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Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 01:11:55

Level 64
Since I played the game 20v20 where your color will be probably denied by some other players, I've seen alot of new colors that are not able to be choosen when you are selecting color for your profile.
I was wondering why we are not able to choose these colors, since they are already built in the game? Or atleast to purchase them with coins if they are not free. I've seen some colors like Pink Lace, Peach, Cyan, Mahogany, Apple Green, Goldenrod, Bronze, Rain Forest, Viridian and who knows how many more of them there is... I think it would be a good idea if we would be able to choose these colors or atleast buy them. Also it would be useful for the chat since it would add more colour variety there, because sometimes it get kinda tricky to chat if 2 or more people use the same color. This is just my suggestion, I would like to hear what other Warzoners think about this?
Thank you.
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 01:46:41

Level 60
Pink Lace, Peach, Cyan, Mahogany, Apple Green, Goldenrod, Bronze, Rain Forest, Viridian

For Pink Lace, it was once purchasable but quickly removed as it's too close to neutral. Meaning that it's the rarest color on WZ.

Similarly, most if not all the colors you mentioned are deemed too similar to other colors. That being said, there is a uservocie to make WZ a 50 player game (which does mean making those colors available probably)
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 01:49:10

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
I mean there's 24 basic colours available; with 5 purchaseable ones (out of which black isn't available to pick in 40 player games); that's 28, 12 colours have to be in the game but can't be picked as primary or secondary for 1v1's. I don't know why that is, but if it becomes 50 players that doesn't really guarantee there's more basic colours, it just guarantees that it'll be 22 colours outside of the current primary/secondary colours in the game.
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 05:01:33

Level 64
Have there been any other 50player matches since the intitial one? I know the extra colors were used there.
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 05:08:03

Ryan Doherty 
Level 62
I recommend adding a new colour for 99,000 coins that changes after each turn.
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 07:51:49

Level 63
^that would be very confusing for others to keep up, especially if discussing orders and referring to players by their colour.
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 07:59:23

Level 61
that would be evil. fizzer do it
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 10:11:17

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
or a rainbow colour in which each of your territories gets a different colour :p

If we're being confusing anyway :D

Edited 3/2/2019 10:11:42
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 11:20:53

Level 64
Colorless: you just see the background
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 11:47:57

Level 59
On another acc I made a thread similar to this one and included a poll


We learned that players really enjoyed the "Goldenrod" color, and a couple of other colors. I talked to Fizzer about this too and he seemed interested at first but then stopped replying.

It's all good though, not a big deal. I'm guessing maybe he doesn't want people to be confused by colors that are too similar to others, but there is a lot you can discover using hex code color pickers and I see no reason to even limit our scope to the currently implemented colors.
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 12:30:53

Level 64
I think it’s one of those things where it’s good enough, and not important enough to prioritize it over, say, new features. Remember it’s just FizzDawg tappin’ on the keys.
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 12:39:50

Level 64
haha... multicolor! I want that one!
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 13:44:22

Level 28
Uservoice it.
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-02 18:01:24

The Joey
Level 59
"Fizzdawg tappin' on the keys" Love it.
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-04 12:43:17

Roi Joleil
Level 60
you know Fizzer doesnt rly need to add more colours if it will one day be more than 40 Players (and not just a 1 time special event with 50) if you could customize the colour of the number the amount of variation would be so much greater and the problem with "to similar colours" none existing.
Suggestion: Colors: 2019-03-04 19:15:33

Level 64
That whole thing was one sentence.
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