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Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-04 19:10:09

Level 63
I would suggest that a Warzone Lottery was put in place.
Once every week a completely random account receives 5000 coins.
Only requirement for winning is that the account was active in the past 6 months.

I figured it would be a great addition to the !raffle we have in chat and the wheel in the app.

People are rightfully concerned about ruining the Warzone econemy by flooding it with coins. Those problems can be fixed by lowering the price to 1100 coins. The lottery should also be hold only once a month, with players paying a small fee (5 coins) to join.

In my opinion the price should be higher than the 1000 coins max price on the coin wheel, unless there are less than 220 players in the lottery. If so, the price should be the coins invested by all the players minus 100 coins so the lottery always makes a profit.

Edited 9/5/2019 08:56:26
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-04 19:53:14

Level 62
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-04 20:10:20

Level 57
Put this in uservoice, it's a good idea.
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-04 20:10:47

Level 62
5000 Coins! That’s like giving someone lifetime membership for free! No
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-04 20:24:04

Level 63
@ {101st} Syphen how many coins would you suggest? Is 1500 better?
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-04 21:51:20

Level 61
Give them 1 coin but make them watch an ad first. Perfect system, let's name it a 'coin wheel'
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-04 21:51:54

The Joey
Level 59
This might dilute the whole point of coins. Generating a liveable income for our god king - Senor Fizzer.

If you starting giving away 5000 coins a week, that will cause inflation in the coin market, mess with the coin ladder, and reduce the incentive to purchase coins from Fizzer for those who actually care about coins (as now there will be plenty of coins out there belonging to players who probably aren't good enough to earn them the hard way -> easy targets for players like Rene Descartes and NoMercy).

Edited 9/4/2019 21:53:08
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 04:35:09

Level 59
Do you know about the Coin Wheel?
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 06:39:27

Level 63
Since the biggest price on the coin wheel is 1000, I would say that 1500 is probably a nice price. Not enough for a membership and lower than the price for winning a ladder, but higher than the max price on the wheel.

To battle the inflation the lottery should be held only a once a month. If it would be once a year the price should be 3000 or so.

EDIT: We could also start a real lottery (where you have to pay to buy tickets, the more tickets you have the more you coins you win when when you account is selected). The chance of your account being selected should be the same for everyone.

Cost could be 10 coins per ticket, payoff 500 coins per ticket.

Edited 9/5/2019 07:01:59
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 07:43:16

Level 62
have every player enter some coins into the lottery to win the total amount of coins. the more coins you put in, the more chance of winning. for example, let's name 3 players A,B, and C. A will have A/A+B+C chance of winning A+B+C coins. the more coins you put in, the more likely you are to win the total coins.
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 07:43:19

Level 59
Why though?
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 07:53:10

Level 63
@riskboy88 I don't like to have the chance of winning tied to the number of coins you put in, so that poor players have an equal chance of winning.
You could set up to produce a greater payoff if you invested more coins, which would be more fair in my opinion.
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 07:54:23

Level 62
True.... but imagine a lv 5 player who invested 1 coin taking ALL of rene's wealth.... imagine that
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 07:54:34

Level 62
Sorry rene, no offence
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 07:56:42

Level 63
To prevent that from happening there should be a fixed payoff (based on coins invested by winning player) instead of it being tied to the total amount of coins invested by all players.
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 07:57:22

Level 62
Maybe the chat and Rafflebot was to make the community more active, if that is the case then using the points per 30 days would be an option..... or maybe have the winner make a promise that they will play at least 20 coin games in a month or they would lose all their coins
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 08:00:01

Level 63
Assuming that by points you mean points won in last 30 days, it would be unfair for active but bad players.
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 08:01:03

Level 62
true. we should make a base limit of Points per month, say 250,000 points, to join the lottery
Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 08:05:51

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Super stupid idea.

This game was designed by Fizzer and he earns his whole money with this.
It's already way too cheap (you can basically use EVERY function of the game without having to pay anything and you have absolutely no advantage from paying).
And now you suggest that he should give his income source away for free.
As if the coin wheel wasn't enough.

Start a Warzone Lottery: 2019-09-05 08:11:16

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
+1 AI
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