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Simple mod request: 2019-10-08 16:34:20

Level 39
Could someone please make a mod that simply makes AI incapable of attacking tiles?

I want to make it so that booted players are less of a power vacuum by having their AI replacements deploy troops, without needing to worry about the diplo-shattering effect of newly-AI's attacking the former player's allies and whatnot. Also: this way booted players/surrendered players can come back as the AI, if they were just gone for an excessive week by accident.

The Advanced diplo mod already has this feature, but a standalone of this would be amazing.

Thank you in advance to anyone willing to work on it.
Simple mod request: 2019-10-08 16:46:34

Level 57
What would really be nice is flexible teams. Like fixed teams in multiplayer, except players can join and leave and create teams.
Simple mod request: 2019-10-08 17:17:27

Level 63
Is the booted human AI player meant to be in the game but do nothing whatsoever?

@goodgame, you should start a new thread for that idea
Simple mod request: 2019-10-08 17:30:28

Level 57
I did, didn't get much attention.
Simple mod request: 2019-10-08 17:32:32

Level 62
How does the Advanced diplo mod solve this problem?

I'm not arguing that it doesn't - just trying to understand how it does.
Simple mod request: 2019-10-08 17:41:07

Level 64

Warzone Creator
This would indeed be a very easy mod to write. For each order, simply check if it's an attack, and check if it's an AI player, and if so skip the order. If anyone is looking at getting into mod creation, this would be a good intro.
Simple mod request: 2019-10-08 18:20:45

Level 60
Not sure if Dan was thinking of making the mod, but I can look it. Might as well work on something fun instead of listening to my chem lecture :P

Would you like all AIs incapable of attacking? Or just AIs from players that have booted/surr'd?

Are the AIs also allowed to attack neutrals?

Edited 10/8/2019 19:00:38
Simple mod request: 2019-10-08 20:24:14

Level 60
Are the AIs also allowed to attack neutrals?

Maybe have this as an option in the mod, so the game creator can choose.
Simple mod request: 2019-10-09 01:51:55

Level 60

Can I get one or two people to help me test this? You will need to be a member (and preferably know how to use experimental mods).

Mail me if you are interested. It shouldn't take long; although knowing me and writing this while half asleep after thinking about DFAs, probably a couple bugs :)
Simple mod request: 2019-10-13 00:41:12

Pyotr Krasnov 
Level 46
i used advance diplo mod for this
Simple mod request: 2019-10-13 00:43:53

Level 60
hello. Viking speaking.

if any of you would like to buy me a membership, thanks

over and out,

Edited 10/13/2019 00:43:59
Simple mod request: 2019-10-13 00:45:30

Level 60
ok, yes. I believe that would be an easy mod for fizzer to make.

also, is reporting a player for not accepting a surrender acceptable?

i am in no games like that, but im just asking for future reference,

I know this is a stupid question, but if you play an emergency blockade card, is it possible to airlift armies to a territory then emergency blockade it on the same exact turn.

is it possible to airlift some armies from a territory, but leave some armies behind and play an emergency blockade the same turn? or would all the armies become emergency blockade? short version - what comes first: emergency blockade or airlift card?

Edited 10/13/2019 00:51:30
Simple mod request: 2019-10-13 09:20:35

Level 60
also, is reporting a player for not accepting a surrender acceptable?

Under current rules, the report will be ignored.

I know this is a stupid question, but if you play an emergency blockade card, is it possible to airlift armies to a territory then emergency blockade it on the same exact turn.

Airlifts happens after EBC. You can check the wiki for common questions like this.
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