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Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-27 15:12:16

Level 64
I've created a new CLOT which is a multi-day ladder based on 35+ 1v1 templates. All games honor vacations and have a 3 day auto-boot.

Check it out @ http://md-ladder.cloudapp.net/

If you have me on your blacklist, you will not be able to join this ladder, as the CLOT creates games from my WL account.

Once you have joined this ladder, you will be invited to games. You have to explicitly join these games as I cannot force-join you. If you decline, fail to join within 3 days or vote to end a game, it may count as a loss against you.

Do not join this ladder with multiple accounts. If caught multi-accounting, I reserve the right to ban you from this ladder.

It is still a work in progress and I have some more features I'd like to add. If you find any bugs, have any suggestions or just found this cool, please drop comments on this thread :)

How to join :

Choose Number of games you want to play:

Veto templates :
For a detailed description of how vetoes work, please see

On your player page:

  • Are there any requirements to join this ladder?
    Any player who has unlocked all the settings and maps used on this ladder can join. As far as I can tell, the minimum level is 53. If you have an old grandfathered account or have purchased the strategy and map packs, then you should be able to join regardless of your level.
    If you're on vacation, the ladder will automatically remove you. You will have to rejoin once you get back.

  • How are games allocated?
    Games are allocated amongst players currently joined on the ladder. The ladder tries to pair similar players together.

  • How frequently are games scheduled?
    Games are scheduled every 2 hours.

  • How is my next opponent determined?
    From the list of players currently active on the ladder, you may be randomly assigned an opponent within a range of R-20 to R+20. Players are ordered on rating.

  • How often can I play the same opponent?
    Two players can play against each other once every 5 days.

  • How are players ranked?
    Players are ranked on this ladder using the Elo Rating algorithm. A detailed explanation can be found at https://metinmediamath.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/how-to-calculate-the-elo-rating-including-example/.

    I'm currently considering if I should switch to Bayesian Elo(which is what Fizzer uses on the 1v1/2v2/3v3 ladders). If such a switch is made, the ratings may change a bit, but hopefully the impact is minimal as there are very few finished games.

Thanks to Fizzer for all his work on Warlight and the inclusion of the CLOT framework for others to extend.

Master Farah♦ for creating all the templates!

Edited 11/18/2016 02:02:25
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-27 15:12:43

Level 64
I'll edit my first post based on any questions/feedback.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-27 16:00:09

Level 63
How many games do you need complete before you get a rank?
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-27 16:01:41

Level 64
20 games to get a rank. Games expire after 5 months.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-27 16:07:36

Level 61
I'm missing something. If the games are created from your account, why does the partaker need to have evrything unlocked?
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-27 16:24:11

Level 61
the quantity of different templates is a big overwhelming to be able to master them all.

may i suggest some template veto functionality?

Edited 10/27/2016 16:25:26
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-27 16:31:23

Level 64
I'm missing something. If the games are created from your account, why does the partaker need to have evrything unlocked?

Because of the way Warlight APIs work. I cannot invite someone to a game in an automated fashion when they haven't unlocked the feature as it is considered a 'hack' to overcome the feature unlocking system on WL.

the quantity of different templates is a big overwhelming to be able to master them all.

may i suggest some template veto functionality?

Already on my backlog. Hoping to get to it after resolving the rating system and fixing bugs.

Edited 10/27/2016 16:31:53
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-27 16:32:00

master of desaster 
Level 66

@ps motd will do that soon with 3/5 templates as veto he said

Edit: motd was faster already :D

Edited 10/27/2016 16:32:27
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-27 16:33:29

Level 62
I second ps suggestion, letting players to veto some templates would be nice

btw some templates are practice (e.g. https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=12194730), please change them to ranked
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-27 21:00:14

Master Turtle 
Level 62
Just out of curiousity (not complaining) but is the 1v1 British Raj supposed to be played with WR or SR? I've recently played it with WR but the template on this ladder is using SR. Just curious if this was intended or not.... I like both.

Thanks for creating this, I'll enjoy playing on it.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-27 21:03:38

Cata Cauda
Level 59
Just a minor bug:

Apparently the UI doesnt scale correctly on smaller screens (1366 x 768)
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-28 01:39:33

Level 60
The real question: How long before ELO problems/GAE problems kick in and it's unusable?
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-28 02:05:43

Level 64
btw some templates are practice (e.g. https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=12194730), please change them to ranked
Changed this template to ranked. If you find any others, please let me know.

Just out of curiousity (not complaining) but is the 1v1 British Raj supposed to be played with WR or SR? I've recently played it with WR but the template on this ladder is using SR. Just curious if this was intended or not.... I like both.
It was intended to be WR. Thanks for pointing it out. Fixed now.

Apparently the UI doesnt scale correctly on smaller screens (1366 x 768)
Sorry about that. As you can clearly tell, I'm not great with UI :P
I've pushed a change which improves the experience a bit. Still not perfect, but much better.

The real question: How long before ELO problems/GAE problems kick in and it's unusable?

This CLOT isn't hosted on GAE. It's hosted on a VM which I pay 35$ a month for. So it better not die.
The previous CLOT used a 3rd party library and was based on True Skill. This one is based on Elo and written by me. However, I'm not a math expert and it may well fail. I'm currently experimenting with Bayesian Elo. So we'll just wait and see I suppose.

Edited 10/28/2016 02:08:37
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-28 08:06:24

Level 62
First post says that
Games are scheduled every 2 hours.
and on the ladder page we can read
Games are scheduled every 3 hours.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-28 13:18:23

Level 61
Small bug that I found: I tried to sign up on mobile. The interface looked good, but the join ladder button didn't work. I had to switch to browser mode and only then I could join.

Edited 10/28/2016 13:18:44
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-28 14:22:11

Level 64
First post says that
Games are scheduled every 2 hours.
and on the ladder page we can read
Games are scheduled every 3 hours.
Fixed the ladder page.

Small bug that I found: I tried to sign up on mobile. The interface looked good, but the join ladder button didn't work. I had to switch to browser mode and only then I could join.
I tried to make it mobile friendly as much a possible. Try rotating the device to see if it works. Something seems to overlap the join button on the phone, and I haven't figured out why.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-28 15:27:46

Level 61
I tried rotating it, but that didn't work.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-28 15:50:29

Level 64
Something seems to overlap the join button on the phone

If you add this to your button, it should work fine everywhere.
    position: relative;
    z-index: 1;
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-28 16:12:09

Level 63
Just out of curiousity (not complaining) but is the 1v1 British Raj supposed to be played with WR or SR? I've recently played it with WR but the template on this ladder is using SR. Just curious if this was intended or not.... I like both.

It was intended to be WR. Thanks for pointing it out. Fixed now.

British Raj SR is a lot better imo.
Multi-day ladder: 2016-10-28 16:34:12

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
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