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Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/5/2019 21:23:20

Level 61
Can you make sure to do 1v1s as team games? This allows people to make notes in team chat
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/5/2019 21:36:24

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Do you need to be registered on the CLOT to be on the roster?
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/5/2019 21:52:29

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
@chris Will do.

@LF Yes. This will prevent confusion when you try to sub a player in.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/5/2019 22:54:52

Level 60
So everyone on my team needs to register?
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/6/2019 01:37:07

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Yes, it is required for the game to be able to create the game between the players.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/6/2019 01:42:57

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
On discord - https://discord.gg/mA2BnFp
You can now check who has logged in on the clot by using the command bb!clan followed by the clan # in #bot-chat . You can find a list of clan IDs in #clan-id-list.

If you aren't on discord, pm me and I will get you the list of players who have joined.

Note : If you get your roster submitted early we will be able to help you in trying to get everyone on your roster to join the CLOT. If you wait until the deadline, it is expected that you have gotten everyone to join then by yourself.

Edited 12/6/2019 01:43:27
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/7/2019 03:47:49

Level 61
But you can type in team chat in 1v1s as well?
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/7/2019 04:27:05

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Yes. Did you not know that?
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/7/2019 09:12:21

Level 61
Then why did chris mention this? "Can you make sure to do 1v1s as team games? This allows people to make notes in team chat"
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/7/2019 10:08:23

Level 60
Since it is easy to mess up/forget so he probably meant it as a reminder. In fact, if you use UJS, you can't do it anymore :(

You are diving your players into teams of 2, yet you only added 2 players. You should add at least 4 players or change the team setup.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/7/2019 22:43:31

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Because if you create a game as a standard 1v1, there is no team chat.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/8/2019 08:14:46

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
What's the changed template for Landria 1v1?
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/8/2019 09:49:56

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
previously the Landria template was suggested with "no cards"

the more known and more popular variant is with block and gift cards - - > "with cards"

the template has been changed from "no cards" to "with cards"
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/8/2019 09:52:10

Level 28
Is changing the template allowed?

Edited 12/8/2019 10:06:23
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/8/2019 15:28:04

Level 62
I proposed Landria template with cards to vote on QM if anyone are interested to practice it.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/8/2019 16:15:04

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
I compiled the votes of clans, and while I didn't get everyone's vote in, the majority requested with cards. In fact all clans that voted requested with cards.
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/8/2019 16:50:17

Level 57
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/8/2019 17:18:35

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Current CLOT signups by clan:

Clan 22 : SNinja
28: TBestLittleHelper
10: rakleader
147: Hergul
211: max™

Clan 5 : [Lynx]
33: Jo Jo
96: krunx
145: Rento
258: alexclusive

Clan 13 : Outlaws
43: Krzysztof
70: Njord
73: Bonsai
93: Terence Kill
83: Cendity
74: Tainted Monk
90: georgie
26: Maschder
72: Platinum
76: Stales78
88: ZZA
146: schwarz
152: aoc
154: snoesnoe
253: Edge
259: Arcturus
276: Odin

Clan 8 : ONE!
23: Adreso
42: Ekstone
16: Muli
39: malakkan
69: tornado
22: Pardon99
8: Beren • apex
18: FiveStarGeneral

Clan 18 : [WG]
31: GuestNWHSzY
30: [WG] Reza
225: Super Smoove
226: The Joey
228: Andersault
230: Great Expanse
231: Summer
236: ChrisCMU
265: clivan

Clan 29 : Apprentice
41: Chotta Bheem
14: sloppyfatginger
29: {{NeRo}}
6: Cowboy
17: mtt
92: PhucilliJerry
2: Meldarion
15: Min34
63: master of desaster
19: Koopa Troopa
1: -B
203: Jaesar
256: surdiac
198: Marcus Aurelius

Clan 10 : |GG|
134: ADHDnl
66: линберсон
21: linberson
133: Jack attack
136: awesomeusername
138: Po1onius
144: Mike |GG|
197: Ctrl Alt Delete ♦ ɌeLite ♦
141: bzox
196: Soldier of Orange

Clan 41 : Statisticians
233: Math Wolf

Clan 9 : M'Hunters
3: TBest
200: DrApe
215: Mylo
216: Jack
266: Sakata Gintoki
269: AJ Chiller
221: Rogue NK
271: Ollie
272: Digital
273: Emu Pub
274: Leopard
275: JeyKey

Clan 34 : Fifth Column Confederation
36: TianO
38: NanoMidget【𝓒𝓡𝓔𝓦
49: [FCC]dman
65: Innerspeaker
7: IRiseYouFall
27: Xenophon
4: Aura Guardian
67: Guy Incognito
24: MGO
40: SuperGamerz
84: PowerB®
51: FalerCZ
37: Checkmqte
85: Octane
159: Ƨillynamenace
143: ps-ews

Clan 1: CORP
13: s1gmoyd
50: Nemo
80: Ragnar Lothbrok
32: machine-washed bliss
77: Lionheart
227: Dutch Desire
232: Garlikid D. Ven
234: Sixpointer
238: dry-clean-only
142: KKND
218: Baer

Clan 3 : {101st}
34: Derfellios
20: ARand0mPlayer
61: JustinR17
242: riskboy88
251: criba86
264: Half Moon

Clan 23 : HAWKS
55: J.P.
53: T54321
45: Viking1007
44: (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!!
235: Axl
240: Thor
151: Brak
224: TurboTT117

Clan 19 : [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos
260: [V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
261: Tiberio Nero Claudio Cesar
239: Glass
241: Chazz Michael Michaels
213: lineal2012
248: Andre Laufmöller
250: Vindude
263: Le Count H

Clan 43 : [Blitz]
35: B's Custom Tournaments
25: Farah♦
54: Jefferspin
11: Leader Rak
254: Ares
255: Banana
257: allusernamesaretaken12

Clan 36 : Brothers in Arms
131: Martell

Clan 11 : Celtica

Clan 49 : Discovery
5: Nicforth
139: Xeno
156: Zradce
157: BST
163: Apple

Clan 60 : Varangian Guard

Clan 21 : Hydra

Clan 69 : [REGL] The Red Eagles
209: NecessaryEagle
214: The Mezaster
219: Exiltibeter
220: Santa Claus
267: Alex Trevell

Clan 25 : [BR] FUDEW

Clan 28 : German Warlords
148: Totodem

Clan 82 : French Community

Clan 95 : Lu Fredd
91: NoName 2.1
222: Johnnygoodboy
229: KaitoS
223: Samwise
237: A.I.
262: Carolus
217: We ride!
247: sanjo91
252: Taji
268: JuandeSoto

Clan 274 : Polish Eagles
155: Lew
57: Menda

Clan 40 : The Last Alliance
82: DarkKing121
212: LND
243: The Lord of Fire
244: Koen27
245: pumpkins
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/8/2019 17:45:22

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
CLOT login numbers per clan.
Must have at least 6 to play.
This list includes all players,  including ineligible ones,  please check your list to see who you have on your roster

Outlaws : 17
Fifth Column Confederation: 16
Apprentice : 14
M'Hunters : 12
CORP : 11
|GG| : 10
Lu fredd :10
[WG] : 9
ONE! : 8
 [V.I.W] Very Important Weirdos : 8
{101st} : 7
[Blitz] : 7
Discovery : 5
[REGL] The Red Eagles : 5
The Last Alliance : 5
SNinja : 4
Lynx : 4
Polish Eagles : 2
Statisticians : 1
Brothers in Arms : 1
German Warlords : 1
Celtica : 0
Varangian Guard : 0
Hydra : 0
[BR] FUDEW : 0
French Community : 0
Clan League 12 Official Thread: 12/9/2019 21:36:33

FC Bayern 
Level 69
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