Hello nephews.
I present to you all my new project.
I created this project with the purpose of presenting all WARZONE maps to the clan players that I am.
This project worked very well on the clan I am.
So I am presenting this project to you.
* The project is very simple:
1 - The order of the maps to be played is increasing.
Starts from the smallest maps to the largest.
Uses WARZONE map page ordering itself
https://www.warzone.com/MapsFilter: All Maps
Sort: Number of Territories
Per page: All
* On maps with less than 6 territories:
We create matches and place 2 clan players.
* On maps with 6 territories or more:
We create matches and place players equal to half of the map territories.
Map with 6 territories => We put 3 players
20 Territories Map => We put 10 players
Map with more than 80 territories => We put 40 players.
This way each player will receive at least 2 territories.
* Benefits of this project:
- Lots of fun, togetherness and interactivity between clan members.
Possibility of clan players' abilities to evolve by mixing different levels of players that can help each other evolve.
- Knowledge of all WARZONE maps
* External Departures
There is also the possibility to play external games.
I'm playing outside matches and playing with WARZONE multiplayer.
If you have questions about how to deploy, look for me via private message.
I'll link to some matches I win.
Big hug.
Edited 1/24/2020 13:25:47