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Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 03:43:05

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 07:22:29

Level 63
Anyone able to see where the new premium colours are hiding? They're not listed in the colour change screen where the other premium colours can be purchased.

The upcoming clan cap & Clan Wars changes sound interesting. But seems like it will only be beneficial to play more than 25 games if you're results in the first 25 were sub-optimal compared to your clan expected WR. If you won all 25 games, you absolutely have nothing to gain and you have up to 1/2 the points to lose by playing more games. Not sure if that's the intent. Seems like this would still lead clan leaders to have to manage players so as not to diminish their point haul for a given day, so it's not quite "Clan Wars is for Everyone" b/c clans will be wary of playing games beyond #25 at risk of worsening their result for the day.

It's an odd dynamic where games #1-25 can only increase your point count, never decrease it, but once you cross over to #26 and beyond, now you can reduce the value of the games already won.

So for a clan with a 50% WR, if you already won 13 of 25 games that day, you're already than the expected 50% so playing more games is more risky than just accepting the 13 points as-is.
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 08:17:01

Level 63
Had to test it out ... if you drain a merc camp, you have to refresh browser or go back to map page then reenter the level for the empty merc camp to disappear from the list; and then if you click the merc camp on the map and click Find, it brings up the Army Camp/Hospital/Merc Camp tab and just stops (b/c there's no merc camp to highlight/flash)
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 11:48:58

Level 63
Krinid I think going 25/25 even for the best clans is very unlikely. Sure, of you have done better than your awerage winrate on the first 25 games more games might actually bring your score down, but I think for majority of clans this is not an issue.

I personally think the update is great and helps the lifes of everyone (except those that want to try to optimize their CW points every way possible). It makes it more skill than activity based, as you only need 25 players per day to play to be competitive, and the players can even change between days. At the same time it makes it possible for bigger clans to play with their full roster. For example I can't play CW regularly, so I haven't played in a long time. This update will probably bring me back to playing once in a while.
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 11:51:47

Level 60
Ngl this seems like one of the first updates in a long time that actually brought out features that the community wanted - big win for Fizzer! 🥳 The feature request forum seems to be serving its purpose well.

That's an interesting point about CW, krinid.
I haven't thought about it much, at first glance I think that it's a step in the right direction.
Cap increase - great! Not as big of a change as we might have hoped, but better than nothing!
No player limit on CW - fantastic imo, great for more casual clans at least that just want to have lots of people playing! CW try-hard clans might complain that it makes performance standards harder to maintain. I agree with Naviiso that try-hard clans are probably the only ones that won't like this update.
New points system - I think the intent behind this is good, remains to be seen if it executes as well as intended.

Edited 8/21/2024 11:56:00
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 12:05:14

Level 60
thanks for killing cw for the active clans now only 25 players can play if there are 26 your winning point is suddelnly worth nothing because the winning points are worth alot less
so active clans now are just gonne let 25 players play the cw and the rest can go look for other clans to can play cw
you better make the clans now max25 players
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 12:35:49

old yeller 
Level 59
the majority of players in wz are not great. the new system creates conditions that make it logical to ask them not to participate. what about players only available later to n the day, do they need to consider the clan’s record so far and whether they will hurt the clan? the new system discourages casual player who do it for fun (like me) from participating.
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 12:41:08

Level 62
I think tryhard clans are always going to tryhard, this doesn't change that, for more relaxed clans it allows everyone to join in and also share the rewards, which is a big plus for idle players in large clans I would guess.
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 12:43:33

Level 54
But if they don’t do well their won’t be any idle rewards for them.
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 12:44:31

Level 62
well, yeah, you still have to win the one game. Tbh the big downside of this is for clans that tryhard with significant player level disparity, so I'm not surprised most of the complaints so far come from Harmony.

Edited 8/21/2024 12:46:16
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 13:00:10

old yeller 
Level 59
the reason for harmony complaints.

we work very hard within the current system to increase our rank. about 1.5-2 years ago we were finishing 5/6/7. we told new members “all we ask is regular participation, we don’t care about your skill level”. so over a year of our efforts is now useless because skill level will count. i play very often because i enjoy it, the new way discourages me from play for fear of hurting the clan.
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 13:20:58

Level 57
I am not sure what the clan wars update intends to accomplish. Only 2 clans are exceeding 25 games per day this season. Only 3 clans have a full 40 player roster. The biggest reason why participation is not increasing is because the reward for incremental effort does not exist unless you happen to be in a handful of clans that had a chance at second.

This might open second place to more competition, so that may be an improvement. But there are fundamental problems not being solved, which will tend to attenuate any possible benefits.
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 13:41:18

Level 54
I think that it will give a advantage to the clans with less then 25 games per day because their wins will be worth much more now with less total points per day. And seasons will be much longer if the maps stay the same size.
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 13:52:20

Level 59
Personal preference for mahogany having white font in the letters as its a dark shade, picture for reference. Rainforest and Mardi Grass have a white font. Goldenrod, Red have black fonts. Not sure whats the general opinion on it though, purely a personal preference.

Thanks for the update regardless, like the changes. I have a question about how wins are calculated beyond 25 participants, is the number rounded up and down or are are the "Clan War Points" values with decimals.

for example a clan having 20 wins in 38 games a random day adds up to 10.52 clan war points. is that 10.52 or 11

Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 14:29:15

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
[post in wrong thread]

Edited 8/21/2024 18:29:36
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 14:30:52

Level 65
Wouldn't most of the concerns above be solved if instead of an average of all games played, the best 25 games were to count? If MB plays 40 games, wins 25 and gets 100% of possible points, that still seems fine to me because they are getting hard matchups and would otherwise be forced to make more than daily complicated calculations to optimize. I don't think we'll have the problem that more than one clan wins 25 points every single day till the end of the season; however, for that scenario you can add the tie breaker that whichever clan has fewer losses obtains the higher rank.
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 14:32:15

Level 64
What I did like about clan wars was that losses did help.
So everyone could participate and it was good.
Playing was better than not playing.

Now with the new update players who lose more than the rest will have to sit out.
I think that takes some fun out of it.
Having to remove the "bad" players cause you want max points with the system.

So in that aspect I dont like the update.
Its easier to maintain a group of 30 instead of 40 though.
And it makes it easier to not play which also is good.
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 14:33:49

Level 65
(I just noticed that you can play as many daily games as you want now. That kind of devalues my proposition/makes it require editing, because that means any winrate could be enough for full points if you have enough players. So you'd have to set some limit on slots again to have that work, which Fizzer doesn't want I think.)
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 14:34:40

Level 65
I agree with you, Flex, but as someone above pointed out, that concerns only two (!!!) clans in the entire game that have a higher average than 25 games per day as of now. So as a whole, I think it can count as a step in the right direction, making skill more relevant.

Edited 8/21/2024 14:35:52
Update 5.29 discussion: 2024-08-21 14:35:56

Level 64
@alex - I think what you suggest is easier to understand and better.
(and I didnt write this cause you wrote you agree with me hehe )

Although what I think is most important is that all clans have same clan size and chances to build community.
Thats the biggest issue I think today for new clans.

As far as I know MB is doing ok but others just stop with their new clans and moves to old clans.
Which makes the communitybuilding for new clans a terrible experience.

Not sure if this get fixed with the update.

Edited 8/21/2024 14:36:25
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