP is from you)
issac+ The donkey ( Hong Kong team)
JK***3+ XanderV49 ( for cleveryly masking being alts)
Lord Firte ( loved your games)
Pepe the great (PM me if you want to know)
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-13 22:53:18

Level 60
well i appreciate everyone except myself

dont need an ego

Edited 5/13/2020 22:53:33
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-13 23:53:04

Level 60
Riskboy, why why why do you always think I forgot the membership u bought me??? I will never forget
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-14 00:25:26

Level 60
I appreciate:
Liechtensteiner, for starting this thread and getting some positivity in here. ;)
JK_3, riskboy88, Pepe the Great, DarkKing121, Miegokhan, for helping me out with running TLA (especially JK)
All those people who give selflessly to make WZ more awesome by running events for us; Cowboy, Ekstone, -B, etc. ...
Viking, for promising to join TLA one day...
All my TLA boys (and girls ;) ) for being awesome!
And many others who aren't coming to my mind right now...

Edited 5/14/2020 00:26:11
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-14 05:14:33

Level 60
I guess I should put who I appreciate in here too:

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand Prinz von Preußen (for bringing fun to the community with his trivia bot)
{TLA} LND (for inviting me to a clan that actually does things and for organizing those things)
John (for being the first irl friend of mine who plays this game)
DanWL, JK_3, krinid, and Leia - Warrior Princess (for bringing life and fun to the WZ global chat)
Fizzer (for actually making this game(obviously))
Lord Flirte (for giving me the inspiration to create my own fun WZ game ideas)
MAK, LimeL, EnderCat222, Captain Jack, and so many others (for participating in those fun wz game ideas and providing good insight)
riskboy88 (for participating in those fun WZ game ideas and for generously raffling off lifetime memberships)
RaffleBot and Efra Yezdana (for generously giving coins to the community through raffles)
TIO*-*END (for holding that “around the world” event that he is doing)
Shredtail2 (for making the Liechtenstein map)

*There will definitely be more to come.

Thank you all!
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-14 05:25:34

to be deactivated
Level 57
the indian
the french
the russian
the bulgarian
the agmerican
the german
the dutch
the other indian
the other german
the other dutch
the brit
the chijanese
the other brit
the taiwanese
the american
the mexican
the italian
the brazilian
the other mexican (just to be clear i'm talking about Marcus Aurelius)
the other american
the <censored hate speech> american
the other <censored hate speech> american
the most awesome american
the irish
the other french
the swiss
the bread
the one

and of course Rufus and the other other other american and the other other other other american why not

Edited 5/14/2020 05:39:35
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-14 09:20:52

Level 60
"Viking, for promising to join TLA one day..."

Viking Promised What (suprised)

(i wish i recorded my reaction to this as typing it it sounds broken)
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-14 11:08:53

Level 60
Viking, for promising to join TLA one day...

Wait, what? I don't remember ever saying that.🤔... Did I say that or are you just making it up?
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-15 14:39:26

Level 60
I guess there isn’t much appreciation here then.....
Player Appreciation Page: 2020-05-16 00:35:46

Level 60
I may have been confusing my fantasies with realities in that, Viking... But you could make my dream come true...?
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